"I'm a freshman at the Third High School, Masaki Ichijo!"

"We are both first-year students at the Third High School, Kichijoji Shinkoro!"

Qianyu Yeyou was walking on the road when he suddenly heard two voices coming from the front. He subconsciously looked forward and saw two guys in dark red clothes standing in front of Shiba Tatsuya and Shiba Miyuki and introducing themselves.

"I am a first-year student at Daiichi High School, Tatsuya Shiba."

Tatsuya Shiba introduced himself

"So, what did the"Scarlet Prince" and"Original George" do before the game?"

Shiba Tatsuya narrowed his eyes and looked at the two of them with great confusion.

After hearing Shiba Tatsuya's question, the two did not speak, but looked behind Shiba Tatsuya and Shiba Miyuki.

"This is classmate Qianyu Yeyou, right?"

When Masahiro Ichijo saw Qianyu Yeyou, his eyes were slightly dignified. Although the guy in front of him was also very strong, he was not a contestant after all, and he could not meet him. But the guy behind him was different. Not only did he kill the people from their Third High School in the"Icicle Attack and Defense" project, he was also a stronger mechanic than Tatsuya Shiba!

Because these two people from the Third High School basically never won in the women's group, and the ones they won were all those projects that the First High School did not participate in.

But fortunately, the men's group of the First High School was very bad, and it can be said that the Third High School could always beat them and rarely missed. From this point of view, Masahiro Ichijo was quite grateful to the male compatriots of the First High School, otherwise their current total score would not even be third!

After all, there is no problem with Watanabe Mari's project now, basically they win steadily without any surprises.

Tatsuya Shiba and Miyuki Shiba also looked back, and sure enough, Qianyu Yeyou walked over with a calm face.


"I didn't expect to be remembered by you two. How come an ordinary person like me has become famous?"

Qianyu Yeyou was actually quite curious about the two people opposite.

One discovered the original code after disappearing, and the other entered the army since childhood.

The strength of these two people is not comparable to that of ordinary high school students.

Even if they stand together with those stronger beings, they are also among the top ones.

This combination can be said to be invincible!

It's just a pity.

If it weren't for the pervert Tatsuya Shiba standing in front, this year's Nine Schools Battle might have been won by the three high schools.

I couldn't help but feel sad for these two people.

Now there is not only Tatsuya Shiba, but also one more...

"Indeed, I had never heard of your name before the Nine Schools War, but from today on, I will remember the name Qianyu Yeyou."

Kichijoji Shinkoro looked at Qianyu Yeyou and looked at him carefully, as if he really wanted to imprint this person firmly in his mind.


"It's such an honor!"

Qianyu Yeyou chuckled, as if she was really honored.

"Shiba Tatsuya, this is also the first time I have heard of this name, but your outstanding record has also left a deep impression on me. I will never forget it. The two of you should be the most talented technicians since the Nine Schools War!"

Kichijoji Shinkoro also looked at Shiba Tatsuya and took a closer look.

"It seems that you two know us!"

"However, this is even better. We just wanted to see you two. One of you is a genius magician who completely crushed our three highs in a project and is also a genius technician. The other is also a genius technician. It's worth us to come and say hello, isn't it?"

Ichijo Masaki's eyes kept scanning between Shiba Tatsuya and Qianyu Yeyou, and finally looked at Shiba Tatsuya and answered his previous question.

"I am truly flattered to be called a genius by a genius boy who discovered one of the original codes at the age of thirteen and a man who is so famous in the army that he is known as a prince!"

"However, your behavior is indeed unreasonable!"

You know, the preparation rooms of the third and first high schools are not on the same side, and it is hard not to think too much when you suddenly come to say hello.

""Miyuki, go get ready first."

Shiba Miyuki glanced at Shiba Tatsuya, then nodded and left silently. Ichijo Masaki watched her leave.

"You two are really leisurely!"

"You even have time to come and visit me and Tatsuya. Shouldn't we be grateful?"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at the two of them with interest, and they subconsciously felt nervous.

"Prince, you should be playing soon, right?"

Shibata looked at Qianyu Yeyou and said

"We are going to participate in tomorrow's"Secret Monument Decoding", what about you?"

Kichijoji Shinkoro knew that Qianyu Yeyou only participated in one"Ice Pillar Attack and Defense", but they didn't know whether one of them would be responsible for tomorrow's"Secret Monument Decoding", so they asked this question.

"Don't worry, Tatsuya and I are not responsible for that!"

Looking at Kichijoji Makoro's face, which was much more expressionless than Shiba Tatsuya's when he spoke, Qianyu Yeyou suddenly felt that Shiba Tatsuya was cuter. After all, he was emotionally indifferent but not expressionless. This guy...

It’s hard to put it into words!

"Is it?"

"That's a pity!"

Kichijoji Shinkoro's expressionless face suddenly showed a hint of provocation.

"I really hope that one day I can compete on the same stage with the contestants you are responsible for!"

"As for you, I hope we can compete face to face!"

Kichijoji Shinkoro suddenly looked at Qianyu Yeyou seriously and said

"Can I consider this a challenge?"


Kichijoji Shinkoro answered without hesitation after hearing what Gao Qianyu Yeyou said.

"But what a pity, I look forward to the day when we fight!"

"Of course, we will win!"



Qianyu Yeyou and Shibata were also silent.

"It takes up your precious time."

"However, I am looking forward to meeting you next time."

After saying this, Ichijo Masaki left with Kichijoji Shinkoro.


Qianyu Yeyou and Shiba Tatsuya looked at each other and exhaled at the same time, feeling very helpless.

"You're just gathering information, and you're saying it in such a high-sounding way. Are all the Ten Master Clans like this?"

Qianyu Yeyou looked at Shiba Tatsuya, very curious.


Shiba Tatsuya didn't know how to answer, it seemed that it was really almost like this.

As for the fact that this guy in front of him knew his identity as the Tenth Master Clan, his sister had already told him, but he was not so wary of Qianyu Yeyou.

After spending so much time together, he found that Qianyu Yeyou was a very good person. Although he was a little lazy sometimes, he did help his sister a lot, and he thanked Qianyu Yeyou from the bottom of his heart.


He knew it from Shiba Tatsuya's speechless look.

However, Kichijoji Shinkoro really needs a nuclear peace exchange!

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