Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 673: Encounter with Tabers

"Report! Emergency! Special Agent Major McGillis!"

In the cruiser, while McGillis was sorting out the affairs of the Mars branch that had become somewhat chaotic due to Connor's death, a rush of voice interrupted his thinking.

Before he could react, Galio, who was standing next to him, yelled at him.

"What's the flustered? So flustered, how decent is it!"

McGillis raised his right hand, after stopping Galio, he looked at the subordinate who was a little panicked by Galio's scolding.

"Okay! Calm down! Make things clear."

Under the reassurance of McGillis, the subordinates who gradually calmed down also explained what happened.

It turned out that 12 hours ago, an appalling incident occurred in an excavation site on the outskirts of the independent Martian city of Cresé.

When the transporter who was originally scheduled to transport supplies to this excavation site arrived at the excavation site, they found that the entire excavation site was filled with dazzling blush, swaying corpses, and a pungent **** smell even more soaring to the sky. Rising up, sweeping away in all directions.

Panicked, the transporter immediately contacted the security department of Cress, an independent city on Mars. Subsequently, relevant information about this excavation site was also notified to the Galalhorn Mars branch by the local security department.

"Huh? What!? It's just a riot of a group of cosmic rats! Need to notify us? No wonder a little girl will escape from Mars with a group of cosmic rats. What a bunch of rice buckets!"

After glanced at the investigation report of the quarry site by the Cresé garrison, Galio immediately came to a conclusion.

However, McGillis looked solemn.

Because, at the back of the report, McGillis saw a huge pit in the center of the excavation site that was submerged in **** blush.

Judging from the gravel and gravel scattered around the pit, it seems that there was something buried in the pit not long ago.

"No. Galio. This matter cannot be concluded so easily."

McGillis raised his hand, closed the report displayed on the small screen, and turned his head slightly to look at Galio.

"This is not a simple riot. However, we at Galalhorn have not fallen so far that we have to fight with the local police department to **** the right to investigate these little things."

"McGillis, what do you mean?"

Galio was taken aback, and it seemed that he didn't react.

McGillis smiled slightly and then ordered.

"Information to Cliese, due to the death of the head of the Mars branch, Connor Conrad, our Mars branch currently does not have much power to provide Cliese with any support. Therefore, in this case, Cliese can only be assisted by him. It is the responsibility of its own security department."

After a pause, McGillis looked at the subordinate in charge of communications.

"Let's inform Krissy! Also, contact our distinguished guest mR.K. It's time for us to prepare to return."

Coincidentally, when his subordinates were preparing to notify Krissy, a message from Gnaku caught McGillis' attention.

"Wait. The contact with mR.K can be cancelled. It seems that our distinguished guest has returned."

"Long time no see! It seems that you, your Excellency Ombudsman, have encountered something! But this is also the norm in life, isn't it?"

As soon as the two sides met, the man wearing the black mask made Galio furious, but he was helpless.

Because he knew that what this unpleasant mask man said was true.

"This is really embarrassing! It doesn't matter if we don't mention those things. It's because we lacked consideration. But, your Excellency went on such a trip, but it was a good harvest!"

When he came to Ganaku, McGillis, who greeted mR.K, saw the crystal coffin behind mR.K that couldn't see the real situation inside.

"This... Is this a dead person?!"

Galio also noticed the existence of that thing, and when he subconsciously spoke of his doubts, he was suddenly suppressed by a terrible coercion.


It was a pressure like a mountain, and it was a terrible silence like being in the deep sea.

At this moment, the scene in front of Galio gradually became blurred, and his breathing gradually became rapid, even without rhythm at all, struggling like a human being about to drown in the water, trying to inhale the last A breath of air on which to live is so vain.

"Sorry! Your Excellency. Galio was just a momentary gaffe. Please forgive him!"

Just when Galio felt that he was about to lose the right to breathe and died of anger, McGillis' voice faintly passed into Galio's ears.

Afterwards, the pressure that was terrible enough to deprive Galio of the right to breathe suddenly receded like a tide, and the rest of him lost all strength, fell to the ground, and inhaled again and again with a look of horror.

"That's my sister! She is just asleep! She will be placed in my room. You, don't worry!"

When the voice that was cold enough to freeze people's hearts came from behind the pitch black mask, mR.K strode past Galio, ignoring Galio, who was lying on the ground, unable to struggle to stand up.

It wasn't until mR.K's back figure disappeared in the aisle that McGillis lifted Galio up.

"It's okay! Galio."

"No. I'm fine. It's just a little loose."

Galio shook his head and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his trembling right hand.

"McGee, you are right. That guy is definitely not an ordinary person. This kind of pressure, I have never reflected on any person in the Seven Star Family."

"um, yes."

McGillis looked at Galion in fear, but with a cautious face, he nodded slightly.

"Just, McGee..."

"I know. Galio."

Before Galio said something, McGillis interrupted him.

Afterwards, he raised his head and looked at the crystal coffin waiting to be sent to mR.K's room.

"It seems that I have to give up my room! After all, mR.K's room is not enough for his sister."

And the training on fishing fire is still ongoing.

However, after the training, the teenagers with colorful suits not only have to face the situation of cleaning their bodies, but also face cleaning the areas they are responsible for.

From the moment the first training was over, the sighs and roars of the teenagers could be heard from time to time in the fishing fire.

"This is really worrying! I didn't expect these guys to be so serious."

Olga, who was a little worried about whether these guys would turn their faces after the training, finally let out a sigh of relief.

"That's natural! No one wants to be despised by my friends."

Eugene, with a red, green, and green paint on his face, didn't care about his image at all, and walked into the bridge with a grin.

"Eugene. You guy, go back and clean it up! Starting today, not only the partners who have lost in training, but also themselves must pay attention to personal hygiene. We must stay on this ship for at least half a year. time."

Olga's reprimand caught Eugene by surprise.

But when he glanced at Lei Mingkai who was sitting next to him, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared, and he seemed to understand.

"Yes! Captain. I understand!"

Seeing Eugene's back, Olga sighed.

"It's really a bunch of people who don't worry about it. Anyway, your Excellency, what do you think of the situation we are facing?"


When Lei Mingkai opened his mouth, it was this somewhat ambiguous answer.


Olga didn't understand.

"Yes. Wait!"

Lei Mingkai nodded.

"Someone will send a guide to us."

"Someone? Who is it?"

Olga subconsciously asked a question, but suddenly remembered someone from the first team that returned to the base after the first battle with Galalhorn was over.

However, Olga learned from those people the fact that the man should have died.

"Dead? Olga. Did you see the fat pig's carcass with your own eyes? Or, did those who had been fired watched Galalhorn's artillery fire the dead pig into minced meat? ?"

Lei Mingkai saw Olga's doubts at a glance.

"This...that is to say, it is possible that Daddy Maruba will find other forces to chase us?"

Following Lei Mingkai's guidance, Olga suddenly understood.

Moreover, with the active thoughts, Olga quickly figured out the cause and effect before and after.

"Your previous astonishing move was not shown to the Galalhorn Mars branch, but to the forces hidden behind the scenes, which might have been commissioned by the surviving Daddy Maruba?"

"There are indeed considerations in this regard. However, all we can do now is to wait."

Lei Mingkai raised his hand and gestured on the star chart in front of him, marking the trajectory from Mars to Jupiter.

"As long as this ship is heading towards Jupiter, Maruba and the party he has entrusted will inevitably jump out."

"So, are they the people of Divas, the huge organization that controls the trade in the Jupiter Circle?"

Olga thought of a possibility.

"Yeah. Very likely."

At this moment, an unknown communication reached Yuhuo.

Seeing Fumitan, the maid who has become a fisherman's correspondent, Lei Mingkai's eyes flashed with a smile.

"Look! Olga. The enemy is delivered."

The negotiations were carried out without surprises and without waves, and in the midst of the two sides, the moment came to an end.

Naze felt a headache when he looked at the young man who seemed emboldened for some reason and didn't have any fear of his name.

In particular, there was a fat pig next to it that was useless and could only bark, while Naze was making no effort to appease the pig.

"Okay! Alright! Maruba! I remember there was such a sentence, first courtesy and then pawn. Now we have done enough etiquette, the rest is practical means! Amida. Are you sure? "

Naze casually dealt with a few words about Maruba, who had a big belly and kept yelling at Olga and others, and then turned to look at his wife.

The brown beauty sighed slightly and looked at Naze with a bit of bitterness.

"Do you think I will be sure after witnessing such a battle?"

"But but..."

Maruba, who was next to him, hurriedly called, but was interrupted by Amida.

"Okay! Okay! I know! After all, we, Tubbins, have accepted your commission, Your Excellency Maruba. Isn't it? I will do my best."

After all, Amida looked at Naze.

"Then, I will attack Aji. I'll leave it to you. Naze."

He said so, but as a couple, they could see each other's meaning through eye contact.

Once the situation is wrong, immediately take necessary measures to protect yourself.

This sale is not worth all of Tubbins's contribution to complete.

Sadly, Maruba, who wanted to destroy the Tiehua regiment, couldn't see the eye contact between the two.


After the communication with Tubbins was broken, Lei Mingkai looked at Olga.

"Your Excellency, will you attack?"

Olga's first sentence was such an inquiry.

"No. I will stay on the fishing fire."

Lei Mingkai didn't hesitate to refuse Olga for a moment, but then he showed a clear smile.

"Really? I know. Then, inform Sanriyue and let him attack! In addition, Zhaohong will also attack! This is the first battle of our Tiehua regiment! Don't lose it!"


Among the Gnaku, Barbatos was ready to go, and San Riyue also changed into his driving suit and sat in the cockpit, waiting for the moment of attack.

"Hey! Sanriyue. Boss doesn't seem to attack!"

When Zhaohong's voice appeared on the communication channel, Mikazuki also noticed the other side of Ganaku, the unmoving Freedom Gundam.

"Really? What does it have to do with us? If Freedom Gundam does not attack, it means that we must fight as hard as we can. Otherwise, the training will be wasted."

Sanriyue didn't think so much Zhaohong thought.

From the beginning of those trainings, San Riyue seemed to understand Lei Mingkai’s intentions Everything, to make San Riyue adapt to the cosmic environment as soon as possible, and adapt to driving the Baba in a microgravity or even non-gravity environment. Toss fight.

"Sanriyue. You guy is really..."

Zhaohong moved his lips, and finally put away his mind, waiting for the attack.

The sound of the mechanical arm was rumbling, and Barbatos was also placed on the ejection track amidst the sound.

"Sanriyue. Pay attention to the front of Yuhuo. There is a MS with high-speed performance! Don't be brought into its rhythm! Otherwise, I will drive Freedom Gundam out to save you! At that time, the training will be tripled. ! And, I will personally drive the Freedom Gundam to launch simulation training with you, one-to-two simulation training."

At the moment of the attack, the voice that appeared in the communication channel caused Mikazuki and Akhiro to fight a cold war.

"Hey! Sanriyue, have you heard?"

"Yeah! Let's go!"

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