Mad God of Martial Extremity

Chapter 803: Challenge from the mystery

There was a happy mood among the Tobu Xianzongs. Before the Wu Jiuzi fell, the Tobu Xiansong was naturally gloomy, but now the whole Tobu Xianzong was illuminated with lights, and the sorrow and mist of the Zongmen were swept away.

After night, the entire Tobu Xianzong lighted up and down. Above the mountain, in front of the Tobu Hall, there were tables at the square, and the banquet was about to begin.

Numerous disciples of Tobu Xianzong also gathered on the outer gate square on the mountainside.

One of Tobu Xianzong's disciples was maintained at 100,000. The huge outer gate square was also full of tables, and countless disciples were waiting to be seated.

Tobu Xianzong is really a big deal this time. The whole ancestral hosted such a banquet, but it was a banquet held for more than 100,000 people at the same time.

At this time, Tobu City was also full of joy, because the ancient family had an ancient true dragon, and the ancient true dragon lived up to expectations and returned alive from the ancient battlefield of Xianmo.

For the ancient family, this is a big thing.

Tobu City, the ancient mansion's mansion, there are red lanterns hanging everywhere, and red silk is tied everywhere. I don't know if the person in the house thought that the son of the ancient family married.

"Why isn't Zhenlong coming back?"

On the lobby of the Gujia Mansion, Gu Yaotian, the family of the Gu family, constantly looked out the door.

"Father, it's still early. It is estimated that the banquet on the mountain has not started. How did Zhenlong's nephew come back so soon?"

A middle-aged man next to Gu Yaotian said that he is the son of Gu Yaotian. Gu Tianzhou has the cultivation of the peak of the mystery and has a pivotal position in the second generation of the ancient family.

"This too!"

Gu Yaotian groaned, he was anxious, even the business owner of the ancient merchant group in the first stage of his order couldn't wait!

At this time, the powerful people who had made good contact with the ancient family had all received the news, and they had already come to the ancient family with congratulations.

Compared with the ancient family, the Yuan family of the city's main government is deadly. All the children of the Yuan family are very unhappy. Because the ancient family produced an ancient true dragon, they were unhappy.

It is no secret that the Yuan family and the ancient family fought openly in this Tobu city.

This time, none of the children of the Yuan family could enter the battlefield of Xian Mo Gu, and the man who caused all this was Li Kuang, a Tobu lunatic.

If it wasn't for Li Kuang, at least one or two of the Yuan family's children could enter the Fairy Ancient Battlefield, but none of the Yuan family's children were Li Kuang's opponents, so none of them could enter the Fairy Ancient Battlefield.

The Yuan family and the ancient family had Li Kuang's grudges, but it was not easy to resolve them.

There are also Tobu City merchants. This merchant has always stood with the Yuan family and is in the same camp, but now it seems that the merchants have new options.

"Brother, someone saw Shang Ruyue going to Gujia early in the morning."

In the main hall of Tobu Castle City, Yuan Tianfeng gritted his teeth.

"Wall grass!"

Yuan Tianbao coldly.

"People have their own aspirations, so don't worry about them."

Yuan Tianlong sitting high on the main throne of the city said calmly.

"But brother ..."

Yuan Tianfeng has to say more.

But Yuan Tianlong did not let him go on.

"Well, just a business, what kind of storms can it set off?"

Yuan Tianlong disagrees.

"Well, we will prepare a congratulatory gift later, Tianbao, you can go to the ancient house on my behalf! You all step down!"

Yuan Tianlong waved his hand impatiently.

"yes, Sir!"

Yuan Tianbao said with a Yuan Tianfeng to exit the hall.

"Second Brother, why is Big Brother so calm?"

After leaving the hall, Yuan Tianfeng whispered to Yuan Tianbao.

"What if the merchant betrayed us? The entire Tobu City is in our hands."

Yuan Tianbao said coldly.

Tobu City is the root of the Yuan family. The old ancestor of the Tobu fairy ancestor had a rift with the Tobu city's Yuan family. Yuan Zhentian wanted to bring his son Yuan Fenglei to the owner of the Tobu city Bit, but unfortunately failed.

Of course, Yuan Zhentian will not really break with the Tobu City Yuan family.

Tobu City is definitely not simple. In the city on the bright side, only the Yuan and Gu family forces are fighting in the dark, and the power of businessmen is still very weak.

That's why merchants have to cling to the Yuan family, but now there are signs that the merchants intend to switch to the ancient family.

All of this is because of Gu Zhenlong, an ancient disciple who returned alive from the ancient battlefield of Xian Mo.

Anyone can see that the ancient family is different from the past, and the ancient family is about to take off.

At this time, in the entire Tobu City, large and small forces are vying to give gifts to the ancient family, of course, there are still many Yuan family members who are still watching.

The situation in Tobu Castle is very weird.

However, all this has nothing to do with Li Kuang.

The grand celebration of Tobu Xianzong has finally begun. Li Kuang does not want to participate. He would rather go to Xinshou Village to drink and eat meat with his brothers and friends.

Attending this kind of banquet, he paid too much attention to form, so Li Kuang didn't like it. On this occasion, he was very depressed and restrained everywhere.

He is like a walking dead, following Wang Zhongtian behind, wandering around the top of the Tobu God Mountain, yes, for Li Kuang is wandering.

Countless people toasted Li Kuang, and he didn't know how much he had drunk.

No matter how much he drinks, he will not be drunk.

"Master Li Kuang, congratulations."

At this moment, Yuan Dong suddenly walked over to Li.


When Li Kuang saw Yuan Dong, he was somewhat surprised, because this guy's cultivation has already broken through to the first stage of the mysterious realm.

A few months ago, this guy was only a half-step cultivation of the mysterious realm. I never thought he would break through.

"Is the beginning of the mystery?"

Li said with a chuckle.

"Haha, thanks to you."

Yuan Dong laughed.

"After all, we are all disciples of Xianzong. It is appropriate to care for each other. Should I take care of you again?"

Li Kuang wanted to laugh at the scene where Yuan Dong was abused.

"Hey, this time it's my turn to take care of you, brother!"

Yuan Dong smiled happily.

"Okay, when? I can't wait anymore."

Li Kuang nodded.

"Then ten days later, how?"

Yuandong put a smile away ~ ~ staring at Li Kuang.

"Okay, that's it!"

Li Kuang agreed without agreeing.

I didn't think I had just returned to Tobu Xianzong, and someone could not wait to challenge himself, which was definitely a good thing for him.

He wants to let those guys know who is the boss of Tobu Xianzong's younger generation.

Wu Jizi wanted to kill himself, and finally Wu Jizi killed himself.

Now Yuan Dong has jumped out again. If no one is behind Yuan Dong, who will believe it?

"Joke between children, don't play too much."

Wang Zhongtian said.

"Master, disciple, I never play too much."

Li said with a chuckle.

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