"Then the question is where are Blanche and his gang hiding now."

Shibata said something in a calm tone that shocked everyone.

"Does Tatsuya-kun want to fight them?"

"This expression is inappropriate, I want to defeat them!"

Faced with Nanakusa Mayumi's question, Shibata Tatsuya gave a positive answer

"It's too dangerous. This is beyond the duty of a student."

Watanabe Mari warned

"Don't you think we're missing someone here?"

Jumonji suddenly interrupted.


After everyone looked around, they suddenly realized that except for Ichihara Suzune and Nakajo Azusa who were still handling follow-up matters in the student union room, Chiba Yeyou was also not there!

"Where did Qianyu Yeyou go?"

Nanakusa Mayumi then realized that there was indeed one person missing.

"With his strength, nothing will happen."

Watanabe Mari comforted

""Blanche Branch!"

Shibata Tatsuya suddenly said.

He finally understood why he hadn't seen Chiyu Yeyou until now.

It was already time to go home from school, and the sunset had already begun to shine. What could have delayed Chiyu Yeyou for so long?

Although this guy usually looked lazy, impatient, and evasive, he actually never missed a thing he was supposed to do, and he was quite principled.

"But how did he know where the Branch Branch was?

Nanakusa Mayumi said with a worried look on her face.


Shiba Tatsuya and Watanabe Mari said in unison

"The question is, how do we know where the Branch Branch is?"

Shiba Miyuki asked.

"If you don't know a question, just ask someone who knows."

Shiba Tatsuya gently stroked Shiba Miyuki's shoulder, then walked to the door, opened it and revealed Ono Haruka standing at the door.

"Teacher Ono?"

Everyone was surprised


Ono Haruka was caught eavesdropping and looked embarrassed

"I thought I wouldn't be discovered by Mr. Jiuzhong's favorite student, but it seems I was too naive."

Ono Haruka talked to himself

"An abandoned factory?"

The people who got the information started to look at the details.

"It seems that it is better to take a car to get there!"

Shibata Tatsuya observed the terrain in the picture and gave his own judgment

"Is a frontal assault necessary?"

"There is no time to worry about this now. I will go and prepare the vehicle right away. Maybe Qianyu Yeyou is trapped there now. We must speed up!"

Jumonji interrupted Shiba Miyuki's words, then turned and rushed out of the health room to prepare the vehicle.

"Then I’ll go too!"

"you do not.."

"The school is up to you, Mari!"

Nanakusa Mayumi interrupted Watanabe Mari directly. After Jumonji left, only Watanabe Mari would object. Just block her mouth and that's it.

"Please don't be in trouble!"

The girl prayed silently in her heart.

""Meet the boss!"

Jumonji, who was about to open the car door, paused when he heard the familiar voice. He turned around and looked at Kirihara Takeaki who was running over with a samurai sword in his hand. He immediately knew what this guy was here for.

"What's wrong?"

"Please take me with you!"

"Why? Kirihara"

"As a student of the first high school, I cannot sit idly by and watch such illegal behavior."

Takeaki Kirihara clenched the samurai sword in his hand and answered with a serious face.

"No, I can't take you there!"


Seeing the anxious face of Kirihara Takeaki, Jumonji could not help but cross his arms and looked at him, his expression unmoved.

In fact, Jumonji had wanted to take this guy with him a long time ago, but this guy just didn't tell the truth.

"But aren't there still our students there?"

Apparently, Kirihara Takeaki also knew about Qianyu Yeyou's affairs.

"Just a suspicion!"

Jumonji pretended to be unhurried.

Kirihara Takeaki was speechless and could only secretly tighten the samurai sword in his hand.

"I ask again, why?"

"I like the sword skills of Mibui in junior high school. They are different from my sword skills that are aimed at killing people. I think the sword skills that are purely based on skills are very beautiful and deeply attracted me."

"But I don't know when her sword skills started to become confused, and I couldn't stand it."

"Is that why he broke into the martial arts performance?"

Jumonji always thought that Kirihara Takeaki was calm and steady, so he was puzzled by the incident of breaking into the martial arts performance. Now it seems that he has the answer.

"I didn't..."

"Okay, I got it, hurry up and get in the car, we're in a hurry!"

Jumonji suddenly turned around, opened the car door and urged


"There is another student waiting for our help!"

Jumonji reminded

"Didn't the leader say it was possible?"Jumonji turned around and stared at Kirihara Takeaki.

"I understand!"

Soon, the car stopped at the school gate.

"Seven herbs!"

"Don't talk about anything else, just get ready!"

Nanakusa Mayumi ignored Jumonji's worries and quickly got into the car with the Shiba siblings, Chiba Erica, and Leoharut.

On the other side, Chiba Yeyou was carrying a person and constantly flying through the air. Yes, in the air!

At this point in time, Shiba Tatsuya had not yet completed the development of flying magic. Strictly speaking, Chiba Yeyou's magic did not belong to the category of flying magic, but was a complete application of gravity.

"Come, continue to accompany me. We have already visited seven hideouts, none of which is Si Yi's hiding place. Keep going and try to root out all of Blanche's troops in Japan."

Qianyu Yeyou has just destroyed another small hideout of Blanche - it can't even be considered a base, it can only be considered a hideout.

"You, you devil!"

This guy had a good idea. Since they couldn't beat him, they would just go one place at a time. There would always be a branch that could kill this guy. But this guy actually destroyed all those branches!

"It's okay, think about it slowly, I have plenty of time today to accompany you to slowly fight against the evil forces."

Qianyu Yeyou took this guy to the roof of a high-rise building and leaned against the billboard beside him, not worried at all that this guy would run away

"In a factory in the suburbs!"

A few minutes later, Qianyu Yeyou brought the goods to the sky above this large factory.

"It's a big deal!"

The quantum field unfolds!

Quantum magic:"Situational awareness」!

"Hmm, one hundred and thirty-two, are there really that many?"

"It occupies an area of more than ten kilometers, and the building is quite sturdy!"

"It's enough to block some heavy firepower."

Qianyu Yeyou nodded. This is indeed an ideal place for criminals to hide. It is well connected and the building is strong enough.

"Is this Si Yi?"


Qianyu Yeyou looked at the thing in his left hand with interest.

"They will definitely avenge me!"

"Do you think you can send this communication without my permission?"

Qian Yu Yeyou watched the people below quickly set up defenses, and looked at the factory on the ground with some absurdity.

"You don't really think I'd be as good-tempered as Tatsuya Shiba and try some sort of forceful trick, do you?"

"Let me show you what firepower coverage is!"

Qian Yu Yeyou stretched out his right hand and pointed the gun at the factory below.

『Ashes is an upgraded version of Inferno!

After the red light flashed, a huge, thick, white light column tore through the dusk from mid-air and slammed into the factory buildings on the ground.


"What's wrong?"

Seeing Shiba Tatsuya's strangeness, the people in the car followed Shiba Tatsuya's gaze and looked out the window.

"Junior Qianyu Yeyou!"

Nanakusa Mayumi looked at the guy wearing the uniform of the First High School and holding a man in black floating in the air, and recognized him at a glance.

Then, they saw a huge, thick and white light column appear from the air and hit the factory buildings in the distance!



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