
Chapter 257: The Gallery of Strange Rules

Corridor of rules and weird stories.

The light that was so bright that it was blinding was gradually extinguished.

Russell saw the scene in front of him clearly.

White walls, white ceiling, no decoration, no layout, so monotonous that it looks like a scene in a dream.

There was only one corridor that stretched forward, ending with a wooden door.

"What the hell is this place? The Joker's secret space?"

Only then did Russell realize that he had transformed from a kitten back into a human form, and the black and white maid dress on his body had also disappeared. It seemed that the transformation and illusion had been lifted in the process of passing through the space door, and even the original possession The wind chime on my body was also returned to my phone.

A space door that removes all magic from the body? Sure enough, the clown has a strange secret... Russell suddenly made a guess, gathered his energy again, turned on his spiritual vision, and found that not a single ghost could be seen in the corridor.

Sure enough, this is not the real world!

Russell quickly turned his head and looked behind him, and found that there was no mercury portal behind him. I am afraid that the way to leave here is different from the way to enter here.

"There are no ghosts in this space. There is no way to drive the spirit body to explore the situation ahead. Really, no ghosts floated in when I opened the door?"

Such thoughts flashed through Russell's mind, and he was about to find a way to detect the front without relying on ghosts, when he felt his intuition move and he suddenly raised his head.

On the originally snow-white ceiling, line after line of bloody words appeared one after another.

Endless corridor rules.

Rule 1: You must keep moving forward. People who stand still cannot breathe. Keeping going will make you tired, but you have to do it. The endless corridor has no end.

Rule 2: Don’t look back, turn around, or look behind you. Otherwise the neck will be broken.

Rule Three: What you see in the mirror is just your reflection, not the real person. So it is not recommended to talk to yourself in the mirror and guess guessing - if you are going to guess guessing, at least don't lose.

Rule 4: The person in the mirror is honest.

Rule 5: In a no-talk room, please keep quiet.

Rule 6: Wax figures are dead objects and will not move, nor will they break your neck, smash your head, or make you like them.

Rule 7. The previous rule is true—at least that’s how the wax figure appears to you.

Rule 8: There are no babies in the endless corridor.

Rule 9: Monsters are loud. Monsters don't have to breathe. The monster wants to eat you.

Rule 10: The dead can ignore the rules of the endless corridor.

Rule 11: Extraordinary abilities that affect the mind cannot be used in the endless corridor. The usual teleportation spells and dimensional gates cannot leave the endless corridor.

Rule 12: The person holding the token is a legal person recognized by the Endless Corridor. The extraordinary creatures bred in the endless corridor space will not attack them. The rest are intruders.

After all the rules were revealed, the bloody writing disappeared in an instant, leaving only the white ceiling, as if the rules he had just written by himself were just an illusion.

"Strange, where were those rules just now?" Wind Chime exclaimed on the phone screen, "It just flashed for a moment and then disappeared. Isn't it too cunning?"

"Don't worry. I was prepared for the rules to disappear the moment they appeared, and I have memorized all the rules." Russell looked calm.

"You remembered so much in just one moment? That's too strong." Fengchi looked at Russell's indifferent expression and exclaimed again.

"No, I took a photo and recorded it in the photo album on my phone." Russell replied.

The powerful voice of the Demon King also echoed in Russell's mind:

"Young man, this place is really weird. Ever since the first time the red words appeared on the secret door, various rules have continued to appear. This is not the magic of the Transformation and Transformation Department of your college at all, but it reminds me of Another group of people."

"World Supernatural Parliament?" Russell asked in a low voice.

Duncan once mentioned that the World Supernatural Council controls a unique and extraordinary system that emphasizes order, rules and protection!

Basically, only elites recognized by the Supreme Council and fully serving the Council are qualified to learn and understand the relevant extraordinary powers.

"Of course, there are many extraordinary powers with similar effects in this world. I can't be sure. This is just a guess." Wang's voice continued to echo and suddenly became serious:

"Next, try not to talk to me,"

Russell nodded slightly.

The clown may be watching this endless corridor, or he may be in the room ahead.

If outsiders knew that the Demon King was sealed in Russell's heart, it would definitely cause a lot of trouble!

The next moment, Russell felt as if he was blocked by a strange force. No matter how hard his lungs worked, he could not suck in any air, and the air in his lungs suddenly disappeared.

With the physique of a strong third-year man, Russell could have held his breath for a long time, but this corridor obviously had special power, which made him close to suffocation just after he couldn't breathe.

Russell immediately understood what was going on.

[Rule 1: You must keep moving forward. People who stand still cannot breathe. 】

Russell quickly took two steps forward, and his inability to breathe immediately disappeared, and oxygen filled his lungs again.

After walking a few steps, Russell heard the exclamation of wind chimes behind him.

"By the way, Russell. What is this? Don't come over, don't come over!"

Wind Chime seemed to see something terrifying approaching from behind Russell!

But Russell did not turn his head to look behind him. Instead, he raised his phone, clicked on the Selfie function of the camera, activated the front camera, and looked at the situation behind him through the front camera.

[Rule 2: Don’t look back, turn around, or look behind. 】

In the picture taken by the mobile phone, there is nothing behind Russell.

No wind chimes, no scary monsters.

There is only one white corridor.

"Sure enough, it was just a false voice that induced me to look back." Russell shrugged without any surprise and kept moving forward.

After another second or two, the big head of the wind chime reappeared on the phone screen:

"In the past few seconds, I suddenly disappeared, as if I was trapped in darkness, unable to appear on the phone screen to talk to you. The sound you just heard was not made by me!

"Oh my god. This corridor is too scary. Normal people would turn around when they hear someone they know calling their name from behind! Their necks would be broken."

Russell frowned slightly, and doubts suddenly arose:

"What does the clown want to do by installing such dangerous protective facilities in his house?"

No matter how slow Russell walked, because he kept moving forward, he had already reached the door.

Russell held the metal door handle, pushed the dark wooden door open, and walked into the room in front.

The moment he opened the door, Russell saw countless versions of himself!

Dozens or hundreds of Russells of different shapes, fat or thin, tall or short, deformed like noodle men, or with their bodies twisted into an S-shape, all looked at Russell at the door.

No, that's not right.

There are dozens or hundreds of mirrors in this entire room, from the ceiling to the walls to the floor.

Every mirror reflects a Russell.

Russell did not stop, but continued to move forward towards the wooden door at the top of the room.

As he was walking, Russell suddenly saw something strange appearing in a certain mirror out of the corner of his eye.

Russell, whose body was twisted into an S shape in the amusing mirror, suddenly closed his eyes.

Russell said nothing and moved forward step by step, as if he found nothing unusual.

A voice came from behind Russell:

“Let’s play guessing and see who wins.

"As long as you win the game with me, I will tell you how to leave here."

Russell knew that voice very well.

It was his own voice.

Ignoring the voice and not turning his head, Russell just moved forward slowly.

Like a completely heartless puppet, the young man walked directly to the lens of the mirror room and opened the wooden door in front of him.

The moment the expressionless Russell was about to leave the room, he caught a glimpse of the overweight Russell in the other mirror from the corner of his eye, with a smile appearing on the corner of his mouth.

Russell, still looking cold and expressionless, left the mirror room and walked into the new corridor.

"Oh my God, I'm scared to death." On the screen of the mobile phone, the trembling shadow of the wind chime was already glistening in the corners of its eyes. "Why do the people in the mirror react so strangely?"

"After entering the next room, we don't want to talk." Russell said coldly, "No sound can be made in the next room."

I saw a plaque hanging on the next wooden door at the end of the corridor with a set of large characters written on it.

"The forbidden room"

Russell, who had no choice but to keep walking, pushed open the dark wooden door at the end of the corridor and walked into the second room with a creaking sound.

This room has only wooden floors and white walls and ceilings, and is empty, with no people or other objects.

This level didn't seem to be difficult... Russell remained quiet the whole time. Just when he was about to reach the wooden door at the end of the room, he vaguely heard a strange sound coming from the other side of the door.

The sound was like the grinding of a beast's teeth or the roar of a ferocious monster.

Just by hearing this sound, Russell could imagine that there was a terrifying monster not far ahead grinding its sharp teeth, and saliva was constantly dripping from its bloody mouth to the ground.

With a clang, the wooden door at the end of the room was opened from the other side.

A tearful woman came towards Russell and ran into the room, crying loudly, filling the originally silent room with crying.

"Save me, save me and my child!" the woman cried loudly.

The woman ran straight to Russell, still wailing.

Strange, how come this woman was not punished for breaking the rules? Russell suddenly felt doubtful.

"Young man, are you also the victim of accidentally breaking into this strange corridor space?" When the woman saw Russell, she felt like she was seeing a savior, and she pulled Russell's arm.

But Russell remained unmoved and walked straight forward without speaking.

He just walked out of the forbidden room.

"Oh, boy, you didn't talk to me just now because you were worried about making noise in the previous room?" The woman immediately guessed the reason why Russell did this and warned:

"Don't completely believe those rules, some of them are fake! If you follow all the rules, it will only get you killed."

Russell, who had already walked out of the room and came to a new corridor, asked in an emotionless tone:

“Which rules are fake?”

The woman answered eagerly with a voice that was slightly crying and frightened:

"You just saw it, I made a sound in that room, but didn't encounter anything. There are three other rules, which are only partially correct. For example, turning around like I did is okay, but turning my head no."

The wind chime on the phone suddenly reminded me of a horrifying detail——

This woman was walking towards him just now, but now she was walking in the same direction as Russell. She turned around midway, but her neck was not broken.

As Russell and the woman moved forward together, the looming sound ahead, which sounded like a monster grinding its teeth and roaring, became increasingly intense.

At this moment, the woman who noticed the silver badge on Russell's chest shouted in surprise:

"Young man, are you a third-year student at the International Union of Magic and Supernatural Academy?

"I've heard how difficult it is to advance to the third grade in the academy. You are actually such a powerful transcendent? How did you enter this corridor space?"

Luo didn't answer, just asked:

"Do you know how to leave this space?"

"I know, I know," the woman nodded quickly, "But you have to help me first. My child is also trapped in this space. Have you brought food? Can you give him something to eat?"

Russell looked indifferent and did not reply. He just pushed open the new dark wooden door and entered the new room with the woman.

The moment Russell opened the door, the sound like a giant beast grinding its teeth disappeared.

The room ahead was as empty as the previous room, the only difference being that there was a swaddled baby in the middle of the room. The baby was crying loudly.

"Give my child some food, and I will tell you how to leave this space." The woman begged beside Russell.

A rule immediately came to Russell's mind:

[Rule 8, there are no babies in the endless corridor. 】

Seeing that Russell just moved forward slowly without making any movement, the woman hesitated at first, and then showed an expression of sudden realization:

"Are you taking the rules into consideration and not daring to help my child? Don't worry, that rule is also fake!"

Russell's face remained as calm as Shisui.

The woman did not pick up her child, but followed Russell and pushed open the wooden door at the end of the room and walked into the corridor again.

"You can't go to the end if you keep going like this, and you will end up back in the first room." The woman explained from the side, "Only the method I provide can teach you to leave here."

Seeing that Russell was unmoved, the woman sighed, turned and left.

Feeling the woman's footsteps getting further away, Russell said to the frightened and confused wind chime on his phone:

"There is something wrong with the woman and the baby just now."

"What? What's the problem?" Feng Chime scratched his head, puzzled.

"In the endless corridor, you have to keep moving forward, otherwise you will suffocate. But the baby was crying on the floor, but he didn't seem to be affected in any way." Russell analyzed.

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