Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 753: Final parliament

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The silver-white light shield was quietly suspended in the air, encircling the scarred space battleship.

Scarred, huge warships with a length of more than one kilometer, even if they are located on the cracked ground, can still bring great visual impact to mankind.

This is not the visual effect that the bonito-class battleship that Galalhorn is proud of.

It is not the powerful power that the bonito-class battleship can possess.

Whenever standing on this cracked ground, looking up at the space warship restored by the mysterious and magical silver-white light shield, no matter who it is, it will spawn even if it is Galalhorn who has ruled mankind for three hundred years. It's just a tiny little grain of sand in the universe.

It has been a week since that battle.

At the end of that battle, the sky fortress, which lay across the sky, used the extreme method of self-detonation to get the chance to escape from the sky.

As a result of such extreme methods, the huge pit that had swallowed several cities was once again expanded outwards, and the terrible energy storms that released unknown radiation were flooded everywhere.

In addition, it was the citizens who were too late to be taken away by the Galalhorn forces who had rushed to rescue them, and the Galalhorn soldiers who failed to withdraw from the dome in time when the Sky Fortress blew up.

Judging from the seemingly simple, but heavy casualty reports, this time, Gallalhorn suffered heavy casualties.

The only thing I can be grateful for is that as the sky fortress flees through the extreme means of self-detonation, the ancient evil sacrifice that rages on the earth and the moon circle has also fallen into a dead silence, no longer the previous brutal appearance.

Judging from the intelligence collected from the battlefields of ancient emperors everywhere, it seems that these ancient emperors have no possibility of restarting.

"Brigadier General. Time is almost up. The Seven Stars Conference is about to be held."

Standing on the cliff that was affected by the explosion of the Sky Fortress and completely completed the transformation of the topography, McGillis looked at the huge battleship in the distance surrounded by the silver and white light shield in silence.

Behind him, is his subordinate, Shi Dong Ka close.

"Shi Dong. Do you think we are ridiculous? Very small?"

In the breeze across the broken ground, McGillis' voice reached Shi Dong's ears.

The taciturn subordinate didn't seem to know how to answer McGillis' question.

It was not until the silence lasted for a while that McGillis, who patiently waited for the answer from his subordinates, ushered in a response.

"I don't know how to answer the brigadier general's question. For me, this question seems too far away."

Shi Dong's answer didn't seem to be very brilliant.

But McGillis was not surprised.

After all, before participating in the rescue operation of the Dome, McGillis may have different ideas from Shi Dong, but his views on places outside the solar system are estimated to be the same.

However, after participating in that operation and witnessing the explosion of the sky fortress and the terrifying scene of the huge battleship falling from the broken void to the ground, McGillis has not been calm for a long time.

Whenever he was busy, he would always think of the amazing battle between Tusk Lion Zero and the dark bow angel, the blew of the sky fortress, the fall of the huge battleship, that scene constantly eroded McGillis’s power. Understanding.

The earth-shattering sword of the toothless lion zero style,

The black bow angel's arrow that swept the world,

Both are subverting McGillis' perception of the supreme power.

Whenever he recalled the astonishing sight of a sword and an arrow, McGillis' hands trembled.

Is that scary?

Is that expectation?

Or is it yearning?

Even though the seal of Gundam Bayeli has been unlocked, McGillis, who has obtained all the power from the Alaya Consciousness System, has to admit it...

The power of Gundam Bayeri is far less than the fact that the fangs lion zero pose and the pitch black bow angel.

The sound of running reached the ears of the two along the breeze.

Shi Dong turned his head and looked over, and when he found that it was the messenger, he raised his hand and waved it, indicating that the messenger didn't need to come.

Then he stepped forward and stood half a step behind McGillis.

"Brigadier General. Time is almost up."

McGillis nodded silently. After watching the huge battleship being repaired and the broken ground behind the battleship for a while, he turned and walked down the cliff and returned to the headquarters of Galalhorn. Participating in the battle was enough to change. Conference on the trend of world history.

That is enough to change the current human social structure and historical trend, and it is also a major meeting that determines the human beings on this planet can go to a more far-reaching starry sky.




When the heavy iron gate was blown up, the huge body crashed to the ground.

Pieces of steel wreckage of varying sizes pierced the surrounding walls deeply with the sound of the wind.

At first glance, the visual impact of the debris inserted into the wall makes the scalp numb.

And the reason for this horrific scene-the dark bow angel who suffered heavy losses one after another, but was unable to repair it, finally fell into a dead silence.


First, there was a sound of deflation of stable air pressure, and then the sound of mechanical operation when the door was barely opened, and Lamia's embarrassed voice finally staggered out of the cockpit of the dark bow angel.

Lamia, who hadn't landed, almost fell to the ground on the spot.

Fortunately, a figure appeared next to him and held him in time.

"MISS.L. Your appearance is really rare!"

After hearing the sound, Lamia saw a familiar face.

"This is just a trivial matter. For the concubine...I...I...wasn't MISS.Q worse for you before?"

The one who held him back was MISS.Q, who was almost killed by Longtooth Zero Style a long time ago, and had been lying in the treatment cabin after escaping back to the final council.

Seeing her face full of red light and strong footwork now, she should have healed from her injury.

"Haha. That's true."

MISS.Q, whose scar was opened by Lamia, was not upset, but readily admitted it.

"I've seen the emergency communication. MISS.L, have you also met that lion?"

After helping Lamia to the other side, MISS.Q immediately brought the topic to the target she was paying attention to.

"Yeah. That's right! But besides that lion, we also encountered the daughter of the pioneer."

Lamia nodded, and when she was about to continue speaking, she suddenly became speechless.

Seeing Lamia's hesitation and trembling lips, MISS.Q knew that the old woman in front of her had committed another problem.

That can be regarded as a language module that can't be repaired using the most cutting-edge technology of the Final Council, I'm afraid it has become an unsolved mystery in the universe, right?

"Then, MISS.L, please rest assured! The speaker already knows the general situation. It is not necessary for you to meet the speaker for the time being."


The other side.

As MR.K, Lelouch took a crystal coffin capable of autonomous movement, followed the instructions on the passage all the way, passed several corners, and finally came to an open platform.

It was not an open-air platform with bright sunshine scattered.

It is an open-air platform shrouded by a repulsive field.

The scene outside the repulsion field is neither dense clouds nor mist with mysterious things, but black fire things that make people scalp numb, turn around in fear and run away.


This is the first time Lelouch has seen a real thing, the real thing called the abyss.

Even in the memory inherited from the emperor, Lelouch had seen the form of the abyss many times.




Everything in the world may be distorted by this abyss and become its captives.

But it was the first time to watch the abyss so close.

"Welcome to our Mingzhi!"

On the open platform, a plain middle-aged man dressed in embroidered gold and black robe greeted Lelouch in a loud voice.

"We are the youngest and most qualified MP MR.K, welcome your return!"

"Is it the oldest? The Speaker. I am not Emperor Lelouch. I believe you are also very clear about this."

Lelouch raised his hand on the crystal coffin and walked slowly into the open platform, responding with a smile to the speaker's enthusiasm.

"Really? Then I am not wrong, am I? In our parliament, you are the youngest member of our many members. Doesn't you recognize this?"

The speaker's words made Lelouch smile helplessly.

This is indeed true.

"The speaker said so."

After a pause, Lelouch retreated to the next step and gave up the crystal coffin.

"Member MR.K is here to return. He, we have brought it back."


The moment the speaker touched the crystal coffin, Lelouch clearly felt a pressure.

It was not against him, but against the existence of the crystal coffin.

It's just the crystal coffin, not to the person lying in the crystal coffin.

Such a strange phenomenon shocked Lelouch's heart, but his face was very calm.

After a long time, the speaker slowly retracted his gaze from the crystal coffin, looked at Lu Lu Xiu, and sighed slightly.

"Member MR.K, the parliament already knows the merits of you and MISS.L, and will surely reward them. However, I heard that when you leave, MR.K will protect him and MISS.L. Evacuate safely, detonating the Sky Fortress..."

After a pause, the speaker's eyes became extremely sharp, as if to penetrate directly into Lelouch's heart.

"Furthermore, he put his sister in another crystal coffin fiercely and used it as bait to distract the enemy?!"

Facing the question that the speaker was almost asking, Lelouch was silent for a moment, then nodded calmly and admitted.

"Yes! In order for him to return to the council smoothly, I can only use this method! After all, we are facing the daughter of the pioneer."


This is an answer that leaves the speaker speechless.

Even if he is as strong as him, when facing the pioneers, most of the time they are at a disadvantage.

The silence did not last long.

After the speaker sorted out his thoughts for a while, he focused on the topic that should have been unfolded.

"Congressman MR.K. Use your most honest heart to tell what happened to you, and accept the final ruling of all members of the parliament."

The speaker's voice became illusory and misty, and as the voice rang like thunder, the open-air platform called Mingzhi changed its color dramatically.

The abyss beyond the transparent dome rolled violently, as if trying to hit the transparent dome that isolated it.

However, the moment the violent abyss and the black fire rushed to the transparent dome, the surrounding scenery changed suddenly.

From that billowing black fire thing instantly transformed into a huge black sky curtain.

And above the sky, in the sky, under the sky, faces emerge one after another.


It's not a human face.

It's not even the alien face that humans can imagine.

They are masks that have been artificially created.

One after another weird, terrifying, glamorous, and even sacred masks appeared one after another, and at the same moment they lit up one after another, and gathered neatly on Lelouch's body.

"Member MR.K. Tell us about the situation at the time and why the sky fortress, which has gathered most of our resources, means, and strength, detonated!"

In the dark, a voice rumbling, shaking under this dark sky.

"Final decision..."

Lelouch, who was gathered by countless lights, was not timid, but silently told the truth about the scene in his heart.

This is the truth glimpsed from the memory of Emperor Lulu Xiu.

A major meeting will only be held when the parliament encounters a major problem or makes a ruling on an erring congressman.

At this moment, the reason for this major meeting is the latter.


This is what Lelouch did intentionally.

Everything is to stand on top of this major meeting personally, as a sinner.

"Ladies and gentlemen. I won't say much about polite things! Let's get to the topic now!"


Time goes back not too long ago.

When the dark bow angel used the Youyan Phoenix Arrow to resist the fangs lion zero-style void slash at close range, from the perspective of the onlooker, Lulu Xiu, who was observing the battle, found a clue.

Lamia used the mysterious device obtained from the speaker, and was slowly pulled back to the sky fortress. There seemed to be a trace of resistance.

And this trace of resistance was actually caused by the opponent, the enemy that Lamia called the daughter of the pioneer.

Lelouch couldn't understand the alien ballad that echoed on the battlefield.

This is an alien language that does not exist in the core database of the Final Council.

Judging from the reaction of the Wing God, the gray-haired girl whom Lamia called him seemed to be the second one in the entire battlefield who understood the existence of this alien ballad.


Lelouch who sensed this suddenly realized.

If this song of aliens that he, even Lamia can’t understand, shakes his Then finally the plan of parliament in this world, the layout will not be declared a failure. ?

This is something that Lelouch cannot allow.

Therefore, at the moment when Alien Song was about to completely shake the Wing God and shake the gray-haired girl, Lelouch did not hesitate to use the key Lamia gave him to directly start the self-detonation program of the Sky Fortress.

You know, this extreme measure is just the last insurance.

Thus, in the horrible blew of the Sky Fortress, the battle also came to the final conclusion.

"The next thing, I believe all the members will also know."

Lelouch gave a brief summary of the matter.

"Member MR.K, you mean that the daughter of the pioneer can shake his heart?"

This is the words from the holy mask hanging on the black sky.

"Although I am not sure, from the signs I observed, it is possible."

Lelouch nodded slightly, a confident light in his eyes.

"Humph! A joke! How could the long-awaited He be restrained by the emotions of mortals!!"

As soon as this word came out, there was a lot of discussion between the sky.


At this time, the speaker as the central figure spoke.

"Members. Congressman MR.K's guess is reasonable."

After the speaker stopped the congressmen's discussion, he slowly revealed a fact.

"Member MR.K's guess is not wrong. He, no, it should be said that he, who once walked the world as Anne Anifal, did have a relationship with the daughter of the pioneer."

After a pause, the speaker seemed to have a reluctant but helpless emotion between his eyebrows.

"Moreover, the relationship between the two parties is very close..."

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