Mage Lord: The Tech Tree is Skewed by Me

Chapter 66 How can there be no potions in a fantasy world? (Please follow up and read!)

This year is an extremely special year for Antolia.

Not only is the cultivated land around the Thorn Territory extending into the distance at an unprecedented speed, but settlers are also appearing on the southwest highlands for the first time.

Carriages loaded with warm stones were traveling slowly along the winding roads in the dense forest, providing a steady stream of backup energy for the operation of the land compactor.

From the Thorn Territory to the Moon Mushroom Forest, from the banks of the White Blade River to the wasteland on the south bank, workers can be seen everywhere in this territory ruled by the Jimena family.

Female workers are weaving pieces of gorgeous silk and satin in textile workshops, and craftsmen are forging sharp weapons in blacksmith shops.

Everyone is busy.

As the chief steward of the territory, Aaron is probably the busiest among them.

After all, the Thorns Territory has too many ways to spend money now.

From the development of wasteland to the operation of workshops, from the renovation of old houses to the establishment of settlements, soldiers need to be trained, caravans need to travel long distances, money is needed everywhere, and food is needed everywhere.

Fortunately, Aaron's reputation is high enough. If it were anyone else, let alone dealing with such a lot of trivial matters, the tough mercenaries of Antolia alone might not be able to handle it.

However, although Aaron was very busy, his heart was full of joy.

Because today's Antolia is developing rapidly at a speed that he has never imagined.

While Sherman was planning the construction of the bridge by the White Knife River, he was studying the best ratio of cement. At the same time, with the help of Collins, solid mounds of earth rose up from the flowing river to form the basis for the bridge. The construction provides great convenience.

Fast, with a carrot in hand and a stick in hand, has been engaged in protracted exchanges with the mountain people living in Antolia.

Especially after a face-to-face conversation, the Navaco tribe's surrender has become the most important phased result achieved so far in the plan to recruit mountain people.

As a large tribe with thousands of members, the Navaco tribe is not only the same descendant of the ancestors as the Lapuluk people, but it is also the most populous tribe in Antolia besides the Lapuluk people!

It is precisely for this reason that the loyalty of the Navaco tribe is of great significance. It can be said that it sets a benchmark and provides the possibility for the peaceful integration of the mountain tribes throughout the Antolia region.

It can be solved without force, and Leon certainly doesn't want to use force to solve it.

After all, his current identity is that of a descendant of the ancestors who has undergone multiple certifications. Even Kerman, the priest of the Navaco tribe, once again certified Leon's identity as a descendant of the ancestors when he surrendered.

It really couldn’t be truer!

Therefore, if we do not take into account the incident of Mary falling from her horse that was triggered by inadvertence, everything today is developing smoothly in the direction Leon envisioned.

"Mage Collins! Priest Kerman!"

In the study room of the lord's castle, all the mages/priests of the Thorn Territory, including Leon and Fast, gathered together.

Although there are only four, in remote Antolia, this can already be regarded as a large number of talents.

This is really not a boast!

If you look to the north of Antolia, you will see that due to the siphon effect of giant cities such as Parma on the mage community, even the relatively wealthy Earldom of Gray Water Castle has only a handful of mages.

There is no way, the higher the title, the larger the territory, and the more resources and money can be used.

And magic is an extremely money-consuming field, so magic talents are known to be the highest combat power in the world, and the great nobles almost monopolize the vast majority of mage talents.

Even for aliens like Antolia, apart from Leon himself, two-thirds of the other mages are from the mountain tribe.

Who is the serious mage coming to Antolia?

Looking at the mages sitting around him, Leon's heart suddenly seemed filled with great pride. He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

"You are all leaders in the field of magic, and you are also the humerus of the Jimena family!"

"I called everyone here this time for only one thing, and that's the magic potion!"

Potions, that is, magic potions.

This is something that Leon has been thinking about since he came into contact with magic.

Leon didn't know why. Maybe it was because the magic trees in this world were not fully developed, or maybe no one had ever really thought about the possibility of making magic potions.

In short, people's research on the field of potions is basically blank.

This is something Leon can't accept no matter what!

If there were enough magic potions in this era, how could he still use such a primitive treatment method as bloodletting after his alcoholic father fell into the water?

If there was a corresponding magic potion, maybe my father could still be alive and kicking as a viscount!

Even if it is for the sake of his own life, even if it is just so that he will not be troubled by the horrific bloodletting when he is sick, Leon is bound to study potions!

Especially after experiencing the night attack that day, and after he saw Fast putting layers of buffs on himself, the idea of ​​studying potions became even stronger in Leon's mind.

No matter how powerful Fast's buff magic is, he is still only one person after all.

To put it more bluntly, Fast will always have a bad day.

Therefore, since the kingdom currently does not have a technology tree that enables potion research, Leon plans to do it himself!

Think about it, if the Antolian soldiers, who are already brave and good at fighting, can each have a small red bottle, and take a sip when they are tired from fighting... Tsk, tsk, it feels particularly awesome when I think about it.

not to mention……

Just a few days ago, the shadow monsters who were eating and drinking in the ancient library finally cleared a new area again...

Leon finally determined a fact that shocked him extremely!

There should be magic potions in this world!

Or in other words, at least in the era when our ancestors lived thousands of years ago, magic potions existed!

"Magic potion..."

The moment Leon finished speaking, everyone present had different expressions.

Collins and Fast were lost in thought, while Kerman on the side had a look of shock in his eyes.

To him, the word potion was so unfamiliar, yet it felt like he had seen it before.

Because in the history of the Navaco tribe, there seemed to be a few words about potions, but because it was just a new word that suddenly appeared, Kerman never took it to heart.

But now, the same words were spoken in Leon's mouth.

Kerman, who was originally doubtful about Leon's identity, suddenly widened his eyes.


It really couldn’t be truer!

It turns out that the Jimena family, which has been adjacent to the Navaco tribe for many years but has no intersection with it, actually has such a deep connection with its ancestors!

Fast will not deceive me!

Thanks to the book friend "Evening Breeze's Hidden Mind" for providing 200 Andal silver coins, which provided start-up funds for the development of Antolia's potion science.

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