Madam, She Has a Tender Heart

Chapter 49 Looking for a shop

Su Qing'an turned around and went to the kitchen to find Aunt Zhou.

She had more important things to do, and it didn't make sense that she should complete the filial piety that Wu, the daughter-in-law, should show. As a granddaughter-in-law, she naturally had her own filial piety. Besides, filial piety didn't have to be made by making two sets of clothes herself.

Su Qing'an brought a few pieces of cloth to Aunt Zhou and asked her to help make two sets of clothes for Grandpa and Grandma Lu Bocheng.

Aunt Zhou was very happy that there was work to do at home again.

Last time she took the work from Su Qing'an, it only took a few days for the mother-in-law and daughter to get one or two taels of wages. The cloth scraps were also left, and they were pieced together to make a small piece of clothing for the youngest son, and a few pairs of soles.

Madam Su also taught the youngest son to make a ball with the hard feathers of a white goose, and taught him how to hit it with a racket. The youngest son was very happy, and he played with the ball with his friends in the alley every day, hitting it with you and me, and he was very happy, attracting a bunch of children to watch, and he played happily every day.

"Don't worry, madam. I will definitely tell them to do a good job and make sure they do the work carefully. Don't worry." Su Qing'an was very confident about their work. After giving the instructions, she went out. She had inspected several main streets a few days ago and had a rough idea in her mind. Today, she really went to the brothel to explain her purpose. "Madam, you want to find a bigger shop, with a large backyard, a well, and rooms for people to live in. It doesn't matter whether it is new or old, and the decoration is not important. Is that right?" Su Qing'an nodded. The other party glanced at her: "Madam, don't you want the one on the four main streets?" "Yes. Although the main streets have a large flow of people, the rent is also expensive, and the business she wants to do is special, so she doesn't need to be on the main street. She wants the kind of concentrated residential area, with a big front shop and a big backyard. The middle-aged brothel, whose surname is Li, lives in the town. He went over Su Qing'an's requirements in his mind, flipped through the book in his hand, and after a long time, he said: "There are a few shops. I just don't know if you are buying or renting it?"

"What is the rent price, and what is the buy price?"

The Li Ya people looked at Su Qing'an and saw that she looked calm, and they were not sure where she came from. They didn't expect that such a young lady with inconspicuous clothes could afford to buy a shop.

They didn't dare to look down on her and said, "Based on your requirements, such a shop would cost at least 200 taels. If you rent it, it would cost at least 5 taels per month. If you rent it, it would start from half a year, pay it quarterly, and pay a deposit of one month. ”

Pay once every three months, pay three and deposit one? That means she has to pay at least twenty taels at the beginning, and then she has to prepare goods, decorate, and hire people... Even if she is generous, the money in her hand can only last for two months in the case of complete loss.

Li Yaren saw Su Qingmei was silent and felt that this deal might not be successful.

Whose lady is this? She came and said she wanted to rent a shop. Business is not so easy to do. The monthly rent is five taels, so at least the monthly turnover must be doubled, plus the labor, at least six taels must be earned to avoid losses. It is really difficult to do business without strength and background.

I thought the lady was going to give up, but I heard her say: "Then Li Yaren, take me to have a look."

Ah, is it really going to be rented?

Su Qingmei saw that he did not move, and asked him with her eyes.

"Ah, I will take the lady there right away. Wait for me to get the key."

"Okay. ”

After he got the key and they walked on the road, Su Qing'an found that his legs were a little...

"Oh, don't mind, my lady. I was born with long and short legs. But it doesn't affect my walking, and it doesn't affect me taking you to see the shop."

Su Qing'an shook her head: "I didn't mean that."

Li Yaren smiled.

Su Qing'an was afraid that he would misunderstand, so she smiled and said: "In fact, you are lucky to be like this. You can live safely after all. I just sent my man away yesterday. He was conscripted into the army. He was reluctant to leave home and said that he wished his father would break his legs so that he wouldn't have to go."

Li Yaren laughed: "That's right. Although my legs can't do anything else, it saved me from being a human target on the battlefield. In this way, I'm lucky." After saying that, he laughed.

The two of them were finally not so unfamiliar, and they talked all the way.

"Oh, so you are the new wife of Bocheng?"

"Ah, did you know him? ”




那李牙人看了她一眼,止了笑,道:“博承那孩子讲义气,他是看不惯大小孩欺负更小的孩子,所以上手就是揍。后来跟他打架的据说都成了他的朋友,经常能看见他们一帮人走在街上。这镇上少有不认识他的。 "

Su Qing'an listened quietly, wondering if Li Ya had some special relationship with that guy, who kept saying good things about him along the way.

"Bo Cheng's mother died early, and his father didn't care much about him. Now that you're married, you should live a good life with him. Although there are no eyes on the battlefield, if he knew that someone was waiting for him at home, he would definitely try his best to survive."

"Yeah." Su Qing'an felt sad when he heard what he said. If a person has no attachment to the world, he will either become a monk or end his life.

She hoped that Lu Bocheng could also be nostalgic and live well.

The two of them talked while walking, and they didn't feel bored on the road anymore.

Li Yaren's business ability is very outstanding. He knows every house and shop in the streets and alleys. Which ones are for rent and which ones are for sale, at what prices, what information is there about the seller, why they want to sell or rent, all the information is stored in his mind.

He even knew which villages and townships near the town had fields for rent.

Su Qingyu obtained a lot of information.

I thought that if I made money in the future, I would ask him to take me with me to buy land, and I would also become a person with a house, a shop, a farm, and land.

I even looked at a few places, because Su Qingyu didn't pay attention to the internal and external conditions of the shop. She didn't ask for anything inside. She didn't run a restaurant or restaurant. She didn't want tables or chairs. It was best to have one. Only if the house is empty can she renovate it.

Soon Li Yaren took her to pick a shop.

On Northeast Street in the inner city, there are many residents here, and the street is quite spacious. Most of the shops are houses with people living in the back. It is not far from the entrance of the town. The shops are spacious, the ceilings are high, there is a well in the backyard, and there is a warehouse. , there are stables for cattle and horses, and people can live in the left and right wing rooms. The shop had just been renovated, so she didn't need to make any major changes.

Su Qingnao was very satisfied after reading it and decided on the spot.

Li Yaren was also very happy, so he said he would help her make an appointment with the landlord first, and ask her to come over with money to sign the deed and pay the money tomorrow morning.

Su Qingyu agreed, paid for the teeth, said goodbye to him, and walked around the vegetable market for a long time before returning to the Lu family.

She didn't go out in the afternoon. She just wrote and drew in the house, thinking about the things to do and the money to open the shop.

Shen Shizhong, Aunt Zhou came to call her, saying that her father was looking for her.

father? Didn’t we just meet yesterday? Why did you come here today?

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