
Chapter 279 The Clown’s Request

Wait, why my brother and me? Why don't you go yourself? Bai glared at Duncan, and just as he was about to shout out the question, he felt the Arctic Wolf tap his shoulder.

I saw Arctic Wolf pulling Bai aside and said seriously:

"Brother, I have always treated you very well. Do you still remember during the entrance exam? I used my connections to get the entrance exam questions from the teacher..."

"Wait. Brother, you mean...let me go?" Bai frowned.

The arctic wolf nodded.

Bai lowered his head, clenched his fists, and his body trembled slightly, as if he was engaged in a complex psychological struggle.

Sorry, brother, we can't let Duncan go... The Arctic Wolf wailed in his heart.

Not only does this Duncan know his own background, but he is obviously not an ordinary freshman in the College of Higher Education. He can't order him!

After half an hour of psychological struggle to confirm that the unicorn was still there, Bai Yi gritted his teeth, picked up the transgender belt on the ground, and put it on his waist.

Bai's originally snow-white short hair suddenly stretched to her shoulders, and her facial features became much softer. Her original unruly temperament did not diminish, and she suddenly transformed into a heroic girl.

Not intending to check his own changes, Bai strode towards the unicorn in the forest glade, with its back to him and bathed in the moonlight.

At this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room of the college's official website exploded. Some people were watching for fun, while others were gloating.

On the playground of the junior high school, several members of the White Wolf Club suddenly exploded as they looked at the giant crystal screen.

Jade Cat, who was in second grade, pulled her boyfriend Tarantula and laughed until her stomach hurt:

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, Master Bai really wears that belt! I didn't expect that Master Bai would still be here today, hahahaha. After the transformation, Miss Bai is really a beauty, hahahaha."

The tall Wolf Spider could not understand the excitement of others at all, and looked at a loss:

"But there's no need to wear that belt now, right? Didn't Duncan get the unicorn horn just now?"

The jade cat sighed, feeling helpless to her boyfriend:

"That's why it's even less funny. Why are you full of humor cells?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Jade Cat covered his mouth and suddenly realized the problem:

"Okay! I was too emotionally stable just now, and the curse of irony two years ago didn't actually happen!"

Bai walked behind the unicorn and watched the holy silver-white beast turn around, revealing...

Empty head.

"Where's the horn on the unicorn's head?"

Bai was shocked.

I only heard Duncan's voice coming from behind:

"By the way, Classmate Bai, I forgot to tell you. I saw you were hesitant just now, so I put on the belt myself.

"I chatted with the unicorn for a while, and this Mr. Unicorn obviously liked me very much, so he blessed me with the unicorn on his head and gave it to me."

With that said, Duncan raised the unicorn he just got from the unicorn.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me earlier?"

In Miss Bai's almost desperate wail, Duncan kindly reminded:

"If you take off that belt and put it back on, you can change back directly..."

In the next few minutes, Duncan listened to Bai's crazy scolding behind him and the arctic wolf's words of comfort and dissuade. He shrugged his shoulders and sighed:

"Young people today are so fragile. They can't handle even the smallest of things, and they still have to take action."

The lakeside reflects a silver moon.

The unicorn was in pain when giving birth. The white holy beast struggled on the lakeside and let out mournful screams.

Clara stroked the unicorn's smooth fur with her tentacles, and at the same time used her soothing ability to comfort the unicorn's emotions.

Feeling the comfort of a pure girl beside him, the unicorn's struggle eased slightly.

Seeing that Clara had stabilized the unicorn's mood, Russell also walked up to the unicorn, gently touched the unicorn's bulging belly with one hand, took out the magic weapon on his mobile phone with the other, and clicked on the djinn picture in the photo album of his mobile phone.

"Don't be afraid, I'll help you deliver the baby."

The young man's voice was very soft and his words were soft, like the breeze blowing across the lake.

The next moment, Russell and the unicorn disappeared in a cloud of mist at the same time.

When the clouds and mist dissipated, what was left on the land was a small unicorn cub, with the umbilical cord cut off by the power of space still connected to its belly.

Short distance teleportation!

This teleportation spell can transport a single creature with you!

"Okay, the delivery is over."

Seeing that the unicorn's painful expression gradually eased, Russell reported the results of the battle to his two companions.

"Wait, wait, wait, Russell, what did you just do?"

Subway looked at the unicorn cub on the ground, then at its mother, and suddenly understood:

"You teleported the unicorn away, but the baby in your belly remained in place, so the delivery was successful?

"No, can the teleportation spell be used in this way?"

Russell shrugged:

"Others don't know, but it's okay in the hands of a mutant like me."

The unicorn, which gradually recovered from the pain of childbirth, slowly stood up, walked to its child, and gently stroked the child with the horn on its head.

The horn on the top of the unicorn's head was emitting a faint light. The shrunken unicorn cub seemed to gain strength from this light. It actually stood up and pressed its face against its mother's.

The unicorn's mouth made a sound that was similar to a horse's neigh but was extremely clear. The strange thing was that both Russell and others could understand the meaning:

"Thank you. You helped me. Is there any reward you want?"

Clara’s dozens of eyes showed joy as she expressed her request:

"We want the blessed horn, okay?"

The unicorn mother nodded slightly, and saw the horn above her head automatically separated in a burst of dazzling white light, and flew towards the three of them.

Taking the unicorn that exuded a faint silver light, Russell put it into his dimensional pocket and thanked the unicorn.

Watching the elegant and beautiful unicorn mother and her son leave under the moonlight, Subway took out the parchment with the list of ingredients and quickly compared:

"All the materials have been collected! All we have to do is return to the entrance of the academy and we will pass! Okay, I don't know if we are the first!"

The three of them were just about to fly back to the academy when they saw a dark raven flying from a distance, landing on the lakeside, and in the blink of an eye it expanded into the shape of an adult man. Half of his face was wearing a black and white clown mask, and the other half was smiling.


"It seems you are doing well." The clown put his hands in his pockets and walked over with a smile.

"What's the matter?" Russell looked at the member of the Supreme Council warily.

Both Clara and Subway had been to the previous M3 Research Institute and knew the clown's true identity. They also maintained the greatest vigilance, holding up brushes and colored crystals, ready to challenge at any time.

"Russell, Subway, all the light balls used to broadcast our situation have stopped shining." Clara's voice sounded in Russell's mind.

The ball of light that was originally suspended next to the team is now as dim as an ordinary glass ball.

The students and teachers who were watching the live broadcast of the competition also discovered that the live broadcasts of Clara's team and the Clown team had disappeared.

"Did the light ball with live broadcast function temporarily transform into an ordinary glass ball?" Russell stared at the clown closely and asked in a deep voice:

"What do you want to do by cutting off the live broadcast? Is there anything shameful next?"

Russell is not worried about the clown taking action. He believes that with his current strength and the powerful bone dragon, he can completely defeat the clown. What's more, there is Clara who is also in the fourth grade beside him, not to mention the Demon King in his heart.

"Don't be so hostile to your classmates." The clown smiled brightly and stretched out his right hand frankly:

"Russell, you are a true genius, and I respect your talent and hard work.

"I heard that your newly prepared potion can turn ordinary people into extraordinary beings.

"Can you give me a bottle? I'm willing to pay the price in exchange! Even if I give up competing with you in the next game, there's no problem."

Russell's heart tightened slightly, and the devil in his heart also became vigilant.

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Russell's expression was quite natural. "The effect of the dream potion is to treat patients who have lost their extraordinary powers in the previous occult plague. But it seems that Mr. Clown does not have corresponding symptoms."

"No, no, no." The clown's smile disappeared and his eyes were determined:

"I was born in a well-known witchcraft family, but I was just an ordinary person who was unable to spiritually awaken. I was lucky enough to complete my spiritual awakening by relying on the awakening potion provided by the Supreme Council. Fortunately, after becoming a transcendent, my talents still remained Not bad, it can support me to where I am today.”

The clown, no, 004, was actually an ordinary person in the beginning? Like the Arctic Wolf and Giant Bear, they are acquired extraordinary beings who rely on awakening potions to maintain their existence!

Such breaking news exploded in Russell's mind.

"Why do you think Dream Potion will help you?" Russell looked calm.

The clown replied seriously:

"A few days ago, the Supreme Council held an emergency meeting. 002, who usually rarely attends meetings, attended the meeting and explained the two effects of the dream potion - making ordinary people permanently become extraordinary people, and giving the drinker eternal life.

"And 002 also said that you can produce this potion with amazing efficiency, doubling the number of people in the entire extraordinary world in a very short period of time."

Hearing the clown's words, Subway and Clara were also stunned at the same time, looking at Russell in surprise.

Subway’s face was full of astonishment:

"Wait a minute, did I hear that right? A drug that can make people live forever shouldn't be very, very precious. Shouldn't there be only one or two copies in the whole world?"

Russell ignored Subway's doubts and asked the clown:

"Who is 002? I mean his and her true identities."

Why does this member of the Supreme Council know the complete effects of the dream potion?

The clown shook his head:

"I don't know. 002 has always only been present in the form of a projection, and he changes his image every time. Moreover, this member has a relatively distant relationship with the council as a whole, and he hardly looks like one of us."

As he said that, the clown's eyes became more serious, he stared at Russell and warned:

"The people of the Supreme Council have decided to arrest you while you are leaving the academy in the third round. You should know that 001 will not tolerate a person who can easily subvert the order of the entire extraordinary world to roam freely. If If you believe me, don’t participate in the third round."

Russell had previously learned about the content of Game 3 from Duncan - traveling to places around the world outside the academy to complete corresponding tasks. Compared to the adventure in the dense forest, this will undoubtedly be further away from the academy.

Subway was hit by a series of messages and was unable to react, so he asked the clown:

"Why should we believe you? Are you deliberately lying to us to eliminate your competitors?"

"You can choose not to believe it." The clown smiled and shrugged, but there was a bit of sadness in his voice:

"But my relationship with 001 is not as good as it seems. Unfortunately, I am too timid and afraid of losing everything now. In order to keep taking medicine to maintain my strength, I have been working for the Council until now.

"But now you're here, so I have a new choice."

What the Joker means is that the Supreme Council or 001 himself relies on the awakening potion to hang him, so that the Joker, who is afraid of losing his power and status, can serve him? Is this somewhat similar to the situation with Arctic wolves?

And as long as he takes my dream potion, the clown will become a true transcendent, no longer need to take medicine every day, and can escape the control of 001.

Russell's thoughts flashed and he understood the clown's words. Without directly believing or questioning, he continued to ask:

"What will the High Council do if they arrest me?"

The clown calmly replied:

"You will be imprisoned in an extradimensional prison, just like the Chaos Red members you once sent to prison.

"At this point, a bunch of things you've never done are going to be charged against you, and trust me, the council will do it because I'm pretty good at it.

"You may have heard that in the deepest part of the prison of another dimension, there is a cell used to hold the most terrifying existence. Even great legends like the Demon King or Mr. Principal can never escape.

"You will be locked in an inescapable cell and become a machine that provides dream potions. They will capture everyone you care about, your parents, classmates and teachers, and force you to provide the potion that is almost the ultimate dream of mankind. .

"Of course, in the worst case scenario, the order I received is that if I can't catch you, you will be completely destroyed. In any case, a strategic-level weapon like yours must not be outside the control of the Supreme Council. "

Russell listened quietly, his eyes dim, but said nothing.

Clara was obviously angry:

"Why does the Supreme Council do this? Russell has not committed any crime at all, he should be free! Even if he can really refine a magical medicine, whether he wants to refine it or not, and whoever he can give it to after refining it, he should be free. It’s his own choice!”

The clown sneered:

"When your friend has enough power to turn the world upside down, his body and talents no longer belong to him."

With Clara's simple moral outlook, she still couldn't understand the content of the clown's words. She just knew that Russell was about to face a tragic fate, and was very angry at the unreasonable Supreme Council!

"How's it going? Do you want to make a deal, Russell?" The half of the clown's unmasked face bloomed with a smile:

"Give me a bottle of dream potion, and I will be on your side from now on!"

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