Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 1383: Difficult to deliver Dragon Island Raiders

Because the journey of the Greco family fleet was imminent, Lin didn't make much preparations, so he followed William on his family's boat.

Midi's ship design can be said to be quite advanced, directly based on the Galen sailing ship. And the Galen Ship is in the hometown of a certain traveler, but the wooden sailing ship before the advent of the steam ship era has developed to the extreme. Including the gun positions on the side, the layout of the mast and rudder, it can be seen that there is a shadow of an unknown traveler.

However, Midi does not have artillery, so the emplacements of Midi's ships are equipped with ballistas. One of the great benefits of the ballista is that it can be used with the magic crossbow, which is one of the few weapons that can kill sea beasts.

In comparison, artillery shells are more difficult to magically process; someone who has tried to make physical magic bullets has a deep understanding of this. Lin speculates that this is also a major reason why the unknown senior did not introduce artillery technology. After all, everyone knows about Galen ships, and it is impossible not to know about artillery, which are all products of the same period.

The magic weapons of ordinary warriors, or the attack magic of magicians, are no different from scratching an itch for a sea beast with a huge size. Only by using weapons of the siege level can it be possible to cause damage to the opponent. Sea boats and ballistas are the best combination.

Most of the fleet is a three-masted galleon with a high load capacity. However, because the transportation is mainly large livestock such as cattle and sheep, in order to keep the minimum space for movement, the transportation capacity cannot be increased, so it can only be made up by increasing the number of ships. After all, living things such as cattle and sheep cannot be stacked and arranged closely like ordinary goods.

The ship that Lin and William stayed on belonged to the battleship in the fleet. Small in size, but the number of masts and sail area will not lose to those big ships. This means that combat ships are faster and more agile. This has certain advantages in fighting over the ocean.

However, unlike the ships of the great navigation era in my hometown, there is also a supply demand for gunpowder and shells, so the ships of Lost Land have a relatively large carrying capacity. And these extra cabins are not used to load the supplies needed by other ships, but to bring the main benefits of this fleet, that is, the private goods carried by the family, including some stuffed by the Imperial Navy. Private extra money'.

The largest amount of private goods used to trade with Long Island is coins, and then various crystals, gems, and magic stones; there are also many white waste magic stones that have exhausted their powers. There are also some glass beads mixed in, if someone is not dazzled...

In addition, there are also strange commodities and artworks designated by certain dragons. There are even some artisans! However, these people were not sold to Dragon Island, but went to work on Dragon Island, and they would return to the main mainland with the fleet after they were done. For example, sculpting stone statues for some dragons, or painting an image for some dragons that have turned into human shapes.

Regardless of the fact that the merchants of the Karlsruhe Empire dared to use glass beads to fool the Dragon Clan for the time being. Only then did Lin notice his big blind spot, which was the coins stored on Long Island. This made someone's trip to Dragon Island, from a random trip, to a trip that had to be done.

Where there is money, it should be where the goddess of gold coins shines!

However, opening a bank on Long Island requires on-the-spot consideration and evaluation before making a decision.

The reason for saying this is because the dragons ask for money, not because of the value of the coins, but because of the desire for the precious metal itself. Using gold coins to make a bed can be said to be the thing that dragons are most passionate about, and they love to compare. In other words, the dragons' view of 'money' is not so much a medium for trading, but a decoration and a decoration.

In this environment, the high or low precious metal content of the coin itself is not the point. As long as there are enough of them to look stunning, that's enough. This is reflected in the fact that a considerable part of the coins transported by the Greco family fleet is bad money that other places disdain to use.

If it weren't for the bank promoted by someone, the value of bad money would explode. It is definitely more beneficial to exchange the bad money at the bank than to use the bad money directly at a discount. It is estimated that all the low-quality coins that cannot be circulated in the empire will be traded with Long Island. Because that's how it's been done before.

But now because of the actual value of bad money, it has been discovered by the bank, but the bank has not yet been fully promoted in the empire. This makes most holders of bad money keep their coins and wait for the bank to officially open near him, so as to earn the maximum benefit from the bad money. This caused the Greco family to increase a lot of difficulty in collecting coins.

Previously, some families challenged the Long Island route they had mastered, and it was because of the lack of coins that they asked them to ask for help. As a result, this became a signal of the Greco family's weakness in the eyes of outsiders. In order to deal with those challengers, and collect enough money, they were almost too late to catch up with the convoy.

And this fact means that if you want to use the value difference between coins, it will not be very useful to encourage the dragons to use banks to exchange Keyin coins. It's like serving a plate of exquisite dishes to a person who only pays attention to food, and it is estimated that the food will not be enough to fit between the teeth.

Different needs require different strategies. But for the time being, Lin has not thought of a good way.

Besides, the coins left on Long Island cannot become part of the currency in circulation, which is not conducive to the growth of the Goddess of Gold Coins. For the route planned by Lin for the goddess, the most important thing is to let the coins with the goddess' mark, that is, the Ke Yin coin, circulate in the land. The focus is on circulation!

But the habit of the dragons is saving. Keep accumulating wealth without using it. This is contrary to the original intention of 'circulation'.

Saving is a good habit, but it is one of the causes of economic stagnation for society as a whole. Like some big consumer countries, they have even formulated the concept of "advance consumption", so that people have to become mules under the whip of capital, carrying debts and moving forward.

This approach will make some economically disadvantaged people become sacrifices and leeks of capital, and let wealth be concentrated in the hands of a few people. But doing so can create the appearance of economic prosperity.

However, a very funny joke is that capitalists require employees to give themselves selflessly and to work overtime outside normal working hours. I can't wait to shorten the time for eating, sleeping and going to the toilet, and devote myself wholeheartedly to the company.

The business is on standby 24 hours a day, except for the explosion of the liver or the explosion of the liver. Because customers are gods and bosses are masters, their requirements must be fulfilled unconditionally and perfectly. Only in this way can it be called a small screw in the company's machinery to promote the company's progress.

The progress of the company leads to the progress of the whole society, and finally to the perfect ending of the collective sublimation of the whole society. As for the small screws who can only get a meager salary compared to the capitalists, no one cares about this.

Instead, the whole society is persuading the little screws to cherish their blessings. Because some people are not even qualified to be screws. Those who are not qualified can only roll around in the mud pile, being a maggot.

The employees worked hard, and in order to satisfy the bosses, they devoted almost 100% of their time and their best years. But the bosses are still not satisfied, and capital drives them to work harder to exploit everything and achieve themselves.

But employees who have lost all their personal time have no time to run a family, or they cannot raise qualified next generations. In an instant, the capitalists discovered that the leeks were dating!

Hmm...whose fault?

Farmers grow rice to eat rice, and even if they know how to save the seeds, they will be able to sow the next year. Now even the rice for planting is ground into rice and eaten, so I will plant a ball next year. Who is to blame? It's just good to eat soil.

In short, this kind of prosperity will eventually turn into a bubble, or it will continue to continue the gratifying long-term success, depending on the ability of the person at the helm. It's just 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi... Forget it, it's useless to say more.

And the good habits that the dragons happen to form due to their greedy habits are actually the opposite of Lin's ideas. Wanting to reverse the habits of the giant dragons is undoubtedly seeking a fish from a tree. Then the secondary option is how to make the Goddess of Gold Coins also establish a certain position in the Dragon Clan.

This does not necessarily require a deep level of belief. It is difficult for this group of proud creatures to devoutly believe in a certain god, even the rumored dragon god. But as long as the dragons know Ke Yin, it will be a great progress.

It should be noted that most dragons don't even care about the existence of gods. This is also related to the fact that dragons have achieved the achievement of expelling gods several times in history. Although it is not a slaughter god, it also proves that the so-called 'god' is not superior to the 'dragon'. They naturally don't care about who is in the group of gods.

But how do I make this boss, my second child's group, remember a goddess of gold coins? I'm totally clueless...

On the one hand, it is because the Ninth Power Plan has never involved dragons from the very beginning. Now there is a sudden increase of this quite individual group, and Lin can't think of any proper way to arrange them for a while.

On the other hand, it was also due to Lin's unfamiliarity with the Dragon Clan. I don't know many There are only a handful of living dragons. Since they don't have a deep understanding, it is naturally impossible to know where the actual needs of the Dragon Clan are. Since you don't know the needs, you can't purposefully write about the needs and direct the results in the direction you want.

Although supply does not necessarily mean that the target has demand, even if the other party does not have such a demand, they can still find ways to create it. It's like the candy company in my hometown created a Valentine's Day in order to sell chocolate.

But the premise of all this is that there is a certain understanding of the Dragon Race, so that there is a way to find the demand, or create a demand for them. Before that, everything conceived was as unrealistic as a castle in the air.

Therefore, after going to Long Island, it is not a big deal to leave after visiting the sights that can be seen in hiding. Do you have to communicate with dragons of various positions before you can accomplish your goals?

Thinking of this, Lin regretted killing those two dragons earlier. As long as it is a living thing, it will be affected by the first impression. The first impression I gave to the Dragon Clan was that I was a dragon slayer. This prestigious name outside, how many eyes will be received on Long Island, someone feels a headache just by imagining it.

Before he had time to fall into deeper troubles, the unusually violent shaking of the sea boat pulled Lin's consciousness back from his wild thoughts.

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