
Chapter 249 “Sinful” Black Magic

The midsummer sun is like a diligent shepherd, following a fixed trajectory and walking on the blue sky pasture.

Around the golden shepherd, the soft and pure white clouds of sheep sometimes gather and sometimes disperse.

College of Higher Education, Principal's Office.

"Why does the College of Higher Education also have a principal's office, and the College of Junior High School also has one?" Russell asked his doubts.

"Isn't this a very strange thing?" In the office, Duncan put away the sapphires handed over by Russell, Subway and Clara.

"Let me see, you have reverse hunted a lot of hunter's sapphires." Duncan counted the number of sapphires and took out the corresponding college gold coins from the safe.

Originally, the job of exchanging sapphires back for college gold coins should have been completed by the teacher in charge of the forest hunting competition.

However, four contestants including Duncan, Russell, Subway, and Clara actually hunted the hunter in the opposite direction, and their behavior caused an uproar among the teachers.

Some teachers even suggested that this was not in line with the design intention of the forest hunting competition rules and that four people should not be exchanged for additional college gold coins.

Later, it was the principal who came forward and used his status as principal to make the final decision. He recognized the performance of Duncan and the other four people, and personally organized the exchange of college gold coins for the four people!

"Mr. Principal, you have hunted a lot yourself." Subway looked at Duncan, quite speechless.

The fact that four of the contestants who successfully entered the college this year were hunting hunters in reverse has spread throughout the college.

Russell counted the bag of college gold coins handed over by Duncan, and one golden college gold coin after another shone brightly in the sun.

This forest hunting competition was very fruitful, and he immediately received 90 college gold coins!

Including the original reserve and a few college gold coins he defrauded from the boy with glasses, Russell's college gold coin reserve has now reached over 300.

Even if you don't count the dimensional ring on your toe, the cash in your hands already exceeds the assets of most college students!

Of course, Russell is still burdened with a loan of 200 college gold coins, and will soon have to pay 150 college gold coins for third-year tuition and textbook fees. After this calculation, Russell's net worth is still negative.

Russell counted out 150 college gold coins and handed them to the principal, suddenly increasing his inventory of college gold coins to more than 150.

"Does this count as completing the enrollment procedures? After that, you can absorb the third-grade knowledge scroll."

Subway and Clara also placed two large bags of golden college gold coins on the principal's desk.

According to Russell's knowledge, Clara took on a large number of college tasks in order to collect the tuition and textbook fees for the third grade. She was also responsible for providing psychological counseling to some junior college students. Even so, in the end, she still had to bear a student loan. Collect the expenses together.

"Okay, there are three third-year knowledge scrolls in total. They are the 'Mystery' scroll of the Creation and Summoning department, the 'Memetics' scroll of the Psychic and Illusion department, and the 'Black' scroll of the Necromancer and Life department. The magic scroll is here for you." Duncan put the money into the safe.

Originally, it was the responsibility of specialized professors to guide newly promoted third-year students to familiarize themselves with the work of colleges and universities.

But the kind-hearted Duncan is willing to take these three students who participated in the library operation last year and rescued him.

Duncan opened another cabinet with a blood-red magic circle seal, took out three scrolls, and handed them to three people respectively:

"Please note that the level of confidentiality of the knowledge scrolls in the third grade cannot be compared with that in the first and second grade.

"According to the regulations, you can only absorb them all here in front of a core school member, that is, me. You are absolutely not allowed to take them out of here! You are also not allowed to take pictures of them.

"If any of you feel that your current state is not stable, or that your spiritual cultivation level is not yet at home, and that it is not completely stable at the half-step third-grade level, you can return the scroll to me first and absorb it later."

Subway was quite curious: "Why is this?"

"Of course it's because there are always some people with bad intentions who are spying on how to make knowledge scrolls, especially how to make knowledge scrolls for senior students. The secret method of making knowledge scrolls has always been one of the biggest secrets of the academy, and it is also the reason for the existence of the academy. Under all kinds of pressure, I still rely on you to this day.”

Duncan said, raising his little fist:

"If there are third-grade or even fourth-grade knowledge scrolls floating around, people with ulterior motives may copy their production techniques."

Russell suddenly recalled a detail mentioned by Professor Black Amber during the conversation with him in the first grade.

Professor Black Amber was once worried that people from the World Supernatural Council would come to steal the method of making the knowledge scroll.

Russell, who understood something, nodded, and Subway and Clara had no objections.

The two of them sat down on the long sofa and began to read the knowledge scroll at hand.

Russell spread the dark ink-like scroll on his thigh, his eyes flowing in the blood-red words on the night-like scroll, and at the same time he mobilized the spiritual energy in his spirit body.

This forest hunting competition brought Russell more than just college coins!

Russell's spirituality was also tempered in fierce battles again and again.

In the heart-warming supernatural battle, every spell cast and every spiritual energy mobilized are exercises for the spirit and spirituality of the spirit body, and are an alternative spiritual practice.

During the fierce battle with the vampire girl, he gained a better understanding of the nature of the undead and the life system, and felt spiritual feedback.

When he tried his best, exhausted his spiritual energy, and single-handedly defeated the fourth-year powerful traveler, Russell completely reached his limit. After recovering, my spiritual level has grown much higher than before.

Russell is now close to the peak of his spiritual cultivation in the early third grade!

As Russell began to read, countless crimson words rose from the scroll, flooding into Russell's eyes, and into his spiritual body and spirit.

Russell has already had the experience of absorbing knowledge scrolls twice, relying on the basic knowledge mastered in the first and second grades to digest these taboo knowledges that have great power in themselves.

The young man felt that he was walking in the lightless night, and seemed to see a dark river flowing under the night. The darkness tried to swallow him up again and again

But there is a mystical and logical connection between the knowledge that comes from necromancy and herbalism, and the seemingly endless darkness. This knowledge has turned into reality and turned into mysterious symbols one after another surrounding Russell. This prevented him from being completely engulfed by this darkness. Instead, he gained stronger control over this endless darkness with every step he took.

The young man walked in this dark night, wandered in the dark river, and listened to the sound of gurgling water in the dark night, just like taking a leisurely stroll in the courtyard.

After nearly half an hour of brainstorming, Russell opened his eyes again with his eyes closed.

This time, he didn't feel any obvious dizziness or lightheadedness.

Perhaps it was because, before absorbing the scroll of knowledge, his spiritual level had already reached the third-grade level, and he could easily withstand the impact of the power contained in the scroll of knowledge.

Russell looked at Subway and Clara again. These two companions were only half a third grade in spiritual cultivation, and it should take longer to slowly wake up.

He saw that Subway's pretty face was already covered with beads of sweat, and the young man sitting on the sofa was trembling all over. This showed that the power of the third grade knowledge scroll was far greater than that of the first and second graders. It is estimated that it will take more than half an hour to basically absorb all this extraordinary knowledge and truly wake up.

At this moment, Clara's dozens of closed eyes opened at the same time, and each eyeball was clear and clear.

Clara woke up so quickly? Almost at the same time as me! Is it because your race is special and you have talents in this area? Russell looked at Clara who was stretching her tentacles and had some suspicion.

You know, before absorbing the scroll of knowledge, Russell's spiritual level was a level higher than Clara's!

Russell’s eyes did not stay on Clara for long.

After wiping the sweat from his forehead, he lightly closed his eyes, immersed himself in the spiritual world, and checked the knowledge scroll to improve himself.

First of all, Russell found that his spiritual body was more stable than before, and the water level of the spiritual lake was much higher than when he first entered the third grade.

After the strengthening of the knowledge scroll, his current spiritual realm has not only entered the middle of the third grade, but has also completed 2/3 of the journey to the peak of the middle of the third grade. If the extraordinary way of practicing black magic goes well, you will be able to enter the late third year in a few months!

Of course, the more important improvement is the new extraordinary ability brought to him by the scroll of knowledge.

Although he is not yet able to directly master these abilities and needs continuous training and practice, it is only a matter of time before he masters these abilities as he already has the corresponding knowledge in his mind.

Death rays, exhaustion rays, curse abilities, summoning undead creatures...a series of powerful black magic flashed in Russell's mind.

Just as Russell was sorting out the knowledge in his mind, his intuition suddenly struck him. He opened his eyes and looked at the door of the principal's office.

I saw the elegant wooden door being pushed open, and the black cat walking with elegant steps.

It's Professor Black Amber!

"Professor, are you here?" Russell was a little surprised when he saw Professor Black Amber coming in.

This professor of the Department of Death and Life spent most of his time in the Junior College.

"Yes, kid, I heard that you are going to absorb the black magic scroll today, and I wanted to come and see how you are doing." Black Cat raised its chin.

Russell can understand Professor Black Amber's mentality.

Ever since he enrolled in school, Professor Black Amber has been anxiously waiting for the day when Russell would master black magic, fearing that the black magic would corrupt Russell and make the third sentence of the prophecy come true.

"After absorbing the knowledge in the scroll, I think you should have understood the source of the power of black magic." The black cat looked at the young man on the sofa, his tone getting deeper and deeper.

"Of course, Professor." Russell nodded slightly and expressed the knowledge in his mind:

"To release black magic or black witchcraft, you not only need to burn spiritual energy, but also need the negative emotions in your heart——

"Indifference, pain, jealousy, anger, resentment, all the strong desires to bring pain and suffering to others!"

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