Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1258: Listen to the holy voice

Lin Kai explained to a frustrated follower, and said: "I don't deny that maybe someone can make good use of the borrowed funds. In the end, not only can they repay smoothly, but also make their careers grow. But considering the worst case scenario, what do you think What should the goddess do? If it is difficult, why not touch these embarrassing things in the first place. Anyway, even if the bank does not do the business of lending money, there are other people who do it. As long as there is a demand, there will be someone to meet it. We Peace of mind as a financial tool to ensure the safety of property, so that the majesty of the Goddess of Gold Coins spreads over the entire Lost Land with a positive image; instead of being a beast that devours people, gnawing down the last bones of those unlucky people, Isn't that great?"

Uzov sighed, bowed his head and said: "Well, sir, I was not thinking carefully. It's just..." He raised his head with a worried face, and said: "Sir, don't think about the worst. Things like borrowing money, It is beneficial to the borrowers, and the bank is also profitable. According to your plan, in the future, the banks will spread all over the land, and when there will always be local staff in some places, it will be difficult for you to prevent people from contacting this business. "

Someone smiled what he thought was amiable, but actually smiled, and said, "So, Myer, your work is very important. Make sure that all the elves who go out after training from the first bank will not violate this taboo. And in the future Well, I have prepared a big gift for those who cross the red line. I can guarantee that even if the whole family is not dead, they will be neat and tidy. It is bound to be crushed and ashes, and die a bad death."

The proud dark elves and the dejected followers all felt a chill from the bottom of their hearts when they saw someone's expression. The silver-bearded dwarf Jayme left because of dissatisfaction, precisely because of the magician's hidden bad character.

He's always gleefully digging a hole where most people don't know. When someone fell in, he didn't rescue them, but filled the hole with a smile and buried them. Many times, people don't even know they've stepped into a trap. Or, like the goblin father and daughter, being forced to swallow stinky **** is so uncomfortable.

The incident in front of him now is not the embodiment of his bad character.

Putting a delicious bait in front of others, although I have repeatedly emphasized not to eat it, but I am afraid that not many people can resist such a temptation. However, unknown to everyone, this person has prepared another 'big gift', a surprise that no one wants for those who have eaten the poison bait. If this is not bad, then even demons can be counted in the good camp.

Shaking his head, Uzov tried to forget everything he had seen and heard before. In order to change my mood, I asked another question that I had already thought of. Holding the new coin, he asked, "Sir, as long as the money is deposited in the Goddess' kingdom, will it definitely become this new coin? Can't you just keep the old one?"

Being dragged back from the evil thoughts, Lin asked in puzzlement, "Why do you have to use the old one?"

"I know some old guys, they may be scared by bad money, they really don't accept good money from non-empires. Some people even only accept money from the Gwana Empire, and they don't even want to take money from the other four empires There are also those who are so stubborn that they are willing to lower the price when the coins of the Gwana Empire are not enough. Someone used to take advantage of their personality to keep their remuneration very low. Anyway, they only have so many coins for the Gwana Empire. I don’t care if you want to take it or not. This is after the establishment of the guild. As long as it’s not out of town work, the entrusted remuneration will be deposited in the guild. When I hand it over to those old guys, I told the clerks to deliberately go to the guild. Pick the coins they can accept and give them, so that these people will not be forced to do things at a loss."

After thinking about it, Lin said: "Basically, this is a question of the credibility of the coin, not just a certain kind of money. Try to contact them to see. And after changing to new money, because of the divine power of the goddess, Therefore, the coins are not easy to be destroyed, and the value of the coins can be maintained. Moreover, World Trees also save effort when transferring coins, which is conducive to long-term development. Besides, the unification of coin values ​​is also good for both buyers and sellers. Old coins must be used I don’t think the reason for this is tenable, nor is it suitable for future development.”

Uzov was a little embarrassed, but he didn't insist, and said, "Okay, I'll try to talk to them. It's just that sir, you mentioned that the coins are blessed with divine power, so they are difficult to destroy, what do you mean?"

Pointing to the coin that the other party was playing with, Lin said: "It's in your hand, try to bend it and leave marks."

Although they didn't believe it, Uzov and Maier still used the conventional way of checking gold coins, that is, biting them with their teeth. It's a pity that I bit it down, but the gold coin that should have tooth marks was intact. In doubt, the two broke and folded again, but it really couldn't cause any damage. Uzov's first thought blurted out, "Is this fake money?"

Lin smiled and said: "Of course it's true, and it's still on the scale." As he spoke, he fiddled with the small balance placed on the corner of the table, signaling to those who have problems to just weigh it.

In fact, the coins in Midi's original circulation, even from the same source, have slightly different weights. The gold, silver, and copper coins made by Lin don't look at the purity, but the weight of the light scale, which is probably the average value of the old common coins. So there will still be cases where the old coins are heavier than the new ones, but the difference is not that big.

Maier, who was once a priest of the dark elves, did not draw conclusions so arbitrarily. Holding the coin in her hand, she closed her eyes and explored. After a while, he said: "Although the power is very weak, there is indeed a bit of divine power hidden in the coin." Opening his eyes, Mai Erxi seemed to be unable to figure out some problems, and murmured: "How can this be done?"

"If someone asks such a question, just answer 'miracle'." A certain person does not feel that this kind of thing needs to be explained to outsiders.

Thinking of another question, Uzov asked: "What if the coins are used for other purposes? Such coins are not easy to use."

"If you want to recast, you just need to pray to the goddess and ask her to take back her divine power. You can try it."

One person and one dark elf looked at each other, and they clasped their fists in the usual way of praying. Of course, they first complimented the Goddess of Gold Coins with their own words before telling their destination.

When the prayer was over, although they couldn't see it, they clearly felt that something very important had drifted away from the pile of coins in front of them. The next moment, the originally beautifully carved and crystal-clear coins began to distort and deform, returning to the original appearance of a small lump of metal.

Seeing this, Uzov picked up the golden lump and bit into it. This time the tooth marks were left smoothly. He said in surprise: "There is really a magic power in it. Then if we want to turn it into money again...?"

Lin replied: "Deposit it directly into the goddess' kingdom of God, and when you withdraw it, you will get coins instead of small gold nuggets."

"Aren't you going to be charged another deposit fee?" Uzov asked.

"That's right. The goddess has given her supernatural power to help you do things, so it's reasonable to charge some price."

Although this is the truth, Uzov still finds it strange. Picking up the complete coin that has not yet deformed, struggling for a long time, he said: "It feels like something is missing."

"What's wrong with something?" Lin was puzzled.

Uzov explained: "Afterwards, when the bank is built, the coins and bank functions of the Goddess of Gold Coins will start to be used. It will not be a problem for the technology guild to use the new money in an all-round way. As long as the value of the coins is recognized, what kind of money is used is only within the guild. I still have the power to decide these trivial matters. It just seems that if I want to promote this new coin so that people outside the guild are willing to use it, it seems that there are still some incentives missing.”

Uzov thought for a while, and tried to explain his thoughts a little more clearly. "Maybe this will only make people use the bank's functions when they need it, instead of deliberately exchanging currency. After all, depositing money in the bank will be charged. No matter how low the ratio is set, it is still There will be a sum of money taken away by the goddess. This understanding is correct. And if the coin is not easy to be destroyed, it may make some people worry about the authenticity. Although you can request to withdraw the divine power and directly melt the coin to confirm the purity, but in the end Not that convenient."

"There is another simple way to distinguish the authenticity." Lin said with a smile.

"Oh, what?" Not only Uzov was interested, but even Maier's eyes showed curiosity.

Uzov even thought about praying and asking directly to the gods? This is indeed a good way. But something always feels wrong.

It's just that Lin didn't ask his followers to pray to the gods again to ask the authenticity of the coins, as his followers thought. Instead, he gently twisted the center of a gold coin and said, "Listen to Your Majesty's holy voice." Then, he blew on the edge of the coin, and then quickly put the coin in Uzov's ear The humming sound can be heard endlessly.

Uzov said in amazement, "What kind of voice is that!"

"What, there is a sound? What kind of sound?" Maier asked curiously.

Lin flexibly played with the gold coin he blew with his fingers. He pointed to the coins on the table that had not been drained of divine power and had a complete shape, and said: "Take any coin on the table, you can try it. Every coin will only make a sound, and if you look for the sound, You won’t get fake money.”

Maier picked out a silver coin, blew it casually, and put it next to his ear, but he didn't hear any sound. She glanced suspiciously at a certain magician. Lin didn't make a sound, just demonstrated again, put the coin to his mouth, blew hard towards the edge, and immediately put it to his ear. During the process, the eyes were extremely provocative.

After watching the demonstration, Maier immediately corrected his blowing movements and positions. This time, the silver coins whispered in my ears as I wished, which was crisp and pleasant. The dark elf's face changed from doubt to surprise, and he seemed to be intoxicated by the song.

Uzov exchanged several different coins in turn, and while blowing and listening, he said: "Coins, huh! How is it possible, huh! It will make a sound. Huh! This, huh! It's so strange. Huh Is it, huh! Really? Huh! No, huh! What strange, huh! trick? Huh! This money, huh! Poisonous. Huh! Above, huh! Charm, huh! Magic?"

If it weren't for the buzzing of the coins that would have ended all of a sudden, Lin would have been afraid that this follower would stuff the money into his ears. Seeing the two people in front of them enjoying themselves, Lin smiled and said, "This is money. You throw it on the street to have a look, and when you turn your head, someone picks it up. There is no need to add any charm magic."

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