Far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, it lacks some of the fireworks there, but it is also much more peaceful. The blend of mountains, forests and water fully demonstrates the beauty of nature. At the intersection of mountains and forests, where the river meets, there is a quiet ancient temple.

The night has fallen. Usually at this time of year, this place is like the surrounding natural scenery and falls into sleep, but today there is a sudden change.

"Sijia, formerly known as Yayejia....."

It seemed that an introduction of someone was coming out from under a roof, and there were three people sitting under the roof, a man, a woman and a bald man.

The bald man was wearing a gray monk's robe, and he kept introducing the information of the person he was talking about, while a boy with shaggy hair wearing a black coat and a girl with long hair wearing a white top were listening to the bald monk's introduction seriously, and their correct attitudes made the bald monk very satisfied.

After listening to the bald monk's introduction, the boy with shaggy hair couldn't help but say,"Do you already know that I want to entrust you to investigate Sijia?"

This boy was obviously Shiba Tatsuya, and the girl who was inseparable from him was also self-evident.

"No, it has nothing to do with your commission. I already know about his affairs."

"Although I am a monk, I am also... no, before that I was a ninjutsu master. I will investigate thoroughly anyone who may cause trouble in a place that I am connected to."

The bald monk narrowed his eyes... maybe he just looked like that, his eyes couldn't open wide, anyway, he looked like he was connected to me.

"Including us?"

Shibata frowned slightly. He didn't want his information to be obtained by others at will, even by the bald monk in front of him. After all, this was related to the safety of his sister, and he had to pay attention to it.

"I tried to investigate, but I found nothing."

"The information related to you seems to be unexpectedly highly confidential!"

"Your intelligence is manipulated to perfection."

"It should be said that"the reputation is well-deserved!"

The bald monk looked up at the dark sky, as if he felt regretful that the information of the man and woman in front of him had nothing to do with him. Perhaps looking at the dark sky could help him find a sense of sympathy.

"So what is the relationship between Mr. Si and"Blanche" (Blanche, I will use this name as a substitute from now on)?...."

Shiba Miyuki looked at the teacher in front of her and asked

"A's mother's remarriage has a child, who is A's adopted brother......"

There was a private message from someone else's family being told by a bald monk, as if this information should have been said calmly.

"A is studying at the No. 1 High School. He must have been instigated by Si Yi."

"Your discussion tomorrow....There should be some action too!"

The bald monk touched his chin and guessed with certainty.

"Well, since the source of this chaos is Blanche, it is certain that they will not let the chaos of First High School settle down before they achieve their goal. At least they have to do something to get what they want."

Shibata nodded and agreed with the bald monk's statement.

""Teacher, are you destined to be with Qianyu Yeyou?"

Shiba Miyuki suddenly asked with a smile.

Shiba Tatsuya actually wanted to ask this person, after all, he and his sister are often together, so it is better to know this person's background.

Hearing the name Qianyu Yeyou, the bald monk rarely opened his eyes, and there was a trace of solemnity on his expression.

The brother and sister saw the master's appearance, a little puzzled, and then seemed to think of something, and their expressions were a little solemn.

"Is he also Blanche's man?"

Shiba Miyuki spoke first


"That's not the case!"

Seeing that Shiba Miyuki was a little anxious, the bald monk touched his chin and looked at his little apprentice carefully.

Shiba Miyuki blushed, realizing that he was a little too concerned, and quickly retracted his body. Shiba Tatsuya didn't care at all that his sister was pressing on his shoulders.

"Don't worry, I know you have found a young master, you can rest assured that he has nothing to do with any illegal organization."

The bald monk comforted his disciple.

"How can you be sure, Master?"

Shibata was a little confused. Logically speaking, wouldn't the disappearance of five years of information be more suspicious?

"Qianyu Yeyou was originally a child of a family in a suburban villa.

However, when he was seven years old, his parents had a car accident and he began to live alone.

Because he had a small amount of assets and was relatively independent, he was able to take care of himself.

He had a certain talent for magic since he was a child, but not many people knew about it.

And as far as I know, the magic talent he showed when he was a child was no worse than yours, and even better than the genius who was 13 years old and famous for discovering the source code and was called"George the Source".


The bald monk looked at Shiba Tatsuya and said.

Shiba Tatsuya was obviously stunned for a moment, obviously surprised by Qianyu Yeyou.

"However, it is funny to say that these are the information I just found recently."

"Until five years ago, I have no access to his information."

"You asked me why I was so sure, because I couldn't find any specific information about him, but those criminal gangs would never block my information to this extent."

The bald monk looked a little solemn.

"Did someone contact him?"

Shiboda was also wondering whether Qianyu Yeyou did it himself or with help.

"He started to renovate the villa where he lived five years ago. As the population of the city began to concentrate in the center, fewer and fewer people lived in the villa area. So he bought all the villas around it. The funds were not enough to pay for it with his parents' inheritance."

"Then it's obvious....."


"Do you know that Kujo Yakumo?"

Qianyu Yeyou is also trying to understand the identity of Shiba Tatsuya's master, Kujo Yakumo.

""Nine Eight Clouds?"

Tiffany murmured to herself.

"The physical training teacher of Tatsuya, Haruka, and Kazama, a famous"ninjutsu user" and the inheritor of the ancient magic"ninjutsu""

"I don't particularly like being called a 'magician' or a 'ninja'’"

"His actual age is unknown. He is also a monk and has a high intelligence gathering ability."

"It seems to be derived from the former Ninth Research Institute of Magic Skills Development. According to him, the secret technique of the Kushima family,"Parade", was adapted from the technique"Mirage of Entanglement" used by his master (the master of Kazama, Shiba Tatsuya, Miyuki, and Haruka)."

"In short, this guy has a lot of power. His disciples are well-known in various places in Japan and are very popular. And this guy is the number one intelligence chief in Japan."

Tiffany introduced slowly

"Kazama, Kazama Genshin?"

"Do you still know him?"

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