Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 712: Ximengli's fight!

The thunderous movement that came from behind the mountains had already spread over Edmonton.

People who are well-informed naturally know why the movement that has spread over Edmonton from dawn.

That was Galalhorn's action against the Tekka regiment, no, it should be said that it was against the Tekka regiment that escorted the former Ablo representative Shimiao Toganosuke back to Edmonton.

The thunderous rumbling is undoubtedly the terrible movement that Galalhorn made when he flexed his fists and declared his strength.

"Boom Rumble..."

In the cold wind, the thunderous sound became clearer and more frightening.

That is not the roar of nature.

It is the roar that is caused by the detonation of the killing weapon created by human beings.

"We are finally here!"

On the roof of a building somewhere on the outskirts of Edmonton, a burly but gray-haired old man took a slow breath.

He was on the ocean earlier and temporarily separated from the Tiehua regiment. With the help of the Tooth Lion Zero Style, he crossed the ocean and finally returned to Edmonton at this critical moment. Nosuke.

"Ms. Shimiao. There is not much time left before the meeting. We must leave right away!"

When Gudilia's voice came from behind Shimiao, a gust of wind followed.

After hearing the sound, Shimiao turned and glanced at the girl in the red dress who was standing not far behind, then moved her gaze to look further back.

There, a lion with a steel body about 3 to 4 meters high and about ten meters long was lying there.

"Zero Sir, are you ready?"

This steel lion is exactly the tusks lion zero style leading Shimiao and Gudilia across the ocean.

However, the current zero form has changed from the original form of the toothless lion zero form to a wild lion form suitable for free movement in the city.

After all, in terms of size, the wild lion form is several times smaller than the tusks zero form.

"Well, you can go anytime! It's just that, on the way into the city, some unpleasant things may happen. For this, you must be mentally prepared!"

The steel wilderness lion raised its head and looked at the bridge that had been blasted off by Galalhorn to enter the city. Only the only one that could enter the city but had to face Galalhorn's tightly sealed lock was left. City on the bridge.

Hearing this, Shimiao turned her head, and after staring at the only intact bridge for a while, she nodded silently.

"That's something that can't be helped. We have to be in a hurry, right?"

"Yes! Teacher Shimiao."

Gudilia nodded, then solemnly looked at Wild Lion Zero.

"On the last journey, please! Type 0 Sir!"

Confident laughter slowly sounded, the wild lion lowered his head, and the steps condensed by faint light appeared again in front of Shimiao and Gudilia.

"Come on! If you are late because of me, Kay will not let me go!"

"Hahahaha! Form Zero joked! Regardless of you or Lei Mingkai, I am full of confidence in you!"

In the roar of the beast, the wild lion carrying Shimiao and Goodelia jumped off the roof, and then disappeared into the air in a ripple, leaving only the sound of the wind sweeping towards Edmonton.

The big tree with thick snow was cut to pieces under the sharp blade, and the broken branches and leaves that fell from its body became mixed under the trampling of the iron giant who was caught in the fierce battle. The powder in the sludge of ice and snow.


The roar of the Yahalpur furnace, which was constantly erupting with higher output, echoed in the frozen woods.

Amidst these roars, there was a sound of metal and iron strikes.

It's MS!

It's a battle between MS!

The Grazes, flying close to the ground at high speed, were besieging a steel wing in an orderly manner, but they gathered it up, only using the shield and sword in their hands to deal with the attacking Gundam, Freedom Gundam.

Behind the Grazes, the Gundam Ximenli cavalry type suspended around the battlefield in a four-legged form stared at Freedom Gundam.

"If you don't fly, just use your sword and shield to deal with our attack! This is saying, even if you don't fly, can you solve us? Light wing aircraft!"

Galio clearly remembered that when the last reconnaissance plane was blown out in the sky, the Gundam Simmons cavalry he was driving was also heavily repelled by the shield thrown by the freedom Gundam for a certain distance.

The scar was clearly visible on the position of the gun body of the knight's long spear in Ximengli's hand.

The combination of Graces is full of murderous intent.

Even Galio himself couldn't guarantee that he would be able to persist for a while under the siege of this skilled and co-ordinated Graz force.


The icy wind rolled up the snow on the branches and brought a deep buzzing sound.

The blade is shaking!

It was the low hum of the blade of Freedom Gundam trembling.

Then, with the cooperation of his teammates, Graz, who tried to launch a surprise attack from the left side of Liberty up to the blind spot hidden by the shield, was cut off.


The heavy steel body slowly fell on the heavy snow with the sword light that flashed from behind the shield, splashing a burst of snowflakes.

"Stand back! Reshape the formation!!"

Galio found something wrong in the first place.

But before he could react, the first victim of Graz's troops appeared.

The four-legged floating state of the Gundam Ximenli cavalry almost turned into a stream of light, rushing all the way from the passage opened by the Graz troops, and launched a violent impact toward the freedom Gundam with the knight's long spear.

"Are you here? Galio!"

The Gundam Ximenli cavalry type, which has been walking around the periphery, did not make Lei Mingkai take it lightly. Instead, Lei Mingkai paid more attention to it.

The blow just now was not only to break up the Graz formation that was besieging Freedom Gundam, but also a means to try to attract Galio and Gundam Simmon.

Obviously, this little trick is very effective.

It was just a sword, wandering around, waiting for the opportunity to move up to Ximenli, no, it should be said that Galio is not as calm as Lei Mingkai imagined.

Under the four feet of the Gundam Ximenli cavalry, there are waves of air mixed with melted snow raised by the hot flames set off by the jets of four Yahalp thrusters.

Looking around, the Gundam Ximenli cavalry with a high-speed assault with a spear is indeed very powerful in the charge of a medieval knight in heavy equipment.

In the face of such a terrifying heavy cavalry assault, Liberty Gundam did not force or hide, but just raised a shield and a sword, posing a defensive posture on the spot.

But this gesture aroused Galio's anger!

"Is it just like this? Is it just this way to deal with the impact of Ximeng force? Light wing aircraft!"

In Galio's vision, it is most likely that Liberty Gundam chose to fly into the air when faced with the impact of Gundam Simong Force, and flew into the air to avoid the impact of Gundam Simmon Force.

At that time, Galio will inevitably launch a back hand that has already been arranged to ambush the freedom Gundam that has soared into the sky.



At the critical moment of the launch of this plan, Liberty Gundam was like a lone infantry in the ancient battlefield, lonely raising the shield in his hand to meet the shot stabbed by the fully charged knight.

A mortal shot! !

Must die?

Must die?

Must die?

Do not! !

The shot fired by the Gundam Simmons cavalry that reached the limit may be the strongest blow that Galalhorn’s pilots could explode!

But Lei Mingkai had already seen through this blow.

Liberty Gundam did not retreat but advanced, and actively raised its shield to meet the gun fired by Gundam Ximenli cavalry.


The ear-piercing roar of gold and iron hits across the woods, but it is not the end of this narrow encounter.

The dazzling sparks madly jumped from the contact part between the sharp part of the knight's lance and the shield, and it deeply pierced Galio's eyes.

He did not expect that the shield of Freedom Gundam would be so strong!

It is so strong that even the full charge of the Gundam Ximen force cavalry cannot break through with a single blow!


Could it be that···

This **** shield is also made of that weird armor? !

Suddenly, Galio suddenly noticed a cold light erupting from the corner of his eyes.

In the cold light, a heart palpitations made Galio subconsciously pull the joystick back almost at the same time.


The cold light suddenly appeared, the knight's long spear that failed to retreat in time actually broke, and under the gaze of the rapidly retreating Gundam Ximenli cavalry, it fell weakly on the thick snow.

The deadly charge launched by the Gundam Ximenli cavalry type failed!

"Major Batuwen! We are here to support you!"

Seeing that the Gundam Ximenli cavalry-type offensive was frustrated, the Graz troops who retreated and regrouped quickly stepped forward to cover.

"do not···"

Before Galio could stop supporting his eager subordinates, he was shocked that the freedom Gundam in front of him had disappeared somehow.

"No, it's not good! Retreat!"

Horrible thoughts just surfaced in Galio's mind. Behind the Gundam Simmoni Cavalry, the five Grazs who wanted to step forward to support the Gundam Simmon Cavalry were in a situation.


Yes! Afterimage!

Perhaps it was because Freedom Gundam had gathered the steel wings after destroying all the reconnaissance planes, which gave people the illusion that the horribly fast light wings might not be able to be used continuously.

However, the reality was a little joke for the pilots of Graz.

The Brilliant Transmitter is not incapable of continuous use.

Rather, Lei Mingkai delayed the time for a while.

Now, I am afraid that the Tiehua regiment has entered the range of Edmonton.

Moreover, just now, the zero formula also sent back a message.

Shimiao and Gudilia also arrived in Edmonton first, and under the support of Shimiao's stopper Alessi, they successfully entered the parliament building where the representatives were about to be held.

In front of him, Lei Mingkai and Tiehua Group had already mastered the initiative.

Dazzling afterimages bloomed everywhere on the snowy field.

The high-frequency oscillating blade in the hands of Freedom Gundam continued to roll up bursts of sword light in the formation of the five Grazes with the appearance of the gorgeous afterimage.

Whether it was the Grazes raising the battle axe in their hands to block, trying to replace their injuries, or even fighting for their lives, they couldn't make a move under the high-frequency concussion blade in the hands of Freedom Gundam.


The battle axe that broke in response hadn't landed on the snow, and its owner had already splashed snow and fell into endless death.

"Stop...Stop it!! Stop it!!!"

Not long ago, the Grazes, who were able to fight back and forth with Freedom Gundam, suddenly became so unbearable. The scenes of being cut under the sword by Freedom Gundam as easily as the grass, made Galio unacceptable.

"I... I told you to stop!!!"

The anger at the moment completely overwhelmed Galio's sanity.

The Gundam Ximeng Force Cavalry was even more under this anger, exploding faster than before, and it was also more violent.

The knight's spear was cut off?

It doesn't matter!

Gundam Ximenli cavalry type and knight sword!

I saw that at the moment of rushing forward, the Gundam Simmoni Cavalry not only raised the already severed knight’s spear, but also drew out the knight’s sword pinned to the waist, posing an immortal appearance, don’t Fate to rush to freedom Gundam.


Liberty Gundam swung his sword and cut off the hands of the nearest Graz, but unexpectedly, this Graz smashed into full force and threw himself directly in front of Liberty Gundam.

"Major Batuwen! Leave me alone!!! Hurry up!!!"

At that moment, Lei Mingkai heard the voice of the pilot of Graz in front of him.

"Life for life?"

The sight of Liberty Gundam has been mostly obscured by this Graz, and behind Graz, the Gundam Simmoni Cavalry is charging fast.

"You!! What are you doing!! Get out of the way!!"

Galio shook his right hand and almost grabbed the putter.

"Major Batuwen! Leave us alone! Quickly!"

Maybe it was intentional.

Perhaps it was affected by the Graz whose hands had been severed,

It may be because of the despair of the absolute power displayed by Liberty Gundam,

Seeing that his teammates used such an extreme method to provide cover for the Gundam Simmons cavalry attack, the remaining Grazes immediately took similar actions.




It has been mentioned before If Liberty Gundam faces the impact of Gundam Simmons cavalry and rises into the air, Galio will inevitably launch an ambush he prepared in advance.

And at this moment, the methods that have not been used are still used.

However, it was used in this tragic scene in front of me.

At this moment, Freedom Gundam was not only obstructed, but also his limbs were bound by the claws of the remaining Graces, unable to move at all.

no doubt.

The current Freedom Gundam is like the fish on the chopping board, which can be slaughtered!

The wind blew up,

The half-broken knight's long spear of the Gundam Simmons was about to penetrate Graz’s back, and then penetrated through the chest of Freedom Gundam that was blocked by it. Graz, who was supposed to hide Freedom Gundam’s vision, suddenly moved and was unexpectedly caught. A huge force flew up, tumbled and fell from mid-air.

Almost at the same time, a black shadow came first, blocking the cavalry-type knight's spear that was as high as the Ximen force.

The attack of the Gundam Ximen force cavalry type was immediately cracked and almost failed.

But this is not over yet.

One second after the knight’s long spear was blocked, a sword light was lifted from bottom to top. The blade of the Gundam Ximen force cavalry that had not had time to swing and the left arm broke on the spot, and fell on the Gundam Ximen. At the foot of the cavalry type.

"Major Batuwen!!"


"Quickly leave..."

The subordinates’ exclamations just sounded, and there were afterimages on the screen in front of Galio’s eyes again, as if death was harvesting life, beheading the remaining Grazes one by one, becoming scattered on the white snow. wreckage.

The situation reversed instantly!


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