Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 286: allied throne

"I didn't expect that things like World Tree's promotion would really happen." William Greco said with emotion. The Turtledove Alliance is dominated by wood elves, and those who join will of course know more or less the secrets of the wood elves.

Sitting in the place of worship in the tribe. Because the spirit of the world tree will visit around in the form of a white deer, the place of sacrifice for the wood elves is more like a gathering place where the wood elves gather to eat, drink and drink, and there will be no priests dancing here. God, talk nonsense. Even if there is, it's just a certain deer wanting to watch the show.

At the banquet, in addition to the delicious melons and fruits and the grilled meat, everyone also drank moon spring water.

Moon Spring is actually a pool of running water under the World Tree, where there is usually a very special dragon fish. The wood elves will throw the sweetest but inexhaustible fruits into the spring water to feed the dragon fish. But generally speaking, dragon fish can't eat so many fruits, so these fruits will sink to the bottom of the spring...

This **** is actually brewing wine! And it's a fruit wine with mixed flavors! A certain traveler complained countless times in his heart.

The fruit sinking at the bottom of the pond is constantly fermenting, and the wood elves will add new fruit regularly. Although there is a spring at the bottom of the pool and the flowing water keeps coming out, the aroma of the wine is still strong enough to make people walk through it. drunk. This is also the reason why no other creatures can live in Moon Spring except dragon fish.

And the arowana that the wood elves spoke of was a koi in someone's eyes. But it must be a different kind of koi from the earth, because on the earth, apart from bacteria, there are no aquatic animals that can live in wine.

Secondly, Midi's arowana has amazing fighting power. If you put it in the same pool as ordinary fish, it won't be long before you can't see it. If you're lucky, you might even see some wreckage. So it's not a wood elf's. If you want to steal wine and drink, you have to be mentally prepared to be bitten off by a fish.

In short, at the banquet, there was Moon Spring to add to the fun, and the wood elves, who were more relaxed than ordinary elves, sang and danced, singing and singing, and it was very lively. This is the fifth day of the celebration to celebrate Wadvor's advancement, and it is also a ceremony to remember the sacrificed clansmen.

Unlike their close relatives who have entered a civilized society, the wood elves are particular about thin burials. After the remains were cremated, they were mixed into the soil at the root of the world tree. There are no tombstones, no **** cards or statues, so this is the best home for them.

Wood elves who miss their relatives often say that they will see their deceased relatives leaning on the branches of the world tree, swinging their feet, holding grass roots in their mouths, and singing to their heart's content.

In fact, according to Wadwo, the souls of the wood elves who returned to their homeland really remained in him. Just sleeping most of the time. Because these souls who died at the end of their lifespans were very weak. Like a candle in the wind, it will go out at any time. So Wadward will not use these souls for anything, and he can't do anything, just keep them.

As for why it should be preserved, apart from the morality to the sheltered ethnic group, he can't say why. It can only be said that in the growth of the World Tree, He did so unconsciously.

Just because the dead relatives can have a good home, the wood elves don't feel sad for the dead. They prefer to enjoy life well before their 'long sleep'.

Although the precepts from the World Tree told them to protect nature and maintain the way of balance, they did not require them to practice hard, self-abuse, and live in a bad manner. So in the eyes of a certain time traveler, the life of wood elves may be somewhat inconvenient, but they live quite comfortably and contentedly.

Compared with the carnival of the wood elves, the visiting William Greco is a person who pays attention to life and tastes it. He will lay a clean cushion on the place where he sits. Eating fresh and sweet food, savoring the innumerable flavors in the Moon Spring, singing songs from human society. Although he doesn't play the piano, he has a good singing voice, singing his passion for life with a clear and melodious voice.

It stands to reason that such a person is bound to attract many girls. You can know his attractiveness just by looking at the sparkling eyes of those female wood elves, no matter how old or young. But no one came near. Because everyone who knows him knows that this one is a super narcissist with a cleanliness!

He prefers to look in the mirror than to look at beautiful women. It's better to sing by yourself than to listen to other people's unbearable singing. In order not to fight blood and sweat with others, he keeps improving his martial arts in order to win every battle in the shortest time and in the easiest way. He doesn't care about good and evil at all, he only does what he wants to do. Of course, for a lazy person, no matter how evil it is, it cannot be so evil.

So instead of getting close to him to make fun of himself, or getting beaten too tightly, everyone decided to watch him from a distance. Except for Karamaharan, no one in the tribe is strong enough to get into his eyes and make friends with him.

Of course, William Greco knew how to respect an existence of a completely different level like the White Deer. But being respectful doesn't mean he understands the ways of the world. After he was full of food and wine, he went to Wadwo alone and said, "Master Mori, the other senior officials have given an explanation. If you really find a way to advance, when will you hand over this method to them?"

"Hehe, they are really in a hurry."

As distinguished guests, Lin and his party were seated near Wadwo. Originally the other side was William Greco's seat, but he was pulled over by Karamaharam. As for whether he saw this group of people, maybe he really didn't. Even if there is a golden skull in it... maybe when she is not moving, Fern will really be regarded as a skeleton.

However, the attitude of a certain sword master is somewhat different from the so-called arrogant. Generally, those who are defiant are some people who rely on their status, do not see other people in their eyes, and hold a high-spirited attitude. But this sword master is so narcissistic that it is difficult for others to enter his vision. According to the feeling before the time travel, this is a super low-headed person, the kind who has nothing else in his eyes except his mobile phone.

So it is not surprising that Lin and others will be ignored. But being ignored doesn't mean you can't hear any conversations. As soon as he heard what kind of high-ranking person was asking for the method of advancing through the world tree of Wadwo, someone suddenly felt quite familiar. Every time I come up with something new, there will always be this kind of high-ranking person who will come forward to order it and take it away without any cost.

They have all mixed up to the level of World Tree, will they still encounter this kind of threat? And who is the 'high seat' that the sword master said?

"Are you confused?" As if sensing Lin's strong emotion, Bailu turned his head, looked at the man who had helped him a lot, and explained: "Gaozuo refers to a member of the council of the Turtledove Alliance. Composed of eight world trees."

"Oh... hey!" Lin's eyes widened in surprise, he hesitated and couldn't speak.

"This should be regarded as a semi-public secret, but most people still don't know it."

"Aren't you... you are fighting to kill each other, are you going to swallow each other?"

"Isn't it impossible to fight? And no matter whether it is a victory or a loss, one tree will have the opportunity to grow, and the other tree will become the foundation for the growth of other trees. This is the fate and instinct of my family. No matter what the result is , no one will blame anyone."

"What about the wood elves in the tribe? They fought for you, and you want them to blend into the victor's group as if nothing happened after the war. How should we explain to the compatriots who died in the war? "

"Basically, as long as the corpse is not desecrated, it can be resurrected. This is not a big problem."

Little knowledge of the lost land: 1. As long as the death is not the end of life, it can be resurrected. Those who die are all because the soul is too weak to support the body, so it perishes. To preserve such a soul, external forces are needed, such as the underworld, such as the gods. Conversely, as long as the soul is strong enough, any piece of meat can be moved for others to see. So stitched corpses, skeletons, etc., can all move alive and kicking.

2. The non-desecration of the body means the preservation of a considerable proportion of its integrity. Most importantly, the head cannot be chopped off; nor can the internal organs be completely removed. If it's just the trauma of the intestines falling out, the corpse needs to be repaired before it can be revived. Otherwise, one will die immediately after being resurrected, and one really does not know whether one is resurrected to enjoy the blessings or to suffer again.

3. Resurrection is not restricted to That is to say, there are so-called resurrection medicines besides the priests of the church. Most of the medicinal materials are quite common and can be seen everywhere; only the main ingredients are rare and precious. The main material is the 'leaves of the world tree'...

The wind is blowing and the leaves are shaking. Looking up, there is only the crown of the World Tree. There are not millions of leaves, but hundreds of thousands. Someone's heart is broken. Feelings say that the war between the world trees is like a sports meeting for the wood elves? After the competition, the loser follows the winner.

It's no wonder that even though the World Tree is full of treasures, there are not many people from other races attacking the Wood Elf tribe. Thinking that I only have one life, and the other party has opened up, down, left, right, left, and right BA legendary commands for 30 lives, and each of them fiercely hits ten with one, or blocks hundreds with one, plus the World Tree halo, just thinking about it Just thinking about it makes people collapse, let alone attacking.

"And we still have external threats. Not only the magicians want to tear us apart piece by piece, but even the elf kingdoms want to incorporate us. Make us the same as those enslaved by them, without consciousness, only Provide them with various materials prefixed with World Tree."

This revelation was so explosive that Lin felt a little dizzy. Shouldn't it be silenced again because of this matter?

"Don't worry, no one will hurt you because of such a trivial matter." Bailu showed an exaggerated toothy smile again.

Magic Tower Starry Sky

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