Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 662: duel!

The silent steel giant once again stood on the wilderness ravaged by gunfire.

   On the shield held by his left hand, a piece of red cloth is fluttering in the wind.


Lei Mingkai looked at the red cloth that was fluttering in the wind, and then looked back at the disbanded first team. When trying to take over the CGS, he was interrupted by the sudden arrival of Graz. Erga them.

   "Galalhorn? Is it really coming?"

   Olga took the binoculars from Takaki and looked at Graz, who was slowly falling in the right distance.

   "Olga, what does that red cloth mean?"

   Olga frowned and touched the back of his head, not knowing how to answer for a while.

   "That means a duel. This Graz pilot seems to want to fight someone between us."

   Lei Mingkai moved his eyes and saw a clue from the flying red cloth.

   The action of this Graz is not unexpected, but its target does not seem to be CGS, or one of Olga and others.

   In the slightly cool breeze, Cronk walked out of the cockpit and stood next to Graz's head monitor.

   At this moment, his gaze was walking along the wilderness all the way, to the base where their Galalhorn actual combat force was defeated, and to the group of people gathered around the gate of CGS.

   Judging from the sparse silhouettes of human figures, this civilian armed base does indeed use a lot of young soldiers.

   In other words, the speculation that Cronk had said to Ain before was correct.

   This made Cronk's right hand holding the megaphone tighten slightly.

Facing the increasingly bitter cold wind, Kronk moved his gaze away from the gate of CGS, and landed on the broken arm that was still stuck in the wilderness and cut from Graz that Ain was driving to the ground. Sword Blade, then suddenly raised his gaze and looked at the CGS gate again.

   "I am Cronk Chant from the Galalhorn combat unit! I hope I can have a one-on-one duel with the master who owns this blade!"

   As soon as he said this, everyone's eyes were immediately turned to the figure standing in front of the gate.

  Everyone who has participated in and witnessed the battle knows that this sword is not from anyone from CGS, but from Lei Mingkai.

   "What a headache! I didn't expect this guy's target was me."

   Lei Mingkai spread his hands and said helplessly.

When    was speaking, he also glanced at the three days with his hands in his pockets, with a signature facial paralysis expression.

   Now that San Riyue has not been able to sit on Barbatos smoothly, it seems that there is indeed a need for someone to exist as a target.

   What surprised Lei Mingkai was that Cronk came to the door all at once.

   At this time, the wind once again sent Cronk's voice to everyone's ears.

"The CGS, which is only a mobile engineer, is not an opponent of Galalhorn's actual combat troops. However, with this recognition, you defeated our Galalhorn Mars branch! The person who can make you achieve such an amazing record, I am afraid it is the person behind the scenes who directs all this."

   Cronk paused, his eyes moved around the gate of CGS, as if he wanted to find the man behind the scenes among the sparse silhouettes.

   Suddenly, a look like the cold light from a sharp blade met Kronk.

   "That...that is!?"

   At this moment, Cronk felt a hint of chill, but he also felt a hint of excitement.

   He didn't know what it was for.

   But he knew that what happened today may have had results.

   The right hand holding the walkie-talkie pressed hard again.

"This is a one-on-one duel! If I win, you will hand over Gudilia Lanna Bernstein and Graz, who was captured by you. After the outcome is divided, the next Everything will be handled by me! You, CGS has nothing to do with Galalhorn anymore!"

   "Hand over the eldest lady?"

   Surprised than Skate.

   "Let me just say it!! Galalhorn is here for Gudilia Lanna Bernstein!!!"

   Todo, lying on the mobile engineer, waved his right hand repeatedly, trying to attract Olga's attention.

   "Shut up! Joker!"

  Unexpectedly, as soon as Todo's call was finished, a huge pressure suddenly pressed him firmly on the cold armor plate of the mobile engineer.


   "Stop it!"

   Exclamation sounded again and again, a deep chill and sharp claws occupied Todo's thinking and vision.

   "Shut up! The clown who doesn't know what is wrong!"

   Lei Mingkai's voice sounded again, making everyone who could only watch the white giant lion press Todo on the mobile engineer to look at him again.

   "Olga. Will you agree?"

   Lei Mingkai raised his finger and pointed at Grace with the red cloth.

   "Although that guy is a member of Galalhorn's actual combat force, he can't make any decisions. Especially with regard to the sensitive figure of Gudilia Lanna Bernstein."

"about me?"

  Gudilia was taken aback, and pointed at herself.

   "He didn't say that as long as I handed over me, the people here would be fine? Could it be that he would regret it afterwards?"

   Lei Mingkai shook his head and looked at Lux.

   The next thing was not explained by Lei Mingkai.

"No. This Kronk Chant is probably not a powerful figure in the Mars branch of Galalhorn. Do you remember that in the previous battle, the Graz who kept clamoring after the attack? I'm afraid, The pilot who drove the Graz was the commander of that battle. So now this man who claims to be Cronk Chant is probably just here to clean up the mess."

  Lax explained things and speculations to Gudilia as simply as possible, and everyone knew.

"In addition, you may not know that right now outside the Mars circle, a cruiser from the Earth from Galalhorn's headquarters is approaching here. And this cruiser's mission is to target the Galalhorn Mars branch over the years. To monitor the operation of the company."

   After a sigh of relief, Lux stared at Gudilia and asked.

   "Speaking like this, you should understand, right?"

   "The Ombudsman from the Earth Home? That is to say, the Mars branch is trying to bury some facts. Among these facts, Gudilia Lanna Bernstein is the biggest hidden danger?!!!"

  Gudilia is very clever, and quickly understands his situation at the suggestion of Lacus.

   Even if Olga and others handed over themselves, the people in this base would still face the end of being killed.

   Therefore, in this duel, Cronk Chant’s promise was nothing more than a spectacle.

   "Understand? Then, my job is next."

   Looking at Gudilia Mingwu's face, Lei Mingkai also knew that it was time for him to appear on the stage.

   "Your Excellency Lei Mingkai! What are you doing? The other party is here for our CGS!!!"

   Olga hurriedly shouted when he saw Lei Mingkai lift up and walked out of the CGS gate.

   Lei Mingkai stopped, looked back at Olga, and smiled.

   "At CGS? Ha ha. Olga, don't be too arrogant! The person designated by Cronk Chant is me, not you!"

   "Yes, but are you going to go like this? At least you have to drive a mobile engineer..."

   Olga opened his mouth, and finally only made this proposal that he could not believe.

   "TK-53? Ha ha. Don't underestimate me. Olga!"

   Leiming Kai haha ​​laughed a few times.

   "Don't look at me like this, I still have partners I can rely on!"

   In the next second, under all eyes, Lei Mingkai raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

   The moment the loud sound resounded through the CGS gate, there was a thunderous sound above the sky.


   In an instant, a brilliant afterimage fell from the sky and landed directly behind the pure white blade.

   "That...that is MS?!!!"

  The blue and black body, the mighty and tall body, and the huge wings of light shining brilliantly...

   This is the real face of the mobile suit that suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and appeared in front of Graz.

   Its appearance not only shocked Cronk, but also put Olga and others into dead silence.

   "Okay! Now, all the pieces are in place! The duel, can you start?"

   Over the craters and the wilderness dotted with debris, two steel giants created by human top technology are facing each other 100 meters apart.

   The cold wind that gradually rolled up the mud and dust of the wilderness became violently violent whenever it passed by the two steel giants.

   In this gradually mad wind, it was the low roar that the reactor gradually increased its output and entered the actual combat state.

   Cronk's eyes were extremely solemn.

   He hadn't seen the MS in front of him, and even the Garalhorne MS database he had contacted had never appeared in the MS database.

   The steel body is completely different from the MS design concept led by Galalhorn.

   The pair of colorful and gorgeous light wings are basically the existence that Galalhorn’s designers have never touched, or even imagined.

   "What is the origin of this machine?"

   squeezing the joystick that had already become a part of his body, Kronk took a deep breath and watched the body on the screen that had pulled up the pure white blade that was stuck in the wilderness.

   "The actual combat unit of the Mars branch of Galalhorn, Cronk Chant!"

   familiar scene,

   familiar tone,

   Lei Mingkai was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed happily.

   "It's a nostalgic scene! I don't know how many years there hasn't been such a scene!"

   Lei Mingkai's words made Kronke frowned.

   Isn’t it a matter of course to give out your name before the duel?

   "No! Sorry! I just sent it because of feeling! Cronk Chanter! For me, such a formal duel is a long time ago!"

   Lei Mingkai’s clear voice was followed by two sounds of unlocking the locking mechanism.

   was another pure white blade and the sound of the shield crashing to the ground.

   "You, are you insulting me?!"

   Kronk let out a low roar as he watched the sword and shield splashing with billowing mud.

   "No! This guy's name is Liberty Gundam! With its performance, coupled with this blade, it is enough to fight you! Kronk Chant!"

The pure white sword held by Liberty Gundam’s right hand cut across the sky, and the sound of gusts of wind and thunder was raised. It was not until the moment when Liberty Gundam was erected in front of him that Kronk understood Lei Mingkai and even Liberty Gundam’s behavior.


   That is a kind of courtesy of the highest courtesy from the knight to the opponent.

   "Who are you... on earth?"

   so weird,

   But there is a certain ancient etiquette that reminds Cronk of the ancient times before the Era War.

   "According to legend, before the Era War, people mostly settled most disputes through duels. Isn't this also your idea? Cronk Chant."

  Under the sun,

   Under those dazzling bright wings, floating slightly off the ground, with the sword blades raised in both hands, the Gundam Freedom made Kronk have an illusion as if he was watching the Paladin mentioned in the myth.

   "Hehe. Is that right? I'm so grateful!!"

   "Maybe a little arrogant! But this is the real me! The guardian knight of the Queen of the Holy Britannia, Lei Mingkai!"

   "Come on!"

  The wind blew up in an instant.

   Two steel giants launched an offensive on the spot, and the gust of wind swept the audience, causing smoke and dust.


   Olga and the others imagined that the fierce fighting sound like a thunder rolling in did not come.

   Because the result of the duel had already been born at the moment when the wind swept across.

  The pure white blade pierced Graz's cockpit instantly like lightning.

Looking at the pure white blade that pierced his chest, but stopped at the moment when he penetrated his Kronk raised his head with difficulty and looked at the front screen-but he couldn't see At the moment when the pure white blade pierced the cockpit, any sight was seen on the damaged screen.

   "Cough...original...that's it!!"

  'S dissatisfaction with Liberty Gundam's contact with another blade and shield just now has disappeared.

  The reason why the other party would do this is not to insult oneself, but because a sword blade is enough to solve oneself.

  "Holy...Britania...Empire? Is there such a country on earth...?"

   The operation of the Yahalp reactor ceased.

   As if the vitality of its owner, Cronk Chant, ceased, it fell into a dead silence.

   The only difference is that except for the pierced cockpit, there is no damage to the Graz. The Graz only needs to go through some treatment before it can be put into service.

  The pure white blade pierced the sky, swaying away the blush that was wrapped around the tip of the sword.

   Those dazzling and gorgeous light wings gradually closed, and the moment when Freedom Gundam stood on the ground again, the teenagers exploded with a call that resounded through the sky.

   There is no doubt that the freedom Gundam that solved Graz in an instant has formed an unparalleled strong image in the hearts of the CGS teenagers.

   "Olga. How about the name Tiehuatuan?"

   "Tiehua Tuan? Yes! This is a good name! Your Excellency Lei Mingkai."

  :. :

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