"You two are getting along better and better~" As soon as

Chiba Yeyou and Nanakusa Mayumi got into the car, they were teased by Watanabe Mari.

Because Chiba Yeyou is not only a mechanic, but also a contestant, he does not need to join the team participating in the Nine Schools Tournament as a mechanic like Shiba Tatsuya.

"Of course!"

Qianyu Yeyou nodded without disguising, and even squeezed the little hand in his hand hard, making Nanakusa Mayumi blush.

"Okay, stop teasing them, there's a seat for you two."

Ichihara Suzune waved to Qianyu Yeyou and motioned them to come over, which also helped Nanakusa Mayumi out of the awkward and shy state.

"You sit by the window, take a break during this time, I can lend you my shoulder!"

Qianyu Yeyou raised an eyebrow at Nanakusa Mayumi.


Nanakusa Mayumi patted Qianyu Yeyou gently, walked inside, leaned against the window and looked outside. The vehicle had started and was leaving the campus of the First High School.

The bus was driving on the road, the scenery outside the window kept receding, and the chattering in the car began to decrease a little. It was a little quiet for a while.

Qianyu Yeyou poked his head back as if he was looking for something. Suddenly, Qianyu Yeyou stopped looking, stood up, and walked to the back.


"What's wrong?"

Nanakusa Mayumi looked at Qianyu Yeyou with some confusion.

"I'll find something for you, wait a moment."

Qianyu Yeyou remembered that Futori Keibu had brought a blanket, and he was looking for his position just now. He had been staring at him for a long time, and sure enough, he saw this guy take it out. Qianyu Yeyou walked in front of Futori Keibu, and took away the blanket he had just taken out while Futori Keibu was still holding the blanket with a confused look on his face.

"Lend it to me."

Qianyu Yeyou showed a friendly smile, then took the blanket back to his seat and covered Nanakusa Mayumi's legs with it.

"Now, take a rest now, so you won't get cold if you fall asleep because you don't wear enough clothes."

Qianyu Yeyou considerately covered Nanakusa Mayumi with a blanket.


"He actually stole my beloved blanket!"

"I forgive you for covering my goddess."

What can Fubu Keibu do after being jealous?

Of course, he forgives him.


Watanabe Mari on the side was stunned!

What a weird operation!

Also, it turns out that Hattori Keibu is such a person!


This is so exciting!

"Oh, these two guys..."

Watanabe Mari looked at Qianyu Yeyou and the other person in front of him and felt a little jealous.



Hearing the sigh coming from beside him, Watanabe Mari looked at the girl sitting next to him.


Hanane answered weakly.

"It takes at most two hours to get to the dormitory. How come you can't even wait that short of time?"


"It’s a bit too much to say that. Of course we can wait for this period of time!"

"But but! I was expecting to go on a bus trip with Qi today!"

"And it's only natural that you want to be with your fiancé, right?"

"Why were the technicians in another car anyway?"

"That guy is also a technician, right?"

"Besides, there are still some empty seats in this car, right?"

Hanane pointed at Chiba Yeyou and Nanakusa Mayumi, who made her envious, with an indignant look on her face. Those who don't listen exude negative energy, and Watanabe Mari can only keep dealing with it.


"Stop it, Kanon. It's no use complaining now!"

"Even if you want to see him, you have to go somewhere, right?"

Watanabe Mari suddenly doubted why she had the urge to sit with this guy just now. She was even more lively than Chiba Erica!

"What will we be like in the future?"

Nanakusa Mayumi leaned on Qianyu Yeyou's shoulder and asked faintly.

"Who knows what will happen in the future?"

"But you will definitely become an excellent magician."

Hearing Nanakusa Mayumi's words, Qianyu Yeyou was also in a trance for a moment....What!

"Aren't you curious about the change in my attitude towards you during this period of time?"

Nanakusa Mayumi looked up at Qianyu Yeyou and looked at him a little uneasily.

Although this was her own choice, it was Jumonji who changed the subject after all. It is undeniable that Nanakusa Mayumi and Qianyu Yeyou had a good impression and appreciation of each other during this period of time, but Nanakusa Mayumi always felt a little uncomfortable, especially when facing Qianyu Yeyou alone, she always felt like a bad woman who cheated the boy's heart.

This made her feel uneasy, and she was afraid that Qianyu Yeyou would know the reason and be disliked or alienated.

"I don't know why, and I've been curious, but I don't want to pursue these reasons, nor do I want to cause you trouble. I am a person who, well... pays more attention to fate and likes to let nature take its course."

Tickets to the Ten Master Clans....Hehe, was it Nanakusa Mayumi's own decision or Jumonji's suggestion?

They used the same method to deal with Shiba Tatsuya on me!

But why did they find Nanakusa Mayumi instead of me?

It's really interesting!

But you guys can do whatever you want, I won't lose anything! I wonder how they would feel if they knew that the number one magic family in France is standing behind them. It's interesting to think about it, isn't it?

With Tiffany's doting on me, if something happens, she will definitely stand on my side.

Qianyu Yeyou has never doubted this.

"Let it be..."

Nanagusa Mayumi nodded and said

"However, I prefer to fight for it myself!"

Nanakusa Mayumi suddenly raised her head and stared at Qianyu Yeyou, her clear eyes sparkling as she looked at him, as if she had aroused some fighting spirit.

"I've got my eyes on you, junior!"

"Uh, should I say it's my honor?"

Qianyu Yeyou spread his hands, and his funny look made Nanakusa Mayumi laugh softly.



Just when Qianyu Yeyou noticed the problem, Hua Yin saw a black car on the opposite lane hit the guardrail, flew across the gap between the two viaducts at a strange angle, and flew towards the route of the bus.



""Not good!"

The bus driver slammed on the brakes, and the bus tilted to slow down. The people in the bus involuntarily fell to one side due to inertia, but it was obvious that the braking distance was not enough at this time.

"Hold on tight!"

Qianyu Yeyou reminded Nanakusa Mayumi, then took out the CAD and pointed it at the car that was coming.


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