Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 615: Back to space

In front of the plane that obscured the sky, there was Freedom Gundam and Covenant Gundam.

Apart from that, there is nothing else.

"Aub, is there no strength to resist our attack? Humph, it took a lot of work."

Murta Yazlar sneered.

After intense rush repairs, bans, and seizures, Calamity Gundam has been repaired.

However, as their pilots, Shani and Crot's injuries will not affect the continued driving of the fuselage, but Olga, the pilot of Calamity Gundam, is much more serious.

From the moment he was rescued and sent to the operating room, he has not been able to get out of the operating room until now.

On the way, Murta Yazlar received several critical illness notices.

Although the operation is still ongoing, Murta Yazlar's heart has already put Olga's death on the end.

"Although it is a tool that can be discarded at any time, but now something goes wrong, it still affects my layout."

Murta Yazlar's gaze looked at the Robber Gundam standing on the deck, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Losing the Calamity Gundam as a fire support, the MS squad built around the three small strong also lost its due function, but still occupied the first place in the attacking force.

Robbery, forbidden, surrounded by the fleet, quickly skimming the sea, skimming the sandy beach of Obben Island, skimming the sky above the city, and heading straight to another island where Huiye is located.

The deserted city and front did not make it easy for the renewed vanguard fleet to attack the short sword MS troops. On the contrary, the pressure accumulated on them also increased as the front advanced.

The performance of Liberty Gundam and Covenant Gundam yesterday is well known.

Especially in the face of Freedom Gundam’s assault dagger, and the Vanguard fighter group that was subsequently fired by Freedom Gundam with colorful cannons, the MS pilots who survived the Freedom Gundam sword, and the Vanguard fighters who survived from the Freedom Gundam gun. I didn't feel a trace of fear at the dead silence in front of me.

The less you can see the remaining forces of Orb, the more it means that Orb has concentrated all the remaining forces to Kaguya, and it also means that the Freedom Gundam that has formed a nightmare in the hearts of the Earth and the many pilots will also be waiting there. The attack of the combined Earth fleet.

That, but the **** of death!

The large number of aircraft groups and mobile suits did not give the pilots a sense of security. On the contrary, they would make them think that the aircraft they were driving was just a fleeting iron coffin!

And among these pilots with all kinds of thoughts in their minds, the cockpit that has always been at the forefront of the army, forbidden Gundam, has the same angry face.

"Where is that guy!! Where is that big lion!!!"

Shani's voice was almost hoarse, and his face was even more terribly distorted.

"If you can't see it here, it should be Huiye's place! Shani, Yazlar told us not to break Huiye!"

Despite the anger, but still under the threat of punishment, Crot, who barely kept a trace of reason, reminded Shani.

"Who cares about that! Olga is dead!! Krote! Even in the operating room, Olga, isn't our destiny being carried out by being wrapped in a bag?"

Shani yelled angrily at the scenes they had seen during training.

As the test product of the taboo experiment carried out by the Earth Alliance to target the adjuster, Shani had seen a person who walked into the operating room alive but was wrapped in a bag.

"Yeah! Olga, dead! But we still have things to do!"

Unlike other pilots, they had the idea of ​​revenge for Olga and also for themselves.

Above the sky is the brilliance of the familiar salvo of colorful cannons.

Under its terrifying power, no matter what kind of attack is, it is impossible to culvert half of it, and some, only the remnant fire and steel corpses that keep falling from the sky.

"The attack is coming! Kira. Since you choose to stay here, then, do your best to protect the Archangel!"


Kira's eyes flickered a few times, and finally Yiyan flew over the Archangel.

Below, the temporary modification of the Archangel has gradually come to an end.

Only a few minutes later, the Archangel will leave the port and rush into space by launching a positron cannon to provide the Archangel with a means of accelerating out of gravity.

During this period, it is natural to be protected by Liberty Gundam and Covenant Gundam.

The fleet can be handled by Freedom Gundam.


"Taking, forbidden... What about disasters?"

Lei Mingkai glanced at the Bandit Gundam and Forbidden Gundam on the radar, but failed to find Calamity Gundam.

In my mind, I thought about it, maybe it was that Calamity Gundam had been destroyed by Freedom Gundam in the previous battle, or pilot Olga had some accident.

Of course, this also means that the battle will become easier.

"Kira! Coming! Robbery and forbidden are up to you!"


Freedom is as high as a light wing, the scene that made the pilots of the Earth Union appear fearful again.


Still afterimages,

Under the pair of gorgeous wings of light, Liberty Gundam seems to be omnipresent, constantly appearing everywhere in this airspace, using colorful cannons to draw death areas filled with flames in this airspace.

In just a short moment, the vanguard fleet, which was propelled by a large fleet, scattered and flew around, using its full strength to escape from the attack range of Freedom Gundam at the fastest speed.

In a blink of an eye, the sky over Hui Ye was full of vanguard fighter planes flying around, and the freedom to chase them was Gundam.

Under the sky where sparks were constantly exploding, and under the cover of the jungle, the pilots of the assault dagger force fast advancing towards Kaguya, when they saw Freedom Gundam chasing Pioneer fighters flying all over the sky, Can not help swallowing.

If there were no vanguard fleets to dispatch, I am afraid it would be their assault daggers that were chased by Freedom Gundam now.

"Speed ​​up! Take advantage of the two terrifying mechs now being entangled."

Fearing that their actions would be discovered, the assault daggers accelerated a little and rushed out of Kaguya.

On the side of Covenant Gundam, it relied on its own quantum virus distribution system to block the actions of taking Gundam and prohibiting Gundam.

"An invisible enemy? Shani! It's the red machine! Can you see it?"

Beams of light shot from mid-to-close distances, interrupting the action of taking Gundam to Liberty Gundam, and also made Crotte realize that besides Liberty Gundam, there is another body that needs to be treated with caution.

"No. I didn't see it!"

Splashes of water continued to explode in front of Forbidden Gundam, and Shani tried his best, but couldn't see Covenant Gundam's figure, so he could only dodge in embarrassment between the continuously blowing water column.

Had it not been for the Forbidden Gundam to have been repaired, I am afraid that under the beam attack of the Covenant Gundam, it would have already followed the footsteps of the Calamity Gundam falling to the seabed.

However, Forbidden Gundam is also so embarrassed.

Kira, who is driving the Covenant Gundam, will not be as fierce as Lei Mingkai, as soon as he hits the key, he will wipe out the threat as quickly as possible.

"Damn it! Damn it! What the **** is going on with that red machine!"

No matter what Krote tried, he could never see the enemy's presence.

It can only dodge around under the attack of Covenant Gundam, and it is impossible to get close to freedom for up to half a minute.

"Freedom Gundam, Covenant Gundam has entangled the enemy's attack! Captain Maru, chance!"

Lacus, who watched the battle in the sky, immediately sent a signal after Liberty Gundam and Covenant Gundam blocked the Vanguard fleet and forbidden to seize the two Gundams.

Maru nodded slightly.

"Archangel, set off! At the same time, launch the Yang Electronic Siege Cannon! Target, in front of the Archangel!"

"Understood! Archangel, go!"

The pure white battleship slowly left the dry dock and rose into the sky toward the blue sky above.

Immediately after the positron cannon was deployed, a dazzling brilliance exploded that was enough to attract most people's eyes.


Another sun rises in the sky at this moment!

At the moment of its appearance, a dazzling light, a strong energy shock wave wrapped the Archangel in it from top to bottom.

At this moment, the Archangel, wrapped in the shock wave formed by the eruption of the positron cannon, seemed to be riding a storm that rushed into space, rushing to the sky at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"That...that's white! It wants to run!"

As soon as the Archangel appeared, it was discovered by the Earth United Fleet.

Surprised, for fear that the remaining forces of Orb would be like this, the Earth Joint Fleet issued a storming order on the spot.

As a result, the assault dagger troops in the jungle no longer conceal their actions, and directly rushed out of the jungle and went straight to the location of Huiye. Moreover, behind the assault dagger, armored vehicles carrying special forces that were the main force in the seizure of the facility followed closely behind them.

"Kay! Below, there is a mobile suit approaching Huiye!"

Lei Mingkai looked away, and he really saw the armored vehicle rushing out of the jungle under the cover of the assault dagger.

The freedom of chasing the vanguard fleet flicked its wings, and after a flicking shot, it flew to the jungle below like a meteor.

At the same time, the colorful cannons buried by countless vanguard fighters were transferred to the target, and all the assault dagger forces that rushed out of the jungle were locked.



The jungle that Liberty Gundam flew over turned into a sea of ​​flames, making the assault daggers no longer able to move forward.


Looking at the sea of ​​fire that buried many companions in the blink of an eye, the assault dagger that hadn't rushed out of the jungle stared blankly at the freedom Gundam flying over the jungle.

The huge disparity in strength quietly tore a gap in the hearts of these surviving pilots.

"Knight! Knight!"

Lei Mingkai suddenly received a communication when he was dealing with the MS troops trying to attack Kaguya.


"Yeah. Things are done! Goodbye!"


In the farewell sound, the figure of Kusanaru appeared on Kaguya's launch pad.

"Kira! Quick! Let's withdraw!"

The time to evacuate has arrived!

Kaguya, who had lost Uzmi and the others, would still explode as the Kusannagi lifted off.

Under Lei Mingkai’s persuasion, he understood that he, and even the existence of the Sahak family, was that Lund Mila Sahak, who existed because of Orb, would not give Kaguya and Dawn Society to The earth unites.

Therefore, she chose the same approach as Uzmi.

The Kusanaru, which was speeding on Kaguya's acceleration orbit like lightning, became the focus of the battlefield, but the Earth united with the fleet of one side, and the MS had no way to stop it.

Because their purpose is to capture Kaguya, not to destroy Kaguya.

Knowing this, Kira kept pushing the Covenant Gundam as close as possible to the Kusanaru that was speeding in orbit.

However, the speed of Covenant Gundam, which was always a step slower, was still a little worse, and he was unable to catch Kusanaru for a long time.

"Kira, catch it!"

At this time, a stream of light passed behind Covenant Gundam, and at the same time it caught Covenant Gundam.

It's Freedom Gundam!

When the brilliant light wings unfolded before Kira’s eyes, Kira suddenly had a kind of horror that, with the help of the pair of light wings, it seemed that she didn’t need to take the Kusanaru to rush into space anymore, just relying on her own horror. Thrust is enough to get Freedom Gundam to get rid of the shackles of gravity and enter the illusion of space.

"Xia Ni! They are leaving! Chase!"

Robber Gundam, who had been entangled by Covenant Gundam for a long time, hurriedly chased him up, but he couldn't catch up with Freedom Gundam at all.

Not to mention the Forbidden Gundam that follows behind.

Or, after this battle, the flying wing-shaped brilliance conveyer will become their nightmare.

No matter how you chase, you can't catch up with the nightmare.

I can only do my best, and I can only watch the frustration of the pair of light wings rushing to the sky.

And this sense of frustration did not end because Kusanaru carried Freedom Gundam and Covenant Gundam rushed into space, but when Kusanaru left the acceleration orbit, two horrible explosions took place one after another in Kaguya, where the Shuguang Society was located. The position is lifted and pushed to a deeper level.

"how is this possible···"

Murta Yazlar stared blankly at the two rays of light that blasted Huiye and Dawn Society into the sky.

"Uzmi Nala Asha! You lunatic!!! Even if you die, will you take Huiye and Dawn Society away!!"

The offensive and defensive battle for Aube is over.

Earth Union has invested countless manpower and material resources to capture Orb, but it has lost its use value.

And all of this, everything, seems to have nothing to do with the teenager who was in the bridge of the crying and fainting.

For her, the "martyrdom" of Uzmi Nala Asha was something she could not accept.

From when she was forcibly taken to the Kusanaru, she never saw her father again, and never contacted her father again, as if Kusanaru was the cage that imprisoned her.

Never let her see her father,

Never let her hear her father's voice,

It wasn't until the moment when the Kusannagi lifted off that Kaguya, who had been swallowed by the dazzling light, was seen by the girl.

Above the void, Liberty Gundam slowly gathered its wings, flew away from the Kusanaru, and landed on the deck of the Archangel.

"Captain Maru, please go to this coordinate. There are people who meet us there!"


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