After hearing what Qianyu Yeyou said, Shiba Shenxue suddenly realized that something was wrong and turned to look at Qianyu Yeyou.

"You seem to know me and my brother very well!"

Although it was a question, the tone was very affirmative.

Originally, Shiba Miyuki hadn't reacted yet, until the words"the top candidate for the head of the ten master clans" made her suddenly react.

Thinking about it, ever since she met Qianyu Yeyou, she felt that this person always had a feeling of being very familiar with herself and her brother, which made her feel a little confused, but since they had known each other for a short time at that time, he didn't pursue it.

Later, after getting along for a while, and having some magical exchanges, he regarded it as an understanding of his own strength, so he always had a certain degree of confidence in himself.

Now that he thinks about it, I'm afraid this guy has known the identities of himself and his brother for a long time.

Qianyu Yeyou didn't answer, but just smiled slightly.

"Who are you?"

Shiba Miyuki subconsciously used the honorific. After all, in her opinion, people who knew her and her brother's identities were not ordinary people.

"Don't worry, I have no ill will towards you and your brother."

Qianyu Yeyou spread his hands to show that he had no ill will.

After all, he had no interest in this girl who was also very popular in the brother control circle. Even if her mother came... ahem... it wouldn't work!

"Thank you for keeping it a secret for us."

Whether it is the student council president Nanakusa Mayumi and her student council members or her classmates Kitayama Shizuku and others, there is no change, which means that Chiba Yeyou has not told others about their identities as siblings.

If the existence of the next head of the Yotsuba family and a strategic-level magician is exposed to others, then the two of them will have no choice but to drop out of school.

Unless there is a huge change, or some event with a great impact interferes, the two will inevitably return to the family, that indifferent home. Shiba Miyuki never wants to go back, and she will definitely be separated from her brother, which is what she absolutely does not want to see. The

Yotsuba family will never let Shiba Tatsuya out of the family's control, and Shiba Miyuki is the key to controlling Shiba Tatsuya, an existence that cannot be lost!

Based on this, Shiba Miyuki said thank you.

"This is nothing. I don't have the hobby of destroying other people's happy lives."

"It's my turn next!" After hearing Qian Yu Ye You's words, Shiba Miyuki stood up after watching the end of the game.

"We are here to cheer you up, Tatsuya, Miyuki!"

The door suddenly opened, Nanakusa Mayumi waved and encouraged.

Behind her were Irisuke and his fiancée, and Watanabe Mari.

"I'm so glad you guys can come!"

"By the way, Chairman, what happened?"

"Are you so happy?"

"Of course, this guy took advantage of the advantage I gave her and beat up her opponent. It was as if she was an old rival. How could she not be happy?"

Without waiting for Watanabe Mari to answer, Qianyu Yeyou spoke first.


"Can't you let me tell Tatsuya the good news myself?"

Watanabe Mari seemed a little unhappy about Qianyu Yeyou's early disclosure, pouting and making a very dissatisfied look.


"I forgive you!"

Watanabe Mari acted as if I was very generous, Qianyu Yeyou just smiled.

"Do you have any competitions to prepare for?"

"Is this really okay?"

Shibata looked at Watanabe Mari.

"no problem!"

"This guy is here!"

Watanabe Mari walked up to Qianyu Yeyou and patted his shoulder, making a 'pa pa' sound, as if the one competing was Qianyu Yeyou.

"So what about the president?"

"Is it really okay not to stay at the headquarters?"

Shiba Tatsuya was obviously not used to other people's concern, and Qianyu Yeyou shook his head.

"Well, they are here to cheer you up out of kindness, so don't be too upset."

Qian Yu Yeyou couldn't help but interrupt.


Shibata Tatsuya also realized that his behavior was a bit rude, as if he was chasing someone away, and hurriedly stood up and apologized.

"It's okay, I'll leave it to Hanzo-kun, and you don't need to apologize, thank you for your concern for us."

Nanakusa Mayumi is worthy of being the president, her words are so nice.

Qianyu Yeyou couldn't help but think silently in his heart

"Miyuki, even though the cheerleading team is strong, don't get too nervous!"

"It's okay, because my brother is with me."

Shiba Miyuki smiled slightly when she heard her brother's concern.

"Why do I feel like you two are showing off your affection for no reason?"

Qianyu Yeyou was also convinced, this pair of brother and sister!


"You have to get used to it!"

"That's right!"

"It's been so long, you still haven't gotten used to it?"

Nanakusa Mayumi and Watanabe Mari said something that made Shiba Miyuki blush.

"We are just ordinary siblings."

Shiba Tatsuya explained very seriously, but Chiyu Yeyou looked at Shiba Miyuki with a strange look, and then facing Chiyu Yeyou's gloating eyes, Shiba Miyuki didn't blush, and she really wanted to give Chiyu Yeyou a shot of the"Ice Flame Hell" of the next head of the Yotsuba family to warm her body and relieve the heat

"The way you two siblings get along is indeed a bit like that of lovers."

Wuli Qi also agreed with Qianyu Yeyou’s words

"Is there?"


Hearing Shiba Tatsuya's question, everyone in the room laughed

"Your CAD just needs a little debugging...."

"Um, can I try that?"

Shiba Miyuki looked at Qianyu Yeyou with a serious look.


Shiba Miyuki's sudden words made several people a little confused, and they all looked at Qianyu Yeyou.

Shiba Tatsu also looked at Qianyu Yeyou. Although he knew that Miyuki had always gone to Qianyu Yeyou to learn magic for a while, he had never asked about these things, and he was a little curious about it.

"Have you figured it out?"

Hearing what Shiba Miyuki said, Qianyu Yeyou was a little surprised. That magic was not something that everyone could control. The requirements for the user were extremely strict. How could Shiba Miyuki be able to use it so quickly?

"Um, what are you talking about?

Nanakusa Mayumi showed her learning spirit of asking questions when she didn't understand something, and immediately asked.

"Well, I have practiced it well."

Shiba Miyuki nodded confidently.

"ok, I get it"

"I'll borrow your seat for a moment."

Qianyu Yeyou waved his hand to signal, and Shiba Tatsuya made way. Shiba Miyuki took out his CAD and handed it to Qianyu Yeyou.

Listening to the conversation between the two, several people looked confused.

"So, what were you two talking about?"

"I taught her a new type of magic!"

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