Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1588: Return to the Temple of Reincarnation, shadow divinity, mechanical true spirit

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When Li Bai shattered the void with his flesh, it seemed to go through the wormhole, and directly get rid of the restraint of the 'Examination Room No. 1' planet. The next second turned violently into a space tunnel, surrounded by twisting and rotating stars.

However, this feeling did not last for a few seconds, and his sense of time and space was cut off. It seems that there is invisible power, forcibly interrupting the 'flying ascent' process, intercepting the void in which it is located, and pulling it into another dimension.

It was at this moment of unpreparedness that the memory of the seal sealed by the Temple of War came back.

Watching the surrounding pictures change drastically, my heart suddenly. The 'Trial Examination Room' itself is not a normal time and space. At the same moment, this 'Earth' overlaps nearly 20 parallel time and space, and the void universe around the planet is also isolated and protected by the 'artificial crystal wall', as if A line-level ecological bottle with a moon as a monitoring device.

If all living beings look out into the sky, it is still the moon and the sun. The sun will shine on the earth, and it will shine on nearly 20 examination rooms at the same time. But outside the man-made crystal wall, this is a monotonous and vast physical universe; while inside the man-made crystal wall, there are ‘medium (high) martial universes’ superimposed with 20 parallel space-times.

Even if the development of human science and technology has reached modern times, it can only complete the moon landing, and cannot be separated from the earth-moon system. However, it is more likely that the timeline will be reset before the ascension, starting from the Spring and Autumn period before Qin, and then playing a round of the evolution of Gaowu World.

Or at that time, the behind-the-scenes trader had achieved his goal, completely abandoning the toy of the screening tester, and letting himself die.

Li Mo recovered his mind again and was already in the reincarnation hall.

And normal testers, as long as they have entered the "War Temple" and signed the "Immigration Letter of Intent", no matter whether they are successfully broken, or died in the void tunnel, or simply unable to break, the old dead world ... the soul will be received Introduce into the upper level of the "God of War Temple", the transfer station affiliated with the reincarnation hall, and carry out the final immigration ascent procedure.

Although Li Mo was placed under house arrest, with the help of the IP of "Bone Skeleton Deity", everything was cleared up early. This 'transit station' has left the examination room and is not affected by the 'Westward Journey World, the World of Trial'. It is a must-have station for ascendants and a main battlefield for inheriting the camp and robbing people.

Such as Kou Zhong, Broken Waves, Li Er, etc., whether broken or dead, will eventually arrive here, just like the traditional human palace of the king, through the payment (paying the test score), choose the "start difficulty" of Hittheim ’s rebirth, 'Reborn identity', 'Nativity place, camp' and 'racial talent' ...

He is now placed on the 1st examination room. After returning, he only needs to inform the Legion of Radiation to get the support of His Majesty Carlos. Passage ', which keeps accepting its own leeks, is really beautiful, and earns money by lying down.

Before going back, there is one more thing to solve!

At this moment, Bai Qing'er, who had returned to God in a trance, was embracing the left arm of Master Daoji in a paralyzed manner, and looked around in confusion. Then I saw Li Mo with a weird expression, and the three-style **** with bad eyesight and full of hostility.

The next second, she turned her head to look at her Li Bai, and then looked back at Li Mo suddenly, an inexplicable ridiculous feeling rose in her heart, how could it seem to be her own man? His face suddenly turned red, and a deep sense of shame grew in his heart.

At the moment, Master Daojin's complexion is unpredictable, and his body's breath fluctuates violently. He grinned for a while, expressionless for a while ... Suddenly, his body shuddered, groaned, opened his mouth and vomited blood, and pulled a beam of light from his forehead. Immediately afterwards, the breath in the body was suddenly dark and cold, as if he had changed himself. The surprised Bai Qing'er flashed out of the three steps and looked at the group of light that made her feel attached, and slammed into Li Mo.

Before she could recover, the "killing ink" eyes turned into pure black, and the wave of killing intention broke out completely. She stared coldly at Li Mo and sent out a cold grunt. She then chose to explode her body in place, and the blood burst. Turned into blood mist.

Li Mo smiled and said: "To repair, use the best, most expensive and most matching raw materials!"

Next, Bai Qinger witnessed a miracle in a shocked shock.

Suspected ex-boyfriend 'Li Bai' seems very disdainful and dissatisfied? Use strange powers to avoid the shock and retreat, as if this body has been extremely polluted, and it can't wait to be blown up and abandoned. And another man who made her closer, shouted to repair, and then a large amount of dark and evil substances appeared out of thin air, reorganized in front of her, and a completely strange man was born.

"Dream! Dream! Dream!" A group of purple and black **** suddenly emerged from the body of "Shangyi Mo", sticking to his head like Li Momo, and gritted his teeth to the deity of "Shanyi Mo", Then various attacks were launched.

Li Mo didn't care much about this. A group of newly reborn 'spirit spirits', whose weak strength had just stepped into the extraordinary, was almost like a tickle. At present, this thing is a 'hand pet'.

Sure enough, Mo Yimo immediately ripped off the group of things from the top of his head, squeezed twice, and the dream demon quickly deformed, and then returned to the original cute look, showing a disappointed expression of grievance.

In these short moments, the killing ink has exploded Li Bai ’s body, severed and returned Li Mo ’s soul, and even Li Bai ’s memory was discarded as garbage, leaving only the “brand” related to martial arts, and "Dream Demon" that coexists with the true spirit.

"Your furnace is collected by yourself." Leng Bingbing's killing ink does not like the "Dream Demon" outside the plan, but has already been integrated with him, so he chose the default, without much talk. Then he asked, "Why is the shadow power?"

As the deity's 'Shuoyue Doppelganger', he inherited Li Mo's full set of memories and at the same time carried Li Mo's obsession with 'killing related'. To put it simply, the five avatars are paranoid and have no desires except for their corresponding 'negative emotions'.

The core of paleness is that "greed" enjoys making money and doing business, madly occupies all valuable items, and desires are hard to fill; the blood tree stands for "destruction", which is a typical abyssal monster, and in the name of environmental protection, endless destruction in the bottomless abyss. Have fun with it; as the name suggests, the horror sword master is now transformed into the true path of the Xuanmen, and the way is widely accepted by the disciples, but in secret, he cannot escape fear and absorb fear.

And the last month of the moon is to kill the Italian ink, naturally it is ‘except killing, there is nothing else’. However, other attributes, artificial yangshen hukou, and disguised identity are determined by the deity.

When Li Mo reshaped his body for him, unexpectedly, he did not carry out the plan within the "Shuyue", but exchanged the huge and pure "Shadow Energy" and a bonus from the Samsara Temple. "Daily material" and the "shadow divinity" of the back door condensed the flesh for the killing ink.

As a paranoid psychic doppelganger, Mo Yi is one of the two best tempers in the five months. Apart from ‘killing’, there is no other emotion in the non-combat state, so there is no displeasure, just a little curiosity. (The other is ‘desperation’, with no emotion at all, a calm one B.)

"The original plan was unnecessary. You are now carrying the Buddhist fortune, perfectly integrating the dharma and the killing, and the soul is contaminated by the dream demon, and you simply transfer to the" shadow system "and escape into the shadow plane to become an asura. It's the best "Assassin's Way"! "

Li Mo received the memory of the doppelganger and learned that the trial was behind the scenes. There was too much inspiration in his heart. The shadow plane is the most obscure, but the most peculiar one among many inner and outer spaces.

Each material plane must have its own 'shadow plane', and the numerous shadow planes of the main world are connected to each other in strange ways. Where there is a shadow, there must be a path to the "shadow world". If a "shadow creature" is deeply connected with the "heaven" of the shadow plane, you can take a shortcut to enter any outer space and inner layer. space.

Such other levels, because they are too barren, are not valued by top gangsters, but in Li Mo's view, they have great potential for development. The fifth avatar was already on the ‘hire assassin’ route, and later hid in the shadow plane to testify the gods, seize the opportunity, and then cooperate with the other four avatars to do some shameful dirty work, which is really great.

"By the way, are you interested in making a big wish? What 'shadow world is not empty, swear not to become a Buddha', anyway, you are not expected to become a Buddha, but with this 'great wish', your connection with" Shadow Heavenly Way " Certainly one step into the sky, borrowing huge benefits out of thin air, without leaving the 'Shadow World', it must be a hegemon! "

"I'm not interested! I will leave first. If you have any questions, please contact me at any time." At this moment, Sha Yimo also completed the docking with the main world "Jingbi Tiandao" through the "Reincarnation Hall".

Although the test room is separated from the "Hitaheim crystal wall system", it has the supervision of the colonial heaven, and records the changes of each candidate. Therefore, each set of self-created advanced exercises will be recorded in the main world and condensed into the corresponding 'private database'.

Therefore, all the martial arts of ‘Master Daojim’ have been transformed into the ‘master world model’, and his broken void realm is already eligible to register several ‘private laws’. Coupled with the killing intentional self-destructive reshaping of the ‘shadow form’, he returned directly to the ‘superior’ as the starting point, quickly upgraded with the resources provided by Li Mo, and transformed the martial arts of the examination room into the world ’s ‘magic reform’ format.

And his broken Nether Martial Realm can support him to go to the ‘Legendary Daoji’ realm without pressure, and the way forward is not difficult to develop. What's more, between the deity and the five avatars, there is also a hidden ‘Ultimate Taiyin Mind Magic Net’ to back up. In the future, there will only be a ‘New Moon’ promotion, which will be magnified by the entire group.

Although Li Mo's debut was late, he could bear the loneliness and made the "base plate" very large. Now, several major avatars have entered the ranks of "Daoji, into robbery", and finally ushered in an explosive expansion stage of strength ...

After Mo Yimin left with 'Demon Demon', Li Mo looked at Bai Qing'er. The latter's memory recovered a lot, but it was only a broken record of the second-generation antiques, which did not help her to integrate into the main world. , But she understood the truth of 'Li Mo = Li Bai = husband', but she is still a little conservative.

"The one just now ... is the Moon Moon Plate?" Bai Qing'er, who inherited the inheritance of Gushe Fairy, looked at Li Mo with some admiration. Looking for her husband to hug the thighs of her ancestors directly, how old is the skill of the mother-in-law who catches the gold turtle son? !

"Good! Well, everyone is the same as the" Guanghanmen ", so let me be the secretary for a while." Li Mo will soon go home to meet his wife's wife. He plans to give Bai Qinger a package first. Then deal with the relationship between the two parties.

"This is the Temple of Reincarnation. Ordinary people cannot enter without chance. As a senior, I will give you 30,000 points of consumption. You can pick something you like to exchange." In order to appease Bai Qinger who is in a state of panic, Li Mo chooses Krypton gold tactics.

This girl was convinced by him early in the exam room, and now it may be a bit uncomfortable to change her status, but the power of 'Krypton Gold' can make her quickly adapt to her role. Anyway, she is also a gatekeeper of the Yin Gui School. Although she is like a jade, the lower limit of her morality is still very low. Otherwise, how can she become a ‘Ming Concubine’ like a fish, and develop countless yoga postures that make Li Mo breathtaking? !

After dealing with Bai Qing'er, he put the three types of gods into the platinum apartment, began to communicate with Xiao Momo, make confessions, edit various lies, and then exchanged a large number of 'purchasing sacrifices' from the reincarnation hall and included his own house. The outside coordinates recorded by the Cannon Legion 'are ready to be taken home to please his wife.

"Fortunately, you were restrained during the trial and did not break her body, otherwise how could your secretary explain to the chipmunk?"

"It's all a pot of killing ink. I'm sorry for this product. I've escaped the shadow plane to avoid the wind!" Li Mo was complacent.

"You are mean, but I can help you keep it secret. The price is that you have to give me the" sword seal ", and use my" mechanical seal "as the core of your true spirit."

Li Mo thought for a while and nodded, "It's okay! The" Taiyin Heart Demon Network "is divided by the Moon, and the deity" Yangshen "has no way to go. It simply created a new" Taiyin True Spirit Avenue ", no matter what. "The style of painting" or the "core rule" is very different from Victor and the five new moons. Later, if you cross the stars, can anyone doubt me? "

"Yes, yes, Star Realm does not suppress any system, but it is affected by the" twisted Star Realm ", and it has an additional increase on the large mechanical side. Let's go to Star Realm for development, it is definitely promising! So let's buy and buy it ! "Li Momo immediately catered and encouraged.

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