Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 666: Training

What used to be a simulation training place between mobile engineers has now been occupied by two mobile suits.

The mace that rolled up the gust of wind,

The ancient figure that shuttles among the waves of sand and dust,

And the steel wings that were like a rock, and showed no signs of being defeated by the old figure wielding a mace.



The dust was rolling, and the icy steel body shuttled through it. Every moment when the soldiers met, there were always deafening metal noises, which made the teenagers guarding the gate exclaimed.

In the eyes of these young people, perhaps there is nothing more violent than the powerful visual impact that two huge steel bodies showed when they fought wildly.

"This...this is?"

Olga and the others, who had just completed the signing of a guide contract with Orcus introduced by Todo, as soon as they returned to the vicinity of the base, were asked to destroy the already terrible wilderness even more disgustingly. It attracted all eyes.

"Yo! Captain! I'm back!"

Just as Olga and the others were drawn to the battle between Barbatos and Liberty Gundam, Sino with a smile on his face jumped out from nowhere and waved at them.

"Hey! Sinoe. What the **** is this? Simulation training?"

Olga frowned and pointed to Barbatos who had just been kicked by Liberty Gundam.

He remembered that Barbatos hadn't completed the preparation work before the start when they just left the base!

How can I fight with Liberty Gundam now...

Do not.

It is unilaterally rubbed under the ground by Liberty Gundam.

"Hey! Commander, you don't know that. Our new boss! But it's amazing."

Xino chuckled, showing a big smile.

You know there are few things that can surprise Olga a little bit.

"Your Excellency Lei Mingkai?"

Olga was taken aback, and suddenly remembered the scene when they saw Lei Mingkai sitting in the cockpit of Barbatos when they set off.

"Can you complete the preparation for Barbatos to restart and enter the battle in such a short time?"

"Hey! Yes! Leader. Well, can I discuss something with you?"

Xino nodded triumphantly, and then moved to Olga's side and whispered.

"Commander, I want to drive the two Galalhorn MS that we captured. I don't know if it can be..."

At this moment, Olga understood.

He was clearly able to greet Sino at the gate, but suddenly ran over here, waiting for their return alone.

Feelings are to become MS pilots!

Glancing at Sinoe, Olga nodded.

"MS pilots? That's nothing. Originally, those two mobile suits were either sold or left behind and became one of our combat capabilities. In addition, as long as the new type of Alaya given by His Excellency Lei Mingkai If there is no problem with the recognition system, this will not be difficult."

"Really? That's great!"

As soon as Sino's cheers sounded, they were overwhelmed by the roar of battle between Barbatos and Liberty Gundam.

A warning came from my ears to remind people of nearby activities. In front of me was the freedom Gundam with unfolding steel wings and terrifying maneuverability.

San Riyue slightly licked her somewhat dull lips.

"Is Olga back? Then, this simulation battle should also be over."

Barbatos paused with his right hand, and then shook the mace in his hand like lightning and slammed it towards the small mound under his feet.

Suddenly, a cloud of dust was rolled up by a mace on the spot, like a small sandstorm, flooding all the vision in front of Freedom Gundam.

"Oh? Try to capture my vision? Interesting."

Looking at the dust that covered the vision of Freedom Gundam, Lei Mingkai smiled lightly, and already moved his hands.

The roaring propulsion engine immediately burst out incomparable thrust at the moment when the billowing sand drowned Liberty Gundam, causing Liberty Gundam to rush into the air from the ground on the spot, throwing all the dust that was rolled up by Barbatos under his feet.

Mikazuki's intention failed!

But is the idea of ​​San Riyue so simple?

"It's done!"

From the sky, there was a low and roaring moment of the full operation of the Ahab furnace, and Barbatos waved his mace like a **** soldier, rushing directly on the top of Freedom Gundam's head.

"I really dare to think and dare to do it! Sanriyue!"

Lei Mingkai squinted his eyes and changed his hand movements. Freedom Gundam did not retreat but instead advanced, rushing from the bottom to the top towards Barbatos who had fallen from the sky in a faster and more impactful posture than before.


The two roads rushed from the sky to the earth, and between the steel figures facing the other side, a huge roar that tore the sky broke out, causing Olga and others who were closer to retreat again and again, watching in horror. Two fuselages fighting in midair.

"Then...that is Liberty Gundam and Barbatos...?"

Such an unbelievable question just came to my mind, with the supreme power, Barbatos, who was like a **** from the sky, was caught by Freedom Gundam. He held up his hands and grabbed the mace in the hands of Barbatos on the spot. .

Immediately afterwards, another whip kick kicked Barbatos from mid-air.

That huge force not only made Barbatos sink into a large part of the ground, but also cut off half of the hill from the hill that had endured its impact, leaving only the area with Barbatos as the center point, spreading towards the surrounding area. Go away, a terrifying crack like a cobweb.

"Three days and moon!"

Seeing Barbatos who had been kicked by Liberty Gundam from mid-air and hadn't gotten up for a long time, Olga rushed up and tried to open Barbatos' cockpit.

"Olga? Are you back? Don't worry! San Riyue is okay. This level of impact will not cause much damage to Barbatos' cockpit."

Liberty Gundam, which slowly fell from the midair, threw the mace he snatched from Barbatos to the ground.

"Your Excellency. It was really a simulated battle just now? I... I don't seem to be much different from actual combat."

Olga raised his eyes subconsciously and looked at the Liberty Gundam that covered the sun.

The person who answered this question was not Lei Mingkai.

It was the three-day moon that opened Barbatos' cockpit.

In the sound of the cockpit opening, shaking his arms, San Riyue, who moved his hands and feet, first glanced at Freedom Gundam, then glanced at the mace thrown on the ground, and nodded.

"Well! This is indeed a mock battle. Olga."

"San Riyue, you?!"

Olga was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help looking at the scarred armor on Barbatos, and then at the brightly colored Freedom Gundam with no traces of battle.

"Is this a unilateral beating?"

Regardless of what Olga thinks now, Sanriyue is almost a unilateral beating, but it has greatly improved Sanriyue's proficiency with Barbatos.

Especially with the assistance of Lei Mingkai and the zero-realigned Alaya Consciousness system, the backlash suffered by the more proficient driving of Barbatos's Sanriyue did not continue to develop until it was irreparable.

"Your Excellency. That's it for today? Olga is back too."

San Riyue looked around and found that almost none of the surrounding ground was good, so he took the initiative to put forward the idea of ​​ending this simulated battle.

"Yeah. That's fine! That's it for today!"

The MS driving training for Sanriyue has finally come to an end.

With the almost cheating Alaya consciousness system, Sanriyue, in this intense and intensive actual combat simulation training, quickly broke through what Lei Mingkai and Zero had left on Barbatos’ system. With various restrictions, he was able to drive Barbatos proficiently.

It's just that Nadi, the repairman for the aftermath, has a headache.

Barbatos had a hard time getting it right, but in the actual combat simulation matchup with Freedom Gundam, the worn-out outer armor appeared.

"What the **** is this guy going to do? What a headache!"

While speaking, Nadi couldn't help but look at the black-gray steel giant parked on the side of the underground Gnaku.

From the previous battle with Barbatos, Nadi had only one impression of the black-gray steel giant.

Mysterious and powerful.

He would never figure out what kind of trump cards the black-gray steel giant called Liberty Gundam by Lei Mingkai had.

First, it can fly freely in the air, and then the mysterious armor that is immune to all live ammunition attacks-PS armor.

With these two powerful performances alone, Nadi was able to conclude that this Liberty Gundam could still retreat completely even if it was caught in the siege of the MS troops sent by Galalhorn.


Seeing such a powerful MS appeared in front of him, Nadi naturally felt a hint of curiosity in his heart.

However, this trace of curiosity looked extremely small in front of the pure white lion lying in front of Freedom Gundam.

"Forget it! Let's continue to worry about this guy's outer armor!"

After taking a look at the equally mysterious pure white lion, Nadi consciously put away his curiosity and focused all his attention on Barbatos' scarred outer armor.

On the other side, Lei Mingkai, who was dressed in casual clothes, was invited to the office by Olga.

Obviously, this is a meeting for the next action.

"Your Excellency. Although you handed over everything to me, I think it is necessary to report to you."

Olga took the tablet from Bisquet and handed it to Lei Mingkai.

Lei Mingkai took a look and nodded slightly.

"It seems that Orcus has agreed to be our guide to the earth."

What was shown on the screen happened to be that the Tiehua Group and Orcus signed a commission to guide the Tiehua Group to the earth.

"Yes. On the condition of the agreed 45% remuneration, the commission was signed after all."

Olga seemed very relieved.

This may be inevitable.

As a teenager who has never left Mars, he can't even imagine what space voyage looks like.

Olga's actions now are only based on the suggestions of people around him.

Thinking of this, Lei Mingkai threw the tablet on the sofa and frowned.

This look also made Olga nervous.

To tell the truth, from the moment Lei Mingkai invested in the Tiehua Group with the financial resources he obtained from the "Hunter" Osduna, even if Lei Mingkai repeatedly stated that he had no intention of interfering with the daily operations of the Tiehua Group, Olga Always pay attention to Lei Mingkai's movement, for fear that he would inadvertently offend Lei Mingkai, a major shareholder.

"Your Excellency. Is there any question?"

Lei Mingkai nodded slowly.

"Olga. Do you think it's normal for Okus to ask for compensation?"

Orcus, the company that signed a guide with the Tiehua regiment will turn its face and deny it in subsequent operations, and directly inform the Galalhorn Mars branch in an attempt to sacrifice the Tiehua regiment as a cost. Hugged Galalhorn's thigh.

And this is something Olga and others have never imagined.

Even before going to Orcus, Olga had repeatedly warned Todo Mirconan, the middleman between the Tiehua Group and Orcus.

When Lei Mingkai was reminded, Olga, who fell silent, quickly thought of something strange.

"Your Excellency, do you mean to suspect Todo Mirconan?"

Lei Mingkai waved his hand, raised his hand, picked up the tablet computer that was thrown on the sofa, and handed it back to Bisquet.

"Olga. How did Okus know why the Tiehua Group was going to Earth? On Mars, and even on the path of death to the Earth, there are many spacecraft trading back and forth between the Earth and Mars at all times. In the channel Lei Mingkai slightly lifted his chin with both hands and stared at Olga's eyes hidden under the dart bangs.

"Why would Orcus be so wildly demanding for compensation? Isn't he afraid that the Tiehua regiment would switch to other guides? Could it be that he knew from the beginning that the Tiehua regiment had no choice?"

"Gee... Your Excellency! Are you saying that there is a ghost between us?!"

Bisquet hurriedly yelled, but the next moment he subconsciously blocked his mouth with the tablet.

"Inner ghost?"

Although Olga's reaction was a step slower than Skate, he seemed to have understood what Lei Mingkai meant.

"Your Excellency meant that the inner ghost had told Okus about our Tiehua Group from the very beginning..."

After a pause, Olga's sharp eyes flickered in the shadow of the dart's bangs.

"No. It shouldn't be like this! Perhaps, while revealing our situation to Orcus, the inner ghost also contacted the Galalhorn Mars branch through some means, or directly through Orcus. "

"If this is the case, then, as soon as our Iron China Regiment enters space, it will be given to by Galalhorn..."

Olga interrupted Bisquet by raising her hand, and a clear smile gradually appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"This is exactly what you want, isn't it?"

Lei Mingkai didn't admit it, but didn't deny it either. He just said a little.

"There is no shortage of brave people in this universe who dare to challenge the strong. However, before that, the Tiehua Group must make its name. And the first step to the universe may be to use Orcus as a stepping stone."


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