Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1057: The talk of the monarch and his ministers

There are basically three places where the palace handles government affairs and receives nobles.

The Outer Court is the largest and most formal hall, responsible for discussing and handling the domestic and foreign affairs of the empire. The inner court basically deals with the government affairs of the territories directly under the emperor. There are imperial chancellors in the outer court, and consuls in the inner court, each leading a group of ministers and officials, who handle some less important parts on behalf of the emperor, or perfect the details of decision-making.

The emperor will deal with the parts that need to be written by the imperial pen or read in person in the imperial study. Sometimes His Majesty the Emperor would also receive ministers in the imperial study, but only those who were very close, or the prime minister or the consul himself, had this honor.

Grand Duke Kavi grew up wearing the same pair of trousers as the emperor when he was a child. After he entered the palace, he was directly led into the imperial study by his personal guards. Here, the old emperor is rushing to deal with the government affairs accumulated during the end of the year for his New Year holiday.

Duke Kawei, who was allowed to enter after the pass, was greeted warmly by the old emperor: "Old guy, he looks like he's alive and kicking, he's not dead yet."

"Your Majesty, I have become an extraordinary person, and I have beaten the messenger of death several times. Those who want me to die have to wait. Not only can I continue to serve you, but I can also serve your son. You Your grandson, your great-grandson, generation after generation, I don’t know how long I can serve.”

"So, this is determined to come back and help me, isn't it? That's why I'm in such a hurry. I can finish the one-month journey in three days. Those who don't know think I'm dead, so you rush over to attend the funeral. By the way, divide up the power."

"Ha, Your Majesty is serious. I am very old, old minister, and my eyesight is dim. I have to stop and take three breaths after taking two steps. I can't continue to be used by Your Majesty. Throwing me back to my own territory to die is the best choice." After all, the old prince coughed twice and took a few breaths.

Seeing this clumsy acting, the emperor didn't even bother to criticize. Straight up, "Tell me about it. What the **** is going on?"

Although he didn't say it clearly, Duke Kavi knew that this was going straight to the point, so he didn't continue to put on airs. He came to Beijing with such a high profile this time, so why didn't he have the intention of creating momentum for the car. The purpose is not only to make money in the industry under his name, but also to promote the good things he realizes to the entire empire. It is really a loyal and powerful mind.

So Lord Kawei didn't hide it. After getting the permission to use the water mirror screen, he explained to the old emperor the content he had prepared with the magician in advance with the earth briefing method. At first, the old emperor was also curious about this novel way of explaining, but later, all his attention was focused on the content of the old duke's briefing.

The advantages and disadvantages of cars are actually the same as the old prince and his son said. The same thing is said here again, but there are more briefings to assist in the explanation. But after all, the people who are talking to are different, so the old duke is going to have a different point of view to explain.

Even without considering the military use, the economic benefits of trucks are considerable. The convenience that small cars bring to individuals will indirectly stimulate economic growth. This point can be seen from the development of the technical guild.

When the salesperson responsible for contacting business and the craftsmen on duty began to configure a large number of cars, the technical guild can be said to usher in a wave of explosive growth. From the original operation only in the holy city of Estali VI, it has extended its tentacles to the entire holy city in one go, and absorbed all the artisans in the holy city.

The key to allowing them to travel around every corner of the holy city is a very convenient car.

What the Grand Duke said is not just a picture, but the actual situation supported by the data of the Automobile Center, the Jialong Chamber of Commerce and the Technology Guild. Compared with strengthening the army, the transportation reform brought about by automobiles can become the key to a strong country. And this point, as long as it is a promising emperor, no matter how old he is, it is impossible not to care about it.

Skillfully manipulating the screen of the water mirror technique, it is obvious that the old emperor used related magic a lot in normal times. The fingers of the other hand lightly clasped the tabletop, making a rhythmic and melodious knocking sound. Emperor Almin Kazarnia asked in a flat tone: "Old guy, are there really no mistakes in the numbers and growth changes you put forward?"

"Are you worried that I'm cheating people? If you have this kind of worry, send someone to the holy city of Estali to stay for a while, and see how the magician city looks like now. It's different from the past. Although it's still the same magic There are many towers, a mess that has not been properly planned. But I believe that anyone who is not blind can see the changes in the past and the present. It is also obvious where the source of vitality is.”

In the eyes of the Grand Duke, in the current holy city of Estali, cars have not only entered the families and businesses dominated by technical guild members, but also become a popular thing among magicians. There are many more models and uses of cars than in the past, in order to satisfy the mood of those who cannot afford custom-made cars, but still want to pretend. And all of this has been developed in just over a year.

The old emperor didn't ask more questions about the authenticity of the matter. In fact, he just asked casually before. As for the reason for not getting to the bottom of it, whether it is because of trusting the Grand Duke of Kawei, or something else, no one else knows. But he still had other things he wanted to know, so he asked: "You have said so much, so what do you want me to do? You haven't said this from beginning to end."

"Send personnel to study in the automobile manufacturing and R&D center and then set up automobile manufacturing plants in the capital. In terms of the military, gradually replace equipment and carry out military system reform. In terms of people's livelihood and economy, use automobiles Convenience, support the middle class with technology. Let their advantages expand, while earning money, taxes can also increase.”

The 'tax' of the lost land basically depends on the mood of the lord. But as an empire, of course, it is impossible to have no system and norms, and everything is done according to the mood. In addition to the land tax that must have existed since ancient times, the Gwana Empire will also levy taxes on commercial transactions.

At first glance, this prospect sounds good, but it is not perfect. The old emperor asked, "Is there no other better way?"

Duke Kavi spread his arms and said, "This is the best way I can think of."

"Move the automobile manufacturing and R&D center you mentioned to the capital, or hire that magician to build a second center? Wouldn't this be better than what you thought?" the old emperor said. Said.

"The automobile manufacturing and R&D center I'm talking about doesn't belong to me alone. In addition to the magician, there is also the Jialong Chamber of Commerce, who are also partners in that center. No matter what major decision you want to make, you must It needs to be agreed by all three parties. Even if you can get rid of the Jialong Chamber of Commerce, you know how complicated it would be to move the center. Instead of moving it, it is better to rebuild it."

Although the Grand Duke's voice was a bit high, it was more like he was blaming someone. But the old emperor pretended to be stupid and said: "Oh, this means that you also agree to build a second center."

"This should be a better way. But it's a pity that the magician won't cooperate obediently."

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