Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 728: situation

The warm sunlight passed through the windows and scattered in the clean room.

With the rolling curtains that were undulating by the breeze, a blond man with a handsome face and a tall figure opened this room and was promoted to a special care level. There were only a few talents except for the exclusive medical staff. The door of an accessible ward.

"It seems that you are recovering well! Elian's father."

With vigorous steps, the blond man glanced at the middle-aged man sitting on the head of the bed, silently looking at the middle-aged man outside the window, and said loudly.

"It doesn't matter, okay! This little injury is not a big deal."

The middle-aged man who became Elian by the blond turned his head, glanced at the blond man standing next to the bed, and nodded slightly.

"It seems that the Farid family is already yours. McGillis Farid, the young Father Farid."

Those eyes that seemed to be able to see through people's hearts did not seem to bring any pressure to the blond man.

Or in other words, from the very beginning, the blond man, this young man known as McGillis Farid didn't care about the fact that the other party could see through him.

"No. Elian. You are wrong to say that. I was just trying to clean up the Garralhorn, no, it was left by Iznario Farid, who has become a public enemy of mankind. The mess will take over this position and all the responsibilities attached to it."

McGillis's calmness caused Elian to frown.

Since that incident, he has been in a coma with a serious injury and has had a sense of disconnection from the world.

Not only was the ancient Era resurrected, but also the subsequent events of Iogu Kuzan leaving with his men.

Even if this self who has awakened now, I am afraid that he can't find the key to breaking the game amidst the successive changes.

", Duke Farid. What's the situation in the headquarters now? Although I already know Duke Falk is in a severely injured coma like me, but what about the other patrons?"

Erian, I’m afraid that Lethdar Erian’s words are already showing weakness, right?

Regardless of how this ward is particularly separated from the area, as long as the Seven-Star Family Elian wants to know, it is probably not a difficult task.

The reason why he would say this, he would do so, perhaps it was to the blond man in front of him, McGillis Farid, who not only took advantage of Iznario Farid’s rebellion to take control of him in one fell swoop. The German family even took advantage of the death of Ba Gu Lan Zang to pull the Ba Gu Lan Zan family into his chariot.

Plus the Batuwen family with whom they have entered into a marriage contract...

Now, McGillis Farid probably already controls all the power of the Three of the Seven Stars.

As a result, Lethdar Erian’s weakness may have been a matter of smooth flow.

"Headquarters, now the affairs of the headquarter are handed over to father and son Batuwen, and I, McGillis Farid, is responsible for integrating the forces that Garalhorn can mobilize in the major economic circles of the earth and forming a team. An army capable of resisting the invasion of the ancient emperor. As for..."

Halfway through, McGilliston paused, seeming to give time for Lesdal to digest the news.

"The returned Karta Ixiu has returned to the extraterrestrial orbit control and integrated fleet, and set out to integrate the landing forces of the extraterrestrial orbit control and integrated fleet in the shortest possible time, in order to cooperate with the plan I have advanced, and wait for an opportunity to launch a counterattack against the ancient Era. ."

"Kalta, is Karta Ixiu?"

Hearing this name, Lesdal remembered the news that Karta had been captured before.

It is a pity that after he was rescued, he had not had time to meet him, and all plans were interrupted by the attack by the traitor Iznario Farid.


There was a moment of silence, but Lesdal still spoke slowly.

"Where is Iogu Kuzan? Where is Kuzan? Is there any news about him now?"

When Lesdal asked about Iogu Kuzan's news, McGillis suddenly flashed a light under his eyes.

"Yes. Not long ago, we received a message from Iogu Kuzan, Kuzan."

With that, McGillis took out the tablet he was carrying and handed it to Lesdal.

"I'm very sorry! Due to the violent offensive of the ancient evil priest, we at Galalhorn don't have much spare manpower. If Erian wants to do something, I'm afraid he has to call his trusted subordinates himself."

After watching Riesdal take the tablet personally, McGillis smiled and continued:

"Then, Eleanor, forgive me to say goodbye first!"

McGillis' departure did not surprise Riesdal.

In fact, even if McGillis didn't say anything, Lesdal would have seen a clue from the medical staff who came to check on the injury.

Iogu Kuzan.

This reckless person who left the headquarters of Galalhorn with his subordinates without saying a word...

The moment the screen of the tablet computer turned on, Leysdal's thoughts suddenly became like huge waves, constantly rolling up layers of waves in his mind, impacting Leysdal's sanity.

"This...the ignorant!!"

Perhaps many years ago, on an afternoon with the same warm sun, Lesdar Erian, who had temporarily escaped from the heavy affairs of the Arrian Hurd fleet, was walking in the garden shared by the Seven Stars, and he happened to meet that one by coincidence. For the moment of father and son, everything is doomed.

Recalling those eyes that always looked at him, they were shining with admiration and admiration, Rasdal couldn't help raising a trace of suspicion.

Every word is always inseparable from the righteousness that Galalhorn promoted, and the kid who performed justice frowned slightly at the man who had witnessed the changes in the world.

A child who so easily regards others as his object of worship,

So easy to put the so-called righteousness and justice on the lips, wishful thinking to ask others to carry out the righteousness and justice he agrees with according to his ideas...

Can he really become the head of the Kuzan family, one of the seven-star families alone?

The answer to this question has been a lot of speculation by Lesdal, but the result has never been reached.



When he was holding the video played on the tablet computer delivered by McGillis himself, the man who was regarded by many soldiers in Galalhorn as bound to lead Galalhorn to glory was ultimately defeated. Reality.

After watching the video about Iogu Kuzan in silence,

Silently opened the communication channel,

Then he edited a message in silence and sent it to the Arian Hurd fleet loyal to him.

The man who looked like Galalhorn's Optimus Pillar slowly leaned on the head of the bed and fell into a dead silence until the mutilated moon slowly rose.

"Iogu Kuzan... Kuzan's family... I'll take care of it myself!"

McGillis, who left the hospital, did not return to the headquarters of Galalhorn, but came from the command center temporarily set up as the front-line command.

From the first day of the establishment of this front-line headquarters, the elites that can be mobilized by Galalhorn headquarters, regardless of family, were all transferred to this side by Lord Batu Weing and assigned to McGillis command.

Not for anything else, just to be able to establish in the shortest possible time the power that can stop the attack of the ancient emperor.

As long as the people with a little bit of information, I am afraid they have already seen the mind of Batu Wengong.

Although there were early signs of the revival of the ancient ritual, it had caught Galalhorn off guard, who had been at ease for three hundred years.

Even if sufficient troops can be assembled in the shortest time, I am afraid it will be difficult to launch a counterattack against the ancient emperor.

"Is there any news from Abro?"

Just like the news that Calta received, the video message from Abro was also received by Galalhorn's headquarters.

Unlike Kalta’s suspicion, McGillis knew it when he saw the iron lion that could easily destroy the MA army that would destroy a squadron of Galalhorn. A war full of unstable factors is about to usher in a turning point.

"No. Not yet. Commander!"

"Take the initiative to contact Abro! Now that we can have a little more power in our hands, we can get one step closer to victory."

After that, McGillis looked to the other side.

There, it was the command hub for commanding all the fleets assembled in the sea area east of Galalhorn's headquarters.

"How is our fleet assembled now?"

"Yes! Commander! We are currently able to rush to the designated sea area to assemble in a short period of time. The fleet has completed all temporary formation tasks and has made it clear that the mothership as the command center belongs. Now, our fleet can attack at any time!"

McGillis was very satisfied with this result.

Because, this fleet not only represents the banner of Galalhorn once again flying on the front line of resistance to the Evil Sacrifice, but also represents the reappearance of the myth three hundred years ago.

"Very good! Then, after transferring my body to the mothership, the entire fleet turned to Oceania, and for us Galalhorn once again blew the horn of resistance to evil and liberating mankind!!"

"Yes!! Long live Galalhorn!!"

Maybe intentionally,

Or maybe unintentionally,

At the moment McGillis gave the order, a body appeared on the main screen of the command center, and even on the large and small displays of the entire fleet.

A legendary machine that has slept for hundreds of years and no one has been able to awaken it.

AWS-G-01, Gundam skeleton, Bayeri!

The legendary body that once led mankind to resist under the terrifying reign of the wind of extinction set off by the Eunji MA has reappeared, and is once again revived in the current world where the ancient Eunji has revived!

At this moment, not only the reappearance of the legend, but also the opportunity to witness the reappearance of this aircraft, watching the whole process of its slow transfer from the port to the fleet mothership, all the Galalhorn soldiers were excited and inspired. .

"Gundam Bayeri! Bring a brand new reform for me and Galalhorn! In this war between mankind and the ancient ritual again!!"

On the snowy field that was ravaged by the blizzard, the pitch-black killing machines were no longer restored, and fell to the ground on this ice-covered wasteland.

They no longer have the fangs that can exterminate humans, and they have no terrible weapons that can tear humans apart in the blink of an eye.


It was the broken body remaining on this snowy field.

And in the center of this snowy field filled with countless black debris,

A steel lion wearing red lotus armor raised its front paws and smashed the pointed head that was stepped on.


A holographic projection image of the white cat zero form emerged from Lei Mingkai's right hand side. This zero form, which had not been shown as a white cat for a long time, shook his front paw uncomfortably.

"After playing for a long time, it turned out to be just a fake! Not even a punching bag! Bad luck!"

What Zero says is that when it uses the power of the lambda drive system to prepare to make a big fuss, MA Hammons, who should have been fighting hard, and even the army of Bruman's servants led by it, will make it happy. Fighting a stretched battle but suddenly froze.

Not only did the pitch-black MA Hammons, who seemed to be able to compete with Zero for a few rounds, be slapped to the ground with a slap in Zero, but even the army of Bruman's servants that surrounded the surroundings became wood-like. Let the zero-style go wild at will.

Such an attitude of non-resistance made the zero-style flaming fighting spirit suddenly lose the mood.

"This is just a bait!"

Looking at the video information from Eugene, combined with the situation detected by Sino before, Lei Mingkai already understood what was going on with the strangeness of the dark MA Hammons and Bruman's servant army just now.

I am afraid that from the beginning, the intention of Eji was not here, but elsewhere.

"Unexpectedly, Iznario Farid would throw this army here so generously as a decoy. What a big deal!"

If Lei Mingkai decides on his own, I am afraid he will not be willing to make such a decision.

Although this MA army does not pose much threat to Tusk Lion Zero, it is limited to Tusk Lion Zero, which is completely unconventional. Most other conventional bodies may exceed 1,000 in the face of this. When the offensive launched by the MA army, I am afraid it will be more unfortunate.

If it is placed on the frontal battlefield against Galalhorn, it must be a new force capable of subverting the battlefield situation and reversing victory or defeat.

"Bait? Just these tattered things?! Even the power of the lambda drive system can't be broken through. What kind of army is this?"

Zero hummed disdainfully.

The front paws of the red lotus iron lion were still grinding the broken head of MA Hammons back and forth.

"Let's go! The next battle is estimated to begin soon."

"That's right! I haven't stretched my muscles yet!!"

In the fragmentary thoughts of the white cat, the red lotus iron lion waved its front paws and pushed the wreckage aside in disgust, then turned back to meet Eugene, Sinoe and the others.


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