Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1778: The monkey who broke the watch

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After paying the fee again, a group of six people + a tour guide successfully climbed to the top of the mountain and saw the famous "Jiuqiao Xianshi".

As the 'Monkey King Immortal Stone' has not yet hatched and has to be bathed in the heavens and earth every day, the Huaguo Mountain Scenic Area has not built any artificial buildings here, which hinders the development of the 'Immortal Stone', but instead retains its original features to the greatest extent.

how? Can't understand? So simpler:

The official of the scenic spot only installed the ‘no-fly spell’ method, and added a row of ‘gates’ to do nothing! Yes, they just circled the plot, and they would have to collect the ‘scenic package’ again. Li Mo was speechless about this.

"I didn't expect how much universe I have traversed, can I still escape this?" Li Mo, who was stricken by the major scenic spots in his previous life, found that the days of being a gangster after crossing have not changed much?

At this time belongs to the cold period of the scenic spot. There is only Li Mo squad at the top of the mountain. The left hand is the ‘Xianshi’ containing the mystery of the world, and the right hand is the endless sea. Clouds and mist filled the valleys, and the distant mountains were looming, the scenery was very charming.

Although the official did not build ‘extra’ buildings, they shoveled the floor around the fairy stone and engraved ‘Qi Tian Da Sheng! ‘Four characters, and a bold‘ → ’drawn next to it, pointing to where the fairy stone is, seems to remind everyone.

"Is this the fairy stone that gave birth to the 'monkey'?" Tong En was very curious, so he almost fell on the fairy stone and watched carefully.

This is a stubborn stone that reaches the chest of an adult. There are a total of nine tricks. It constantly vomits the spirit mist of the top of the fairy mountain. It seems to be restrained but very magical.

When Tong En wants to reach out and touch, Xian Shi automatically pops up a layer of pliable force field, which gently offsets her strength, and does not make her hurt, but also cannot reach zero distance.

Tong En does not believe in evil, but the closer the palm is to the surface of the ‘Xianshi’, the stronger the rebound will be, no matter how hard she tries.

Fortunately, at this time, the young lady guide said: "Guests should give up trying. This core attraction is so original, dare to put the" stone tire "casually between the world and the tourists. No one can touch Xianshi, no matter who ... unless ... "

"Unless what?" Tong En asked in disbelief, she couldn't touch the stone before she believed it? !

"Unless you add money!" Li Mo, who had figured out the urine in Huaguo Mountain Scenic Area, replied.

"Uh ... that's true!" Miss Sister smiled embarrassedly and explained, "This fairy stone is extremely precious and has received the forbidden blessing of the law of the two worlds, unless its own strength can surpass the blessings of the" protection curse " In order to tear apart the heavy protection and touch the stone inside. However ... if you are willing to pay another 10 points, you can directly break through the protection, contact the "Great Saint" at zero distance, and even communicate with God, leaving your own mark. "

"Huh? What are you talking about? Leave a mark of spiritual consciousness? Don't you worry, someone has the monkey as their own?" Li Mo's eyes stunned, and he noticed the strangeness.

"Heaven and earth are home to people with virtue. The Huaguo Mountain Scenic Area only guarantees the successful birth and birth of the Great Sage. It does not take it as its own. It is the common wealth of the entire universe and does not belong to any one person. It has its destiny ... (we just use it as a money-making tool) "explained Miss Sister.

"In other words, someone has already tried it?" Li Mo asked again.

"It's true, just 10 minutes, you can directly communicate the Dasheng in the stone tire. Other operations outside the specifications will be charged depending on the level." Miss Sister said clearly, you look like you can operate at will. Give Xian Shi away and expose in front of Li Mo.

"Oh? Then I'm going to try it again. This is 10 points, you take it."

The generation of Li Mo's Patriarch Patriarch is the best at ‘gifting Trojans and having a sweet hand’. At this time, the great saint is still in an undefended "breeding period", which is indeed a golden time to recognize the Lord in advance.

He can even imagine the "gold trap" of Jiuqiao Xianshi:

Tourists who can spend their tickets and get the top of the ticket will never be short of money. Secondly, they must have a good impression of monkeys. Therefore, they will never mind spending another 10 points when they encounter this third charge. It is necessary to leave your own "brand", get connected with the monkey, and recognize the Lord in advance.

In the future, after the monkey brother Shi Potian is born, he will directly become his own "pet baby", with absolute ownership. It's very good, and it's extremely cost-effective to get a Monkey King!

There are definitely many people who have this kind of thinking. Everyone who spends 10 test points to touch the monkey feels that they can compete with others at the 'technical level' and become the one that wins the lottery. !

When he confirmed that the payment was successful, the "protective layer" that blocked Pu En was invalid for him, and he could directly touch this huge "fairy stone", and also felt that it contained a self-contained "god" "Sex", the natural life of the higher life, its luck, its life, even today when the "Journey to the West" bankruptcy is still expensive, it occupies a place in the "Journey to the West".

Li Mo judged by his professional experience and appraisal of "Samsara Road Marks" purchasing, if the Sacred Palace Raiders developed the Westward Journey as a colony, this stone is definitely a super first-class "souvenir" and can be sold at a high price!

But when he really came into contact with the life and soul conceived in the "stone child", he realized how ridiculous his thoughts were. With 10 test points, you want to take the monkey home? Just dreaming!

Before he arrived, a big guy was whimsical and burned a full 50 points, just to give him a **** before the monkey was completely stereotyped? ! If you do n’t want to do anything else, just take a picture of ‘Happy Grandpa’.

Since there is a big guy who spends money on the monkey brother's sex, there are local tyrants who are stimulated to brush their presence and compare. So in the historical record of "Jiuqiao Xianshi", Li Mo found that someone had spent 51 points to change the form of a species for "Sister Monkey" and evolved from 狲 狲 into a goblin.

In short, before the birth of Qi Tiansheng, she is in an unobservable quantum entangled state. She can be a male or a female, she can be a monkey, orc, goblin, succubus ... In short, before breaking the stone, she is Schrödinger Stone monkey!

Of course, these garbage that show off their wealth through the "Xianshi" is very irritating to a group of local tourists who admire the original "Journey to the West", and now the life form of the monkey brother has been corrected back to become the most recognized one ' "Stone monkey", but in Li Mo's view, it is more like "ape" than "monkey", obviously there is still a big brother to intervene.

As for the operation of leaving your own brand, so that the monkey brother can recognize the Lord?

In fact, as early as the arrival of the first batch of tourists, this operation is theoretically feasible. Just like the traditional fantasy fairy novels, picking up a dragon egg to confess the Lord, and hatching it is your own two dogs. Although Da Sheng's stone child B grid is tall, the operation process is not much higher than Er Gouzi.

But the problem is that the stone of Huaguo Mountain is well-known, and the local bigwigs in the Westward Journey have settled down early, and regard monkeys as things in their pockets. Today, after the establishment of diplomatic relations in Hittarheim, more and more tourists also regard this stone as a big chance.

When everyone knows that the evil spirit sword is hidden in the old house of Xiangyang Lane, then it is no longer a hidden treasure chest, but a bus. Just like this stone, after being recognized for the first time, it was covered by the second owner, followed by the third owner, the fourth owner ...

Until Li Mo arrived, his ranking number exceeded three digits!

The famous scumbag of the DC universe, Mr. Castine, just sold his soul to two demons, which caused him not to belong to any devil. No ghost could collect it if he wanted to die. Worried about paying for yourself.

The monkey's situation at the moment is equivalent to being forced to sell to the three-digit master, then every theoretical 'master' is no longer the master. Even if he is as strong as Li Mo, he can't use the core technology to erase the various traces left by the three-digit tourists who are in front of him.

I do n’t think about appreciating the Lord. Probably the tenth or so tourists who have come into contact with Xianshi have already realized this problem, so they have changed their tactics and tactics, abandoning the simple and crude “brand recognition”, but giving them a friendly gift. The monkey brother's opportunity, deliberately forged a good relationship, and after the monkey brother goes to the main world in the future, if he wants to break the cause and effect, he must pay off this cause and effect!

Even better, now that the monkey is in the gestation period, the greater the benefit you give him, the more powerful the investment. He ca n’t resist at all and can only passively accept the goodwill. In the future, more and more debts will be owed. The more rewarding you can expect.

Therefore, there are countless tourists who choose to burn their own "fundamental law", which is a "private law" into the spirit stone, which is equivalent to letting the monkey brother get a "natural talent" during the "fetal period". what!

In the browsing records, Li Mo saw the mastery of the major forces in the main world. What are the 'magnetic field rotation, slashing immortal flying sword, invisible sword gas, ambassador, and eighteen palms of the dragon ...' If the genuine monkey is still in If Fang Cunshan of Lingtai is practicing 72 changes, then this monkey is born to be the peak, and he has far more than 72 'private rules'. With countless opportunities, he can enter any major force.

(The debt before the monkey was born is equally terrible ...)

"I wipe, which king bastard? Actually burned the" Flame Radiant ", do not leave a way!" Li Mo quickly read the "Basic Law" of the Radiation Legion from the historical record, which has been burned into it. He continued to engrave his own laws, nothing more than icing on the cake, not a gift in the snow.

So he continued to browse, in addition to branding, wanting to recognize the Lord, but diluted by the imprint of countless tourists; and various gifts of magic, magical powers, rules, and want to win the show; also use monkeys as toys, **** Transfer, give change to race, pinch face in advance; the most exaggerated one, directly pre-stored 120 test points, leave a message: "Be my son!"

This sentence may not have been originally a big deal, but under the blessing of 120 test points, it was directly 'topped' by this Fangtian Dao, becoming a message that can most affect the life of the stone tire.

Li Mo dare to determine, when this Qitianda Christmas is born, we still do not know which power road he cultivates. But this monkey has a 90% chance of paying off the "messager" as the father in order to pay off the cause and effect!

"Really hate!" When Li Mo discovered that monkeys were so popular, he suddenly had a new plan.

Originally, he just intended to join in the excitement to see if he could make a fortune on ‘Xianshi’. If you can use ‘heart demons’ technology to erase the marks of others and turn monkeys into your pets, you will definitely not lose.

But at the moment, he saw countless tourists leave messages in ‘Xianshi’, and after the welfare was delivered, the original ‘life and vitality’ of the monkeys were infinitely strengthened and elevated by this external force!

To put it simply, the investment of the main world tourists in this ‘celestial stone’ has made it seriously exceed the original ‘value’ and continue to appreciate, appreciate, and appreciate again! Now even if this stone hatches a monkey, he cannot stay in the "Journey to the West", nor can he join the "Running Group", but must go to Hittarheim.

With the co-funding of so many tourists from the main world, whether or not the monkey is willing or not, he will definitely go to Hittheim to play an important role and release a series of actions similar to 'protagonist, **** stick' to release beyond himself The "special qi number" of the upper limit of the load, "work" to Hittarheim, until he consumes the "excess luck" in his body, he can return to the ordinary life of an "ordinary great saint".

What Li Mo sees is the series of effects that monkeys have when passively doing work on the main world after entering Hitaheim ... In other words, the 'too many test scores' carried by this monkey has become a 'Man-made protagonist', he is destined to stir up the situation.

If he has a ‘direct connection’ with the monkey, when he passively stirs up the feces and does work, he can insert his hands horizontally and use him as a chess piece for his own profit!

Thinking of this, Li Mo was cruel and smashed another 100 test points into it, and began to leave a message:

"Your body is humble, but it is like a pine cone that eats pine cones. I have a destiny with you, and I take a surname from you, meaning to teach you the surname. The word" Zhou "went to a beast, but it was the ancient moon. The ancient , Lao Yin; Moon, Yin also. Lao Yin can not be cultivated, teach you the last name 狲 inverted. The character goes to the beast, it is a child. The child is also a child; the child is also a child. The child is also right. The basic theory. Then, teach you the surname 'Zhang', martial arts blossom! "

After Li Mo gave the monkey his surname, he reluctantly gave up and replaced Xiao Tongen.

The expired loli is also a rich master, directly smashing 100 test points, just to be a monkey master. In the historical records of Xianshi, there are those who ask the monkey to be his girlfriend, some who want to be the father of the monkey, some who pinch the face of the monkey, some who plasticize the monkey, and some who give the monkey a name, but do not want to be the monkey Master's. Hitomi scored so many test scores and was naturally placed in the first sequence.

Immediately afterwards, Sister Ruth and Andy Niang also spent different levels of test scores, wanting to have a spring breeze with monkeys in a future world, or to have a violent relationship with monkeys in the future, clearing cause and effect.

Seeing so many big-name fancy Sao operations, the little guide can only crouch in the corner and double-click 666.

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