
Chapter 190 The Third Contracted Spirit

real world.

In a dark and silent cave.

The freeze-frame scene of Doctor Beak disappearing into the depths of the jungle was fully visible to Russell and Starfire, who were watching the entire dream in the real world.

"It seems that no more information can be found for the time being. Sleeper, please turn off the dream projection."

Russell directed the Sleep Demon to turn off the dream projection suspended above Doctor Beak's head.

At this time, Doctor Bird's Beak was deep in a dream and fell into a deep sleep.

His whole body was tightly bound by mithril chains engraved with spells, his hands were locked behind his back by magic-forbidden handcuffs that suppressed spirituality and extraordinary power, and the black staff had long been taken away by Starfire and Russell.

"Oh my God, I was really scared to death just now. When Doctor Beak said that he was weaving a dream for Sister Starfire, I thought he found that he was also in a dream."

Feng Chime patted his spirit body's chest with lingering fear.

Xinghuo recalled what she had just experienced, half angry and half thankful:

"Russell, thank you for finding the problem in time, otherwise I would have really died in the hands of this guy. Oh, it's so embarrassing. If I hadn't been attacked by surprise, how could I have lost so embarrassingly?"

Only Starfire herself knew how dangerous it was just now.

Doctor Beak became invisible and eliminated his own sense of existence. Taking advantage of Starfire's lack of defense when she endured the pain caused by the Weeping Fountain, and her intuitive danger warning function was greatly reduced, he defeated her in a sneak attack, put Starfire into a long sleep, and used her illusion ability Erased the sounds of battle.

Fortunately, before Russell killed Medusa and entered the depths of the cave, he used a necromantic spell to summon Medusa's soul, and used the ability to drive spirits to force Medusa to tell him, Most of the spring water has been taken away, and the current Weeping Fountain is mainly an illusion.

Russell became more vigilant and worried that Doctor Beak was still nearby.

After actually entering the cave, Russell was not affected by Doctor Beak's suggestive ability from beginning to end.

His current mental resistance even exceeds that of most fourth-year powers!

Even if Professor Opal takes action personally, it will be very difficult to face Russell's tough and iron-walled mind.

Russell, who had been vigilant for a long time, after setting up the venue for the ceremony to evoke the dead, did not really inject his spiritual energy and integrate into the ceremony. He just pretended to recite incantations and dance.

He took advantage of the opportunity of dancing, followed the guidance of his own intuition, bumped around, and finally discovered that the invisible and sleeping Starfire was hidden in the corner of the cave!

In the field of strong people at the third grade level, ordinary illusions are no longer so effective. Even if you don't have the ability to deal with illusions, you can still see through illusions and invisibility directly by relying solely on the guidance of your intuitive perception and calming down for a period of time.

Therefore, experts of the same level in the psychic and illusion department will add an extra layer of abnormal memes with spiritual suggestion effects on top of regular illusions and invisibility to strengthen the confusion effect.

After discovering the real spark, Russell thoroughly confirmed the problem of the false spark. He used the spirit contract to notify the wind chime and the sleep demon in his mind, and ordered the two contracted spirits to activate the teleportation spell and teleport back.

——After reaching the third-grade spiritual level, Russell can already communicate with contracted spirits within a distance of more than ten kilometers!

The destination of the transmission was Russell's cell phone, which both of them were very familiar with!

When the two spirits returned to the mobile phone, Russell took the initiative and activated the black magic spell to attack the beak doctor behind him.

This spell can cause the opponent to suffer 1 to 3 random curses!

Perhaps the principal's blessing before leaving played a role. Russell was very lucky and drew three curses.

The first two curses made Dr. Beak's spirit and spirit weak and languid, while the last one was a powerful sleeping curse, which, coupled with a little hypnotic effect exerted by the Sleep Demon, actually made this powerful enemy fall asleep.

Afterwards, Russell awakened Starfire, restrained Dr. Beak, searched for valuable things on him, and then asked Sleep Demon to weave Dr. Beak's dream, trying to figure out whether the culprit had any accomplices, and The reason he spread the plague.

The various scenes of attacking Russell and killing the two people were just scenes in Doctor Beak's dream. The defense line would be looser in the dream center, so Doctor Beak never suppressed his desire to talk.

"During the entrance examination of the Red Order of Chaos, I was almost deceived by the real dream you weaved. What a turn of events." Russell smiled at the Nightmare who once belonged to Nocturne and now belongs to him.

"It's unfair. In the entrance examination of the Red Order of Chaos, I was not the only one who weaved dreams!" The pale and hazy spiritual figure quickly defended himself.

Russell turned his head again and glanced at Doctor Bird's Beak, who was sleeping on the ground:

"Although there are still many mysteries, let's hand this prisoner over to the academy first, and let the school be responsible for the subsequent interrogation work."

The information he just obtained from the dream gave Russell a hint of conspiracy.

A plague that can turn extraordinary people back into ordinary people! The bird-beaked doctor who sees extraordinary power as the cancer of the world! Such important information must be notified to the school.

It would be fine if other people knew this information, but Russell, as a person in the drama, couldn't help but recall something else.

"Russell will eventually destroy the extraordinary world."

This prophecy echoed in the young man's ears.

Does this have anything to do with his destiny?

Russell shook his head, putting this question behind him, and walked towards Medusa's body surrounded by three pure white candles.

It’s barely too late to carry out the ceremony now!

Russell chanted the incantation loudly and officially began the ritual of evoking the dead.

Xinghuo on the side clapped his hands and summoned several first-year magic apprentices from the clouds to assist Russell and improve the success rate of the ceremony.

Wind chimes and sleep demons are also on the side, injecting soul energy into the ritual, which has a chance of improving the quality of the spirit body finally created.

After half of the spiritual energy was consumed, the ceremony was completed amidst the crazy and weird dance and the sound of dark and obscure spells.

In the final part of the ceremony, Russell wrote a mysterious blue symbol in the air that represented the spiritual contract.

After reaching the third-grade spiritual level, the upper limit of contracted spirits finally reached three!

Medusa's body suddenly burst into green flames and turned into ashes within a few seconds.

The corpse of a high-level supernatural creature is itself the best ritual material!

"Look what kind of undead have been created?"

Russell looked at the sporadic green firelight extinguished in the ashes, and saw a head-like shadow slowly rising from the ashes.

The head was like the head of Medusa, with snake hair, but the face was thin and pale, closer to a corpse or a stone statue, ferocious and terrifying, with emerald firelight flashing in the eye sockets.

The two chapters without titles represent in dreams.

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