
Chapter 124 122 Dwarf Humiliating Joke

Chapter 124 122. Dwarf-humiliating jokes

When they heard about the opportunity to join the Demonic Order, cheers broke out among the students.

A smile also appeared on the corner of Russell's mouth, and his eyes revealed uncontrollable excitement and ecstasy.

This is your chance to truly join the Red Order of Chaos and gain access to deeper secrets!

Vermouth noticed the change in Russell's expression and cast an approving look at him.

If he was a born devil like Russell, he would definitely pass the order's entrance test with excellent results! Vermouth believes that.

This is the bottom line of his and Nocturne's joint development. For discovering such a good idea, he will definitely receive a reward.

"As long as I can join the Devil's Order, I promise that I will not do any good deeds, and I will do all kinds of bad things!" Russell raised his fist, solemnly swore, honestly said what he was thinking, and cheered with other students.

Russell and Vermouth looked at each other.

Looking at each other and smiling, everything goes without saying anything.


7pm the next day.

Russell came to the library.

The library of the International Academy of Unified Magic and Supernatural is an independent building, and its appearance looks like several stacked books.

"This must be my first time here, right?"

According to Russell's experience, the library is a very special place that can easily trigger special plots.

For example, the legendary Demon King may be sealed in a certain book!

Russell also knew that the special profession of "librarian" had a high affinity with the protagonist.

If he is not careful, he may be dragged into being a librarian, which will give him one more job to do for no reason!

Russell came to the library today not just to prepare for the final exam in his Principles of Witchcraft class.

More importantly, he wanted to check the books recording the past of the academy to see if the Demon King might really be sealed in the academy!

Russell pushed open the glass door and walked into the library. What he saw was row after row of bookshelves, which was dazzling.

The librarian is a human-shaped wooden puppet. According to Subway, he has early second-year strength and can barely be considered a strong player in the junior college.

When the puppet saw Russell coming in, he waved to welcome:

"This student is here for the first time. You can ask me what type of books you are looking for or if you have any questions about books."

"Do you know every book in the library?" Russell asked curiously.

"Of course, my memory ability far exceeds that of humans," the wooden puppet said proudly, patting its chest, "I have carefully studied the titles of every book in the library."

Seeing Russell's disappointed expression, it quickly added: "I even read through the catalog of some books."

There were many students studying for self-study in the library, and Russell was worried that there would be too many people, so he got slightly closer to the wooden puppet and put his face in front of the puppet's ear - although Russell was not sure whether the wooden ear was the puppet's sound sensing organ.

"The book I'm looking for is very special and mysterious, involving dangerous secrets. Is it also available in the library?"

He was referring to the book involving the Demon King.

A smart human expression appeared on the face carved out of the wooden puppet. He frowned and moved his mouth to Russell's ear, lowering his voice: "Yes, yes, I will point it out to you..."


Before the puppet librarian could finish speaking, a dwarf student hurried into the library.

This dwarf student had a very beautifully groomed beard - Russell recognized her at a glance as the dwarf girl who had previously taken away the "beard grooming wand that is only effective for women".

"I heard reports from my fellow tribesmen that there is a book in the library that insults the four thousand years of dwarf tradition. It must be corrected immediately! I want to record the author's name in our family's "Book of Hatred."" The dwarf was angry.

"A book that insults the traditions of dwarves? Are you talking about the "Book of Dwarves Not Hatred - an encyclopedia that records all the things in the world that dwarves do not hate"?" the puppet asked.

"Yes, yes, that's the one!" The dwarf student nodded vigorously.

"But the book is blank, there is not a word in it." The puppet spread his hands, looking very innocent.

"It's just because it is blank that it insults us dwarves!" The dwarf student almost jumped up. "Doesn't this mean that we dwarves hold grudges and hate everything?"

The puppet made a downward pressure gesture with its hands to reassure the dwarf student: "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, the book you are talking about is not in our library."

"Not there?" The dwarf showed a doubtful expression.

She threatened: "If you dare to lie to me, I will record you, a wooden lump, in our family's "Book of Hatred"! The name is right behind the elf who invented 'Make Dwarves Fly Hammer'!"

"You can search it. If it's in the library, I'll use it as firewood for you." The puppet was very sure.

The dwarf student went deep into the library, browsed the relevant sections, scanned every book on the shelf, and returned to the door.

"Well, it's not. Maybe I made a mistake. I'm sorry for that."

Before leaving, the dwarf finally spotted Russell watching the show next to him and smiled:

"Isn't this classmate Russell? The 'beard grooming wand' you suggested classmate Xinghuo gave me last time is very useful. I have already promoted it within the family and will order a batch from classmate Xinghuo in the future. Except that it cannot be used by men. This wand has no other shortcomings. Thank you very much."

She thought of something again and said angrily to Russell:

"My family and I are tracking down the elf craftsman who invented the 'Hammer to Make Dwarves Fly' and sold the blueprints to classmate Xinghuo. If you have any information about those damn pointed ears, remember to tell me. There will be a big reward!"

After saying that, the dwarf left the library.

When the wooden puppet saw the dwarf walking away, he secretly came to Russell, leaned into his ear and said:

"Classmate, the book you are looking for is on the top of the eighth row of the bookshelf."

"Top? Not on the shelf?"

"Yes, the dwarves won't be able to see it this way!"

"Why don't you let the dwarves see it?" Russell looked confused.

What he is looking for is documents related to the Demon King.

Russell basically guessed where the wooden puppet had misunderstood.

The puppet asked in confusion:

"Classmate, you are talking about a very special and secret book that involves dangerous secrets. Isn't it the book that the dwarf found just now that insulted the 4,000-year history of the dwarves' tradition? Well, the "Book of No Hatred by Dwarves" - recorded An encyclopedia of everything in the world that dwarves don’t hate?”

"No," Russell said, "and it's no use asking for a completely blank book."

"Then what book do you want to read?"

"I want to know the literature about the Demon King, especially how the Demon King disappeared, its relationship with the academy, etc."

The wooden puppet took a breath (although Russell couldn't figure out why the wooden puppet had a respiratory system) and relaxed:

"I told you earlier. Did you think you were looking for some dangerous book? The kind of literature you mentioned, just say it out loud."

The wooden puppet pointed out the approximate location to Russell.

Russell walked towards the corresponding bookshelf area.

On the way, he passed the novel section and glanced at the titles of the books casually.

According to Russell's experience, if a book is going to appear later in the plot, there is a high probability that he will happen to see it now.

Glancing roughly over the bookshelves in the novel section, Russell's eyes were immediately attracted by a book with a very distinctive title.

"Immortal Emperor Lin Daiyu"

As soon as Russell took down the book, he heard a clear female voice echoing in his heart.

"Russell, there is a book here that I seem to have read before I was alive."

(P.S. The dwarves section is a fusion and adaptation of five or six different memes, which are basically related to the stereotype of fantasy dwarves. Please note here. Among them, the "Book of Enemies" stems from Warhammer, which is a book used by dwarves to record things they hate. It embodies Dwarves are vengeful and stubborn.)

Because a relatively important plot twist is about to take place, tomorrow’s 9 o’clock chapter will be moved forward to zero o’clock.

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