Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1229: Return to the Kingdom of God


Lin did not answer the thought-provoking question of a certain halfling goddess, but made an equally interesting expression and said: "Your Majesty, let's stop today's conversation. Please familiarize yourself with the information, and we will have a high-level meeting another day discuss."

Ke Yin, who was emotionally suspended in this way, was slightly dissatisfied, and said, "Can't we just go there?"

"Of course I have no objection. But if you want to look like this, do you just go to the territory of the twenty-five? There is a world other than the Lost Land. Although they didn't come in real body, there is nothing to deal with you who look like this difficult."

Lin hinted that a certain goddess came to Lost Land for her real body, and was sealed by another mysterious voice in the process. The ruthlessness of that seal directly reduced the power of this **** to the level of ordinary people. I'm afraid a farmer can easily solve this one if he comes forward. As long as Ke Yin has no special ability to defend himself, this is when he is most vulnerable.

Although the kingdom of God is immortal, the gods are immortal. However, He who came to the Lost Land in the sealed state of his real body was severely injured, and it would take time to restore the full state in the Kingdom of God. And entering the kingdom of God before he fully recovered, it can be said that the great cause of slaughtering the gods is easy to grasp.

Even so, the halfling goddess still looked confident. Is this because there are other hole cards that have not been revealed, or are there other gods covering it? For example, the one who just talked to him.

Not to mention the magician who was planning to find out a god. The awakened halfling goddess looked at her appearance, and it was indeed not a good time to meet outsiders.

In a hurry, I didn't pay attention to being sealed by that stupid big man. His strength is already ranked last among the gods, and now he is even worse than ordinary people.

Although the plants of the World Tree don't have a bad reputation, they don't have a good reputation either. Especially those two ancient beings, they are existences that even the gods must look up to. The ancient Farsinas even ruled a ferocious dark elf tribe. No one would believe that His Majesty the World Tree was normal. So it doesn't seem very good to just go to see them in such a naked way.

I agree with the statement of the magician in front of me. Ke Yin waved his hand, and sent out a bit of divine essence wrapped in a ball, slowly drifting towards Lin.

The speed of the ball of light was extremely slow, but in the eyes of everyone, there was such an inexplicable and unclear meaning. Some children were curious and wanted to reach out to grab it, but found that although the light ball was slow, their own speed was even slower. The idea of ​​reaching out and moving kept repeating, but as if I was bound, my body moved, but there was no greater movement.

The three old priests who know the goods also want to reach out. Obtaining that bit of divine power essence can not be said to prolong their lives, and it can also make them take a big leap forward with the strength that they are unable to advance due to old age. If the old priests are not mistaken, compared with the improvement of strength, the significance of this essence of divine power is more significant. That is the seed of the elect, and the person who gets it is equivalent to possessing part of the power of the gods.

Just give it to an outsider, an unbeliever in the mouth of the gods...

But Lin did not obediently let others manipulate him. In this peculiar time and space, not only can he move freely, but he can also sit behind and call out the boring Azad. It's just that the devil prince didn't move, but Lin stretched out his left hand and tapped the unknown light ball released by the **** with his index finger.

Lin understood the meaning of this ball of light before touching it, but he didn't accept it calmly. The pupil of the left eye becomes a tower shape, and the right eye is an hourglass. He recites a secret language in a hurry, and there are thousands of words. It melts into the ears of others: "Disease."

After all, the index finger of his left hand did not back down, but let the ball of light invade his body. But just before the sphere of light disintegrated and integrated this bit of divine power into every corner of the body, someone's original magic - Immortal Binding Curse took the first step and bound the sphere of light. And imprisoned this bit of divine power in the spell, turned it into a line, and left Ke Yin's holy seal on the back of his left hand.

This change, of course, cannot be hidden from the owner of the divine power. The halfling goddess looked at the magician in front of her with great interest, and said, "Hey, that's interesting. It seems that I misjudged you as one of the mortals."

Lin raised his left hand, showing the holy seal on his arm. When the aura faded, the traces of the holy seal gradually disappeared into the skin. This is a kind of compromise from someone who said: "Thanks to Your Majesty's favor. It's just that you know, magician. We who cherish our free will are willing to accept such an honor, but we only use our own methods. You won't Blame us."

Ke Yin stood on the altar. With his height, he could just be at eye level with someone. Said: "No, this is very good. At least I know that the person who comes to me to cooperate is not a weak person who will easily lose his life. This is a good thing. Then you say, when will we meet next time?"

Bowing and saluting, Lin said: "In three days, I will personally go to His Majesty's seat to welcome you to the high seat meeting. Is this arrangement okay?"

"Just do as you say. Three days later."

"Yes. Three days later." Lin repeated.

’ Apo, take me back. You tied my hands and feet, I can't go home by myself. ’ Ke Yin turned his face slightly back, towards the passage opened by him, and shouted syllables that ordinary people could not understand.

Everyone's eyes were dazzled, and a tall and handsome blond man appeared behind the halfling goddess. The incomparably powerful divine power turned into almost real spiritual pressure, shocking everyone's minds. Comparing Ke Yin's divine power, it's really like the gap between a firefly and a scorching sun.

But everything that other people feel is actually just the aftermath of Shenwei. Outside the scope of the Gold Coin Goddess Temple, except for a very small number of people and the gods who pay attention to this place, no one has noticed the appearance of the second god.

And someone's old acquaintance, Apollos the guardian, actually put all his attention on the magician in front of him, and a little later, the royal heir with demon blood. For the latter, He is only a warning. But the former has the identity he hates the most - a foreigner.

It is one of the eternal responsibilities of Apollos to protect the lost land from being harmed by visitors from other worlds. But it is undeniable that some of the changes brought about by foreigners are good, and their intentions can be classified as good. Such a person will be accepted by the God of God, Aiou, and allow him to stay in Lost Land.

But this attitude is not constant. The unspoken permission will be revoked at any time because of the other party's evil deeds. At that time, He will abide by the oath of guardianship and assume the responsibility of expelling visitors from other worlds.

The person in front of him is temporarily accepted. At least when I saw him, I didn't have that strong feeling of wanting to blow the opponent away. That is the intuition that belongs to the gods, the sixth sense that comes from the unspeakable place. So Apollos didn't say anything harsh, he just pointed at someone and pointed at his own eyes. Meaning He is watching him all the time.

This is not the first time I have met this guardian lord. Although the first few times were not pleasant, there was no major conflict. So of course Lin would not take this silent threat to heart. From the past to the present, there have been many people who threatened him. The person in front of him is one who is qualified to threaten him. But as long as there is no action, Lin will not fight back, this is the principle.

And the halfling goddess who called out a certain **** had her hands on her hips and raised her chin proudly. It's like you have done something amazing, or you want to show how strong your backer is. But what I didn't expect was that the Lord Guardian didn't show any face at all, and grabbed Ke Yin under his armpit with his hand.

Realizing that my feet were off the ground and being hugged like a piglet, our goddess of course exploded! The five short figures kicked wildly with their hands and feet, cursing another unsmiling god. ’ Apo! What stupid things are you doing! put me down! '

’ Didn’t you want me to take you back and break the seal along the way? ’ Apollos said grimly, with no expression on his face.

’ That’s right. But I didn't ask you to hug me like a potato bag. Put me down, I have my own feet and can walk! '

’ Your legs are too short. When you arrive, I will go back to rest. This is faster. ’ A certain god’s voice was still cold.

’ You bastard! I want to sue your sister! '

’ If you find it useful, go ahead and say it. But we all know what the outcome will be. '

Ke Yin hit the **** who was carrying him vigorously. But even the Goddess of Gold Coins in her heyday couldn't hurt the Guardian Lord by half. The strength gap between the two gods was too great. Not to mention that now that most of his strength has been sealed, the strength of his fists and kicks is worse than tickling.

Just before being carried into the passage, Ke Yin changed his attitude. Patting Apollos' thigh desperately with one hand, pointing to the red magic stone dropped by him with the other hand, said: 'Ah, that, that one must be taken away together. '

Because a certain halfling goddess was suddenly picked up, she was caught off guard, so frightened that the magic stone in her hand fell to the ground. Apollos, who stopped in his tracks, did not bend down. He just approached the location of the magic stone, stepped on it lightly, and let the magic stone bounce upwards and fall back into his hands.

Casually stuffing the magic stone into Ke Yin's With a wrong foot, he jumped backwards, and the two gods disappeared from the temporary passage. At the same time, the distorted space opened by the channel gradually recovered, and the divine power that maintained it gradually dissipated. The frightening sense of oppression disappeared instantly, and everything returned to normal. What happened just now was like a dream.

The first batch of people who came back to their senses were a few old priests who were used to seeing the world. Several people came to Lin and Azad and said kindly: "Master Tripwood, I want you to forget about some inappropriate scenes you saw just now. It's okay."

At the same time, several other old men picked up sticks and walked towards the group of children. Is this intended to be a poor man's version of amnestics? That's the guarantee of erasing memory. Anyway, it either breaks the person's brain, or hits the person until he swears he didn't see anything. It can be called the easiest magic that even a fool can learn. It's just too cruel to use it on a group of children.

When he was thinking about whether to stop it, the door of the Temple of the Goddess of Gold Coins, which had no protective effect, was slammed open! The great demon Starina flew in in embarrassment, her hanging right arm was unable to move, the broken arm bone pierced the skin, and the unique stench of abyssal creature blood lingered in the temple.

"Magician, come out and die!" The voice was very light, but the hoarse voice seemed to have penetrating power, pouring into everyone's ears.

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