Machine War: Infinite Frontier

Chapter 340 Direction

From the Heavenly Pillar to the Library Base to the final PLANT, Xiao Yun led C.C all the way forward, while playing with C.C was also showing the strength gap between Charles and his group.

After arriving at PLANT, the Archangel sailed directly into Armory 1 and did not enter PLANT through conventional channels, nor did it make any publicity. It can be said that most people did not know that Orb's representatives came to PLANT, and Durandal was on the Archangel. After entering the port, I personally took people to greet me personally.

Seeing Xiao Yun coming out of the plank road connecting the Archangel with a group of people behind him, Durandal had already shown a friendly smile and stood outside waiting.

Not long after, a group of people started touring Armory No. 1. Xiao Yun and Durandal walked at the front, followed by a group of people wearing PLANT uniforms and Orb uniforms. Except for C.C., Charles and others They were all asked to change into Orb's uniforms.

Charles was watching and observing all the way, and he was comparing the difference in military power between the two worlds in his mind, but no matter how hard he tried, it was difficult to find a way for Britannia to fight against Orb or this so-called country called PLANT. .

C.C was also looking everywhere, putting her hands in front of her eyes and looking into the distance from time to time. In her eyes, many things looked very novel.

At the front, Durandal kept a smile and said softly: "At this time, I came here on the Archangel for a private visit. Sir Shizhen, your visit this time still caught me off guard."

Xiao Yun said: "Then you mean that I should come over in the shuttle?"

Durandal shook his head: "That's not the case. If you are traveling, Master Shizhen, you still need to strengthen your protection. Is there something wrong with Master Shizhen when you come here this time?"

Xiao Yun: "It's okay. My maid wanted to come and visit PLANT, so I brought her here."

"Is that the green-haired lady behind you?" Durandal smiled slightly and said: "It seems that Master Shizhen found a very satisfied maid during the journey, but Miss Lux would probably be sad if she knew about it. ”

"I came here just to take a look at her. If she is sad, I probably won't." Xiao Yun lowered his voice and said, "Despite her appearance, her real age can be that of Grandma Qi. An immortal being exists in one world but loses that power after leaving that world.”

Durandal paused for a moment and nodded slightly: "Then it would be better to do a physical examination before leaving."

Xiao Yun said: "That's what I think. I'd like to leave a tube of blood for you to see if you can research it or not, but there's one more thing."

Durandal looked at Xiao Yun, and Xiao Yun said: "There has been a big change in World 0. It is estimated that there is no way to seize that door randomly. Now everyone's opinion is to seize the other door." See if we can establish long-term connections with several worlds, which will involve two aspects.”

Durandal waved his hand towards the back. He and Xiao Yun kept walking forward, while the people following him stopped.

Durandal asked: "Is it bad?"

Xiao Yun said: "It's not very good news for us. The TMC and the resistance army, which were originally in conflict, have signed an armistice agreement. The resistance army has occupied an area and established their country, and the human beings with the most unfathomable strength in the world have signed an armistice agreement. The federation also stepped in."

Durandal frowned slightly: "If this is the case, then we really have no way to seize the door. Of the two aspects you mentioned, I guess the first thing should be the development issue there. With the current situation, we must develop as quickly as possible. To the extent that it can touch the door, and then it has to develop to the extent that it can take the door away from the Federation. The second is our side... If it is used as a transfer station, the library is too small and too close to the earth, although it is true that There are two aspects, but there are too many things involved, and the channel is too small and we need to find ways to solve this problem. "

Xiao Yun pouted: "It's really boring to talk to smart people like you."

Durandal smiled bitterly but didn't know what to say.

Xiao Yun continued: "That's pretty much it. Next, we are going to buy a suitable star with enough resources to develop and build a larger city and factory."

"The manpower problem needs to be solved urgently." Durandal shook his head and said: "This is also the most difficult problem to solve. If it is not made public, it will be difficult for us to mobilize a large number of manpower. But even if we can mobilize, there will probably be too many that cannot be solved. Those who believe will be among them.”

"No, no, no, this problem is the best to solve." Xiao Yun shook his finger and said: "World No. 3 will solve this problem. There is a great creation in that world that can probably be called a miracle. I The maid is the authority of that great creation. Through her, she can give others the power called GEASS in that world, thereby fundamentally changing a person's spirit.

Soul and will, it just so happens that because of the expansion of great powers, there are many low-level citizens and so-called numbered people in that world. "

Durandal looked surprised: "There is also such a thing. I am afraid that only gods can do this great creation you mentioned. It is really surprising, but if this is true, then the biggest and most difficult problem to solve is not No more questions."

Xiao Yun said: "No matter what it is, that thing is under our control now."

Durandal smiled hoarsely: "Then this is good news. I understand. With Orb's strength, it is really difficult to survive alone. I will find a way to get more support from PLANT. As for the further development of the library base, I will also help. After all, there are many things we have to do next and they are all big moves, but Master Shizhen doesn’t think we should find one person to be fully responsible for all related things.”

"Lux." Xiao Yun said: "Originally, I thought Mina from the Kazakh family was a good choice, but then I thought about it, Mina has to be responsible for protecting Orb, and she also has very important things to do next. After thinking about it, Only Lux is the most suitable.”

Durandal also agreed: "Miss Lux is indeed a good choice, and the power in her hands is also very suitable for this matter, but as the situation develops, sooner or later, everyone will know about the one day door."

Xiao Yun glanced at Durandal: "You can hide it as long as you can. You don't think people in this world are ready to accept other worlds."

"I'm afraid not." Durandal looked up and sighed with emotion: "Even if they are of the same race in the same world and they can't accept it, it's hard for me to imagine that when this matter is made public, the whole world will burst out. No matter how chaotic it is, only one thing will not change. Their choices, their thoughts and even their actions will always be in the hands of a few people. "

"Don't make some incomprehensible exclamations out of nowhere."

Xiao Yun looked at Durandal's expression of not knowing what he was thinking and a bit pitiful, and gently patted Durandal, and said: "Aren't you also one of the few people who hold the truth? Then you are sighing here, so In order to avoid having people behind us when we charge forward, we must clear out those people in advance.”

Durandal's expression gradually became serious: "Are you ready to take action?"

Xiao Yun said: "You can take action at any time. I already have enough power in my hands to deal with those guys who can be called targets at any time. I even had people doing this kind of thing a long time ago, controlling them and threatening them. Kill them, but I don’t want to leave a mess behind after this operation is over.”

"I'm not very good at this kind of more delicate things, but I also know that pure killing and threats may not necessarily have satisfactory results. I will leave it to you to decide for yourself whether to continue to use strange methods to It's up to you to kill them secretly, threaten them or control them, or use a righteous plot to perform a grand performance to completely change the people's hearts and direction in this world. But I personally hope that this can become our most stable big city. rear."

Durandal was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly: "I understand, this is also the meaning of the existence of those of us around you, the human heart, the human heart... I need a year to prepare."

"Yes." Xiao Yun nodded and continued to move forward: "It's okay to take a year to relax. Things have to be done step by step and don't be in a hurry. Also, PLANT must speed up the training of scientific research and technical personnel. , personnel must be carefully selected and trained as soon as possible to cultivate a group of people who can be used by us. Although the ordinary labor force can be solved through World No. 3, high-end technical personnel who can play a key role cannot all be terminal changers. In this case, then I might as well just create a mechanical empire, and besides, the terminal-type pseudo-transformers also have great limitations. The special models are difficult to control and the ordinary models can only be used as assists. "

Durandal, who also followed Xiao Yun, nodded: "I understand."

It seemed that Xiao Yun was not serious, as if he was just taking the maid around for fun, but what he did after coming to PLANT and meeting Durandal was not really that boring. He was actually arranging things and directions to be done in the future. , the role of these people is not only to help Xiao Yun check for leaks and fill in the gaps, but in the final analysis, they are also to protect their own world.

"Right Durandal."

Durandal looked at Xiao Yun as if wondering what Xiao Yun was going to say.

"None of us can tell what will happen once the Federation in World 0 intervenes. I know too little about the Federation, and countless people in that world also know very little about the Federation. But among the people I sent to you this time There is one person who is affiliated with the Federation. You can learn more about the Federation’s situation from him, but I guess his knowledge is very limited.”

"Also..." Xiao Yun stopped again and said: "In order to be just in case and to prepare for the worst case scenario, the library must be expanded as much as possible... We still lack the decisiveness that can determine victory or defeat. The method is different in World No. 2. All the situations in the library are shared with you, so you should also be aware of the situation in World No. 2. "

"Once there are purebred revolutionaries who can achieve symbiosis with their alien life groups on Jupiter, they will not lack the strength to resist. World 3 also has things like GEASS, which will also have advantages as long as it is used on the right battlefield. But our world can only rely on absolute weapons to lead, but strength is the easiest thing to catch up with. "

Durandal understood what Xiao Yun meant: "There will be our last hope and the last retreat. If it is just a library base, I'm afraid it won't be enough. It must at least have the size of a colonial satellite. This won't be a Short-term projects require additional configuration. ”

Xiao Yun shrugged his shoulders: "No matter how much resources and manpower are wasted, we still have to make preparations. You know what I mean. When we have no choice, we only have one choice."

Durandal felt quite helpless: "It feels like there are more and more things to be done. It takes just one year or a little longer to develop a force that surpasses the current decades." I feel exhausted just thinking about it.”

After the two chatted for a while, Durandal arranged a boat to send Xiao Yun and his party to other places before he left and went about his own business. After getting off the boat, Xiao Yun was picked up by another person and went all the way to where he once was. C.C has been quite shocked by the different environments of the Klein family mansion he visited on different satellites.

C.C said with a little bit of disbelief: "When I came here, I noticed that there were many hourglass-shaped colonial satellites. The environment of the satellite we went to before was completely different from that here. The interiors of these colonial satellites are all different. Is it the same?"

Xiao Yun said: "Well, the space and environment inside each satellite are different. At least half of them are different, completely simulating the different landforms and climates of the earth. However, the satellite we are in now should be considered a special one. Especially in this part of the world."

C.C turned to look at Xiao Yun, blinked and waited for Xiao Yun to continue.

Xiao Yun: "The people living in this half are basically people with special identities in PLANT."


"Similarly, there are no aristocrats in PLANT, but there are also powerful people." Xiao Yun looked out the car window and said: "You should have also noticed that the scenery here is very good. The people who live here are all from PLANT, either rich or noble. People, but there are also many powerful and wealthy people living in other satellites.”

C.C said: "Yeah, it's very shocking. I feel it's more shocking than C's world. Human beings have established such colonial satellites in the universe with their own power and can create a completely different environment, which gives me a There is a feeling that human beings can become great on their own, and the place we are going to now is the home of Lux Klein, right?”

Xiao Yun looked at C.C and raised his eyebrows: "Jealous?"

"You think I'm that kind of person?" C.C smiled softly, raised her chin and said, "Not to mention why should I have that strange emotion because of you."

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