
Chapter 170 Refrigerator used as medicine to clear away heat and reduce fire

At this moment, the surrounding stall owners, passers-by, and gang members in the clinic directly opposite all noticed this scene.

"Has someone finally come to this consultation booth?"

"Isn't that the Wolf Spider who is in the same class as me? He also has the flu?"

"Can it really be cured?"

They looked over with the mentality of watching the fun.

Only Wolf Spider had a blank look on his face, and his heartbeat sounded again:

"But I haven't said what's wrong with me yet?"

Russell lowered his voice and said again at a volume that was inaudible to the people around him:

"The obesity problem you mentioned just now is not a big one. I will prescribe you some medicine. Don't worry, the medicine I prescribe is mild and has no side effects on the body."

"I didn't say did you know?" Wolf Spider's round face was confused, muttering silently in his heart, ah no, muttering loudly.

Russell used his own principles of witchcraft and medicine to derive the prescription step by step:

"First of all, the cause of your weight gain is that too many calories are accumulated in the body. Therefore, the medicine I prescribe should focus on reducing internal heat.

"I know that there is a thing in the world that can clear away heat and reduce fire. It uses the power of snow seeds to induce internal heat to the outside. It should be the first choice of medicinal materials.

"The refrigerator can be used as medicine to cure this disease!"

What is used as medicine?

Wolf Spider suspected there was something wrong with his ears.

Russell ignored the astonished Wolf Spider, gently rubbed his chin, and continued his derivation:

“Also, more meat actually means more fat.

"To remove the meat, leave the bones and remove the meat. It needs to be supplemented with medicinal herbs that are mild in pharmacology and can burn fat.

"For example, matches."

Wolf Spider was convinced that there was something wrong with his ears.

I saw Russell taking out a used small refrigerator that was recycled from an unknown source from Dimensional's pocket.

——As an excellent herbalist, Russell carries various medicinal materials with him.

In front of the tarantula, Russell swung the hammer and smashed the refrigerator to pieces.

Then, Russell picked out a few fragments from the smashed refrigerator casing and inner liner, threw them into the containers, threw a few matches into them, and started grinding them on the table.

Wolf Spider's eyes widened, almost falling out of their sockets. He showed an expression that said, "I think you need medical treatment more than me."

After a while, Russell ground up some refrigerator and match powder, poured spiritual energy into it, and made it into a potion.

Russell used paper to pack the powdered crumbs mixed with the refrigerator and matches into two parts and handed them to the tarantula:

"Soak it in water and drink it twice, and you will lose weight. The pharmacological effect is to reduce the heat accumulation in the body and ignite fat. It is best to use it with fruit ice cream as a medicine for better effects."

The tarantula's mouth opened wide, and its jaw almost dropped to the ground.

Voices full of astonishment rang in the ears of Russell and Fengchi:

“This, this, this, this!

"Is this medicine made by normal people? Do I really want to eat the powder from used electrical appliances?

"This level of outrageousness even reaches, ah no, more than the school hospital!

"Is Russell sick? Is he under too much study pressure and has some mental problems?"

Russell found that the customer didn't believe his prescription and asked considerately:

"It seems that you still have a little psychological burden on taking novel drugs?"

Wolf Spider's trembling hands took two packets of powder:

“Russell, you, you must be right, right?

"This is not the same as the medicine I have in mind."

Russell shook his head slightly disappointedly and asked seriously:

"Tarantula, do you know why you failed the final exam of last year's Principles of Witchcraft class?"

The corner of Wolf Spider's mouth twitched:

"Because I am unlucky and relatively unlucky?"

Russell shook his head again:

"Not at all.

"More importantly, you have not established a worldview based on witchcraft, and you have not used an occult perspective to think about problems."

In the confused eyes of Wolf Spider, Russell asked again:

"Before drawing cards, did you get the lucky charm of other classmates? Did you sacrifice your roommates? Did you make a wish? Did you study the connection between the UP characters and the world view? Did you draw cards on the hour?"

With that said, Russell began to explain the key points of the final exam of last year's Principles of Witchcraft class, as well as the profound occult principles contained in it, which made Wolf Spider stunned for a moment.

Wolf Spider regretted it now. If I had asked Russell for advice on metaphysical card drawing techniques before the exam last year, I would have continued to repeat the first grade!

Wolf Spider was a little shaken and heard something behind Russell's words:

"So the two doses you just prescribed... the refrigerator and the matches, do they contain any occult principles?"

Russell looks like a top student tutoring a bad student:

"Actually, when I deduced the prescription just now, I explained it very thoroughly. You should not understand the refrigerator as the outer shell, inner tank and refrigeration system. You should pay more attention to the concept and symbolic meaning of the corresponding medicinal materials.

"The medicinal materials of occult science emphasize the use of form to complement form -

"The red sap of bloodroot is used to treat blood diseases; saxifrage, which can crush surrounding rocks, is used to treat kidney stones; the rope used for hanging is used to treat people suffering from madness, as it is said that the deceased has the calmest heart; the rope used to tie pigs is used to treat children's screams , the hair is restless; the old stern rudder can cure the fear of wind and waves; burning pen and ink into ashes can cure laziness in learning; the soil on the execution ground and the dust in the house also have their own completely different pharmacological effects; and the finger-sucking original chicken , human blood steamed buns..."

Russell's knowledge of herbal medicine has already reached the level of proficiency, and he can draw inferences from one instance to another. He talks about everything in detail, which makes Wolf Spider very surprised when he hears it, and he can't help but sigh:




At this point, Wolf Spider has gone from completely disbelieving to being skeptical.

"Why don't you give it a try? Anyway, I am an extraordinary person, at least I can't die from drinking." Wolf Spider thought about what Russell could hear, and drank a packet of powder mixed with water.

Surprisingly, perhaps because of the spiritual energy poured into it by Russell, the powder from the refrigerator and matches was not so hard that it was hard to swallow.

But the taste is still pretty bad.

"It tastes so bad..."

The moment the medicinal powder entered his stomach with the water, Wolf Spider suddenly fell into a trance, and an illusion appeared in front of his eyes.

In a trance, he seemed to see a match floating toward him, igniting his fat and making his whole body feel hot.

The next moment, he felt that a huge refrigerator was surrounding him, constantly absorbing the heat generated by the burning matches.

In this process, fat is constantly being consumed.

After a few seconds, Wolf Spider awoke from his vision.


P.S. The content of this chapter is inspired by "Doraemon" Universal Medicine Machine and Su Shi's "Ji Yu Ou Gongyu".

This chapter is for comedy only, please do not imitate!

In reality, there are absurd ways of using form to complement form, and there are also things that are really effective (using form-assisted memory pharmacology). This chapter is not a bad guide. If you are sick, please go to a regular place for medical treatment!

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