Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1200: The source of all evil, Yinxu World-Bone Demon Venerable!

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When Li Mo exchanged information with the red-headed clock, the "Remain of Yuanshen", which occupied all his possessions, was also continuously nourished by the death energy of the Pure Land, such as a withered plant regaining its consciousness and slowly waking up.

The one-finger attack against the goblin earlier was more like an instinctive passive defense when half asleep and half awake.

This 'Remain of Yuanshen' has been sleeping for too long, too long. Not only is it extremely slow to wake up, but the speed of thinking is also long beyond imagination, like a sloth or snail. But as the other party really woke up, it seemed that a machine that had been dusty for many years was slowly turning, and soon it was on track to catch up with ordinary people, and it was getting stronger and stronger, and its condition was getting better and better.

When the ancient unnamed Yuanshen was truly awake, he quickly took over everything of Li Mo.

After a detailed exploration of the host's basic law, Dao, true spirit, and legal body conditions, this ancient Yuanshen instantly fell into a state of consternation. An angry roar in the Pure Land of Bliss!

The data state Li Mo, during the time when he was awake in the apartment, the integration of the Unknown Yuanshen with ‘Li Mo (collection)’ was already deep. From the outside to the inside, he began to infiltrate his true spirit, browse and read his shallow memories of these years, and continue to invade and deepen.

In addition, this Yuanshen participated in the change of soldiers in two ways:

Invading his real body all the way, trying to contaminate and control every cell in the body, so as to use the collective unconsciousness of the cells to invade the bloodstream and invade the deeper 'Yin God'. On the other way, Yuanshen bypassed the "Moon Disk Dao", based on Li Mo's most primitive soul, looking for the "Yang Shen" to detect him, and then linked to the higher heavenly Dao.

Under normal circumstances, a monk's soul is heavily defended. When attacked, no matter the alien invasion or rebirth, he has the ability to resist and initiate a soul-level fight. Even the most ordinary ordinary people, after encountering a similar situation, can fight moths to death!

But Li Mo's "condition" at this moment is absolutely abnormal! Not only is he subjectively unable to fight back, including Yin God, Yang God, and True Spirit, he is as indifferent as being paralyzed. As if you are not yourself at all!

If it is not for the big group, he will restart his soul in a data state and enter the mechanical mind, otherwise he will be completely reduced to fish and let the other party be slaughtered without knowing it, and he is terrified.

The relics launched by the remnants of Yuanshen are the top. In addition to simply occupying the house, it is necessary to completely cover and replace everything in Li Mo from the three aspects of ‘True Spirit, Yin God, and Yang God’, perfect fusion and inheritance.

Because everything that belongs to the 'Remain of Yuanshen' has long since disappeared, the other party is truly distracted and dead completely. Therefore, it is necessary to take advantage of Li Mo's data such as "Yang Shen, Fate, Cause and Effect, Qi Yun" in the Crystal Wall Heavenly Path. And after the resurrection, all the traces left by Li Mo will be transformed into their own!

By that time, Hitaheim will completely no longer have the concept of 'Li Mo', but the 'Remain of Yuanshen', which has been cancelled by Heavenly Dao, will reappear in the world and start a new journey. (Not only to take away your home, but also to take away your Yin God, Yang God, and true spirit.)

From the moment when the remnants of Yuanshen regained consciousness and took over 'Li Mo', his own soul was dying continuously, and finally he was cleared, giving up everything to himself and handing them to the remnants of Yuanshen.

During the time before completely zeroing, he and this remnant of the Yuanshen are in communication with each other! And it is the most rooted and essential connection! Only in this way can the other party completely cover Li Mo.

Li Mo, who was staying in the platinum apartment, was unable to detect the darkness beyond the 'mechanical seal', but he passively endured the huge information that the remnant of the Yuanshen instilled in the reverse direction. He knew in his heart that the other party was covering his own roots and obliterating his last existence.

This ‘Yuanshen’ read Li Mo ’s memory as if a robber broke into a mansion, and every house was locked. The other party intends to live for a long time, so he does not want to destroy it, but unlocks carefully, and the progress is slow.

But when the other party covered Li Mo, his own soul memory was unreserved, just like smashing the fire pump to irrigate the mansion, directly drowning the owner hiding in the room and replacing it.

Soon, Li Mo in the Platinum Apartment was surprised to find that the Yuanshen's anti-reprisal message could not cover himself? !

Because of the existence of the other party, the two systems are completely different from the big dumpling on the mechanical side! It is actually the purest ‘Cultivation side Yuanshen’, and there is no semi-intersection with the mechanical side!

Ordinary host encounters the "Yuan Shen" to take home, and has been completely paralyzed and let anyone slaughter. Quickly covered, completely wiped out, unable to resist or hide. But Li Mo is very different!

First of all, he collapsed long ago, but Li Momo, as a data life on the mechanical side, is not affected by the Yuanshen on the practice side. The mechanical seal seems to be an insulator, resisting the first wave of control of the "Remains of Yuanshen" and becoming an island in the soul .

Later, Li Mo, restarted in the data state, also obtained mechanical characteristics, resisting the coverage and erosion of Yuanshen. Even, he found that he actually had the energy to read the torrent of soul memory poured into the platinum apartment from the outside world!

Finally, Tuanzi's 'Platinum Apartment' is a very peculiar soul space, which does not exist in any coordinates of reality, but only exists in the real space of the soul. Although it is not big, it has unlimited potential. It is Li Momo's dojo and Li Mo's pocket.

The "soul torrent" released by the remnants of Yuanshen is more than enough to cover any legend, but after the massive amount of information flows into the `` Platinum Apartment '', it is not enough to read. Li Momo directly opened an independent oversized storage room, with the insulation feature of the 'mechanical side' to isolate and hoard these soul torrents.

In addition, Li Momo and Li Mo are more proficient at reading these soul messages and getting news about the outside world!

With continuous reading, Li Mo was surprised and surprised, and finally figured out the cause of this karma report!

This is a karma that has been doomed for three eras. Although Li Mo was involved in an accident halfway, he had benefited early and had a bad cause. Now it is reasonable to have this result.

The immortal civilization across the endless universe, following the time and space storms invading Hitaheim, condensing the 'crystal wall heavenly path', creating the 'reincarnation hall' mechanism, and rolling up the magic reform madness in one hand, comes from a world called 'Yinxu Great World' Daqianxiandao universe.

The fairyland universe, like the mythical world of the heavenly dynasty, also experienced times like floods, feudal gods, westward journeys, etc., but in the end, because the top class masters died of each other, and the entire universe was exhausted and collapsed, it was necessary to wipe out death.

At that time, the masters of several avenues left with their own inheritance, and the immortal demons, demon, and mighty powers were abandoned, and they launched their own self-rescue. Finally, they gathered the power of the immortals to create pieces of treasures for crossing the endless void.

These past events are dusty and need not be mentioned. And the remnants of the primordial **** who took away Li Mo this time came from a giant underworld ancient demon and white bone deity from the "Yin Ruins Great World".

Bone Demon Venerable, the eve of the collapse of the Yinxu Great World, followed the magical power of the Fortune Treasure into the space-time storm. When he arrived in Hitaheim, he had already collapsed into a seven-seven-eight-eight-year collapse, and Yuanshen fell into a deep sleep, and his strength plummeted.

When he woke up for the first time, the Temple of Reincarnation had developed to the middle of the second generation. At that time, the dark ages of a generation of powerful, local gangsters, sacred halls, mechanical realms, and Gaita emperors were rising.

The trend of the magic reform is gradually rising, and countless invaders are like heavenly demons, destroying the foundation of the crystal wall universe. The invaders, demons, and gods of the old era launched brutal and fierce fighting, and a large amount of contemporary power rose during this period.

The radiant emperor Carlos, it was at the beginning of this second era that Zhengrong was the dream lover of the sisters of countless succubus and snake demon at the time of the abyss of the fiery devil. And Li Mo's partner Tianjing Goddess also seized ten Tianjing gods in this era, and was sold by the elven gods. It completely collapsed and turned into countless residual souls.

In the later period of the second generation, the White Bone Demon King completed his rebirth in the underworld, starting from scratch, relying on the strong accumulation of the previous life, quickly adapting to the rules of the main world, and combining the undead magic to complete the magic reform and rise again.

Soon, he showed ‘beacon characteristics’ and joined the reincarnation hall. Obviously at the end of the second generation, he was thrown away by the strong men in the early stage, but by virtue of the advantages of reincarnation, he leaped into the "Underworld Spirit", hunted a fallen **** of death, snatched the priesthood and deity fragments, and made a fortune. Broken reincarnation, initially entered the ranks of the second generation of gangsters.

(The strong foundation of the previous life, the many opportunities in this life, coupled with the reincarnation plug-in, and the troll's experience and decisive decisiveness, completed the big man's counterattack.)

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