
Chapter 151 149 The three giant beasts guarding the seal!

Chapter 151 149. The three giant beasts guarding the seal!

Arctic Wolf and his group walked into the library and turned on the lights.

Today's library has been magically restored to its original state. It's just that not every book that was burned in the previous demonic invasion event can be restored, so the books on the bookshelf are much sparser than before.

Arctic Wolf adjusted his sunglasses and whispered to the five people accompanying him:

"Start searching. As I told you before, see if there is a secret door, secret passage or magic circle that leads to a secret room."

"No problem, boss!" Two male cadres from the Department of Transformation and Transformation clapped their chests enthusiastically.

Being able to complete the boss's mission is a great honor for a gang member!

Jade Cat, who has just entered the second grade and been promoted to the White Wolf Club cadre, has excitement written all over her gorgeous face with heavy makeup, and is also eager to express herself:

"Yes, boss, leave it to us!"

Bai crossed his hands on his chest, with an evil and confident smile on his lips:

"Brother, don't worry."

When Bai heard that there was some kind of secret hidden in the library, he was extremely excited.

Today, he can finally take action with his legendary brother!

Qihai was speechless after hearing this, not daring to look directly at the legendary transcendent who was the boss of the White Wolf Club. She took out a half-arm-long pink wand.

——This detection wand is an extraordinary item borrowed from another White Wolf Club cadre. It can detect secret passages, secret doors, and dimensional gates formed by distorted space within a certain range. The closer the distance, the more accurate the detection results, and the more difficult it is to be blocked by the anti-divination effect. But the wand can only be activated a limited number of times in a period of time.

In order not to waste the number of times and to ensure the detection effect, Nanami, a student of the Department of Civil Engineering, looked left and right, her eyes scanning between the rows of bookshelves and between the tables and chairs:

"Let me recall some of the more suspicious places in the library that may contain secret doors."

While Nanami and others were walking around the library, looking for suspicious places, Arctic Wolf deliberately separated from several of his subordinates and walked alone through the rows of bookshelves, scanning the rows of books.

Are all the dozen books mentioned by Miss Thorn Bird in the library?

"Advanced Elements", in.

"New Edition of Ancient Paranormal History", in.

When passing the novel section, Arctic Wolf noticed another book mentioned by Miss Thorn Bird - "Luo Qianqiu and the Elixir".

Why is the lady even interested in novels?

The Arctic Wolf was suddenly confused, but he didn't dare to really ask the Thorn Bird.

Suddenly, the surprise sound of the wooden puppet came from the door of the library, making the Arctic Wolf tremble.

"Russell, it's you!"

At the entrance of the library, I was very happy to see Russell's wooden puppet again.

If it hadn't been for Russell's help last time, he would have been broken into pieces by the demon or burned to ashes.

"Long time no see." Russell also greeted the wooden puppet enthusiastically. From the corner of his eye, he saw the bright lights in the library. "Is there anyone else in the library? It's technically closed. Who loves studying so much?"

"Yes, he is the boss of the White Wolf Club, the Arctic Wolf of the Higher Institute, and he also has several subordinates." The wooden puppet replied.

Upon hearing that it was someone from the White Wolf Club, Subway frowned slightly:

"Why are these scourges running around?"

There was also a bit of embarrassment and fear in Clara’s dozens of eyes, and she said to Russell with a slight worry:

"The first school year is over. Russell, you should have passed the freshman protection period, right? Is it bad if we go in like this? Isn't it going to start a fight?"

Clara still remembered the glorious victory she and Russell had at the beginning of the school year against the Emerald Cat and the Wolf Spider.

That was a day that would surely be etched in her memory. From that day on, the people from the White Wolf Club, as well as other students who would usually catch Clara, never came to trouble her again.

In addition, some of Clara's eyes happened to catch a glimpse of the fact that among the younger brothers brought by the Arctic Wolf, there was the emerald cat who had been struck black by Russell's lightning before!

Russell shrugged nonchalantly:

"Don't worry about them, we can just deal with our own affairs."

In his opinion, in Bai's knowledge, Bai had already taught him a lesson, and both parties had already cleared up the matter. It doesn't matter who actually got beaten.

Even if the two sides really conflict, the Arctic Wolf still has the leverage in his hands.

Russell, the old man, Subway and Clara entered the library together.

Russell, who had already learned the location of the secret door from Professor Opal, bypassed the group of people in the White Wolf Club, ignored Bai's strangely emotional gaze, passed through the rows of bookshelves, tables and chairs, and walked directly We arrived at the deepest corner of the library.

After confirming that there were only a few of them in this corner and had not been noticed by the Arctic Wolf group, Russell pointed to the position of the wall tiles that were no different from the surrounding walls:

"The third brick from the bottom up is here. Remember the command to open the door that I will read later."

He pressed his right hand on the brick and whispered the opening spell taught by the professor:

"Open the sesame, open the peanut, open for me the path to the absolute sealing place, the palace of the three beasts."

As soon as the password was recited, the solid brick became pushable and Russell pushed it into the wall.

Immediately afterwards, the entire wall trembled slightly, and several bricks moved away on their own, revealing a low, secret door about one meter high.

Inside the door, there is a staircase leading to the underground area. On the tunnel wall, balls of non-heating blue fire barely illuminated the stairwell.

"Come in, this staircase leads to a secret space underground. Don't worry, there is no danger."

Russell greeted the old man, Subway and Clara, lowered his head first and walked into the secret door.

Subway and the old man also walked into the dark tunnel one after another.

As a group of tentacles, Clara is slightly larger than a normal human, but fortunately the tentacles are soft and can compress the body, so she can squeeze into the tunnel.

Tap tap tap tap.

Outside the tunnel, a confused female voice suddenly came:


"Are you... sticking it on the wall?"

It's Nanami!

Nanami had just checked several suspicious locations in the library with her detection wand, but found nothing, so she went all the way deep into the library, and saw this familiar person around the corner.

From Nanami's perspective, Clara just blocked the secret door, so the secret door and tunnel behind Clara were not discovered!

No, the secret door is about to be discovered.

Russell hurriedly followed the professor's instructions, pressed his hands on the edge of the tunnel, poured spiritual energy into it, and whispered the command to close the door:

"close the door!"

This command was much more direct than the command to open the door... He secretly cursed.

Suddenly, the bricks that had just been removed returned to their original positions, covering the secret door and tunnel. Unfortunately, Clara is outside for now.

Seeing the secret door disappear, Clara instantly understood what Russell meant and took a few steps back, no longer leaning against the wall.

Anyway, she has memorized the order to open the door, so it won't affect her if she goes down later.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds before Nanami suddenly spoke:

"Clara, uh, sorry about the beginning of the school year."

Nanami lowered her head slightly, as if she had spent all her strength to muster up her courage before finishing this sentence in a weak voice.

Nanami felt somewhat guilty for this girl named Clara. In order to complete the task of joining the White Wolf Club, she took away the colored crystal that was of great significance to Clara, causing a lot of trouble for the latter.

"No, it's okay..." Clara rubbed a few tentacles in front of her awkwardly, not knowing how to respond.

After Russell, the old man and Subway went all the way down the tunnel, the front suddenly became clear.

This is a spacious underground cavity with a radius of tens of meters. The ground of the cavity is flat and empty.

Three sleeping behemoths crawling on the ground appeared in front of them——




"Russell, look at the wall!"

Subway's hand pointed behind the three giant beasts. On the stone wall, there was a mysterious and complicated huge sealing circle.

Is there really a seal here? Russell understood something.

As if they noticed the three outsiders, the three sleeping monsters moved at the same time!

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