"Qianyu Yeyou, you should have noticed the mind interference magic just now, right?"

Although Jumonji was asking, his words were very sure.

"Why do you care so much about this? Even if the magic is carefully crafted, it will be useless to us if it does not reach a certain level of strength, right?"

Qian Yu Yeyou spread his hands. Although he did not give a direct answer, he actually told them the answer.

"There is no need to worry about these things. The reason why so many people didn't notice it is because this is a military facility. It is hard to imagine that it can be invaded so easily, so the defense mentality is reduced. This is normal."

"As for the fact that someone else discovered it, it can only be said that they were very vigilant, that's all."

What Qianyu Yeyou said was indeed true. Those present were all elites from various colleges and universities. It was impossible for them not to be able to detect such a low-intensity magic. However, it cannot be denied that Qianyu Yeyou and his team were excellent in discovering the ability of mind interference magic. Whether they relaxed their vigilance in a safe environment or lacked the ability, these were not excuses.

"I knew you were one of the seven."

Mary Watanabe sighed, looking a little shocked.

For someone who didn't witness the incident, it was obvious that she was shocked.

""Okay, let's go back and have some rest, and get ready for tomorrow's competition!"

Nanakusa Mayumi smiled lightly. Today's events were just a small episode, and the competition that would start tomorrow was the highlight.

A group of people walked out, talking and laughing, and then went back to their own rooms.

Qianyu Yeyouyang lay on the bed, took out his mobile terminal, and slid his fingers across the fluorescent screen, his eyes sweeping over each event of the competition.

"Goblin sniper, huh?"

"The competition will start tomorrow, I'm so nervous!"

In a room, Honoka Mitsui hugged her pillow and looked at Shizuku Kitayama and Miyuki Shiba across from her with a nervous look on her face.

"It's still early, Honoka, there are still four days until our rookie match."

Shiba Miyuki comforted Honoka Mitsui. She could understand her nervousness.

"Shizuku, which match do you recommend for tomorrow?"

Compared to the nervousness, Shiba Miyuki is more looking forward to tomorrow's match. This is the first time she has seen

"Chairman Nanakusa's rapid shooting is a must-see. Although he will definitely win, this is Qianyu Yeyou's first time. Who knows what new magic he will use. It's worth looking forward to."

"At the same time, this is also the last competition of the fairy sniper in high school. How will he perform?"

Kitayama Shizuku said while browsing the catalogue with a tablet in her hand.

When she heard Kitayama Shizuku mention Chiba Yeyou, Shiba Miyuki suddenly remembered Chiba Yeyou's mention of multiple magics being launched at the same time, and she couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"Exquisite magic?"

Shiba Miyuki muttered to herself in her heart

"Fairy Sniper?"

This question was raised by Honoka Mitsui

"It's the president's nickname, although it's informal.

Kitayama Shizuku explained.

"It seems like the president has a lot of fans!"

Honoka Mitsui analyzed with a longing look on her face.

""Miyuki, what are you thinking about?"

Honoka Mitsui saw Shiba Miyuki lowering her head in deep thought and couldn't help asking.


"Oh, nothing."


Suddenly there was a knock on the door, attracting the attention of the three people in the room.


"I'll go open the door."

Honoka Mitsui held a pillow and went to open the door. When the door opened, she saw a petite girl with long red hair, followed by a tall girl with glasses and short hair, and another girl with short black hair standing next to her.

"Good evening!"

The red-haired girl in the lead greeted Mitsui Honoka and the other two with a smile on her face.


"Britain and the United States?"

"And everyone, what's wrong?"

Honoka Mitsui looked at the three people in front of her with a puzzled look.

They were all staying in a room with three people, and the three people at the door all came out, making Honoka Mitsui look puzzled.

"I say, let's go to the hot springs together!"

Yingmei at the door invited enthusiastically, and the other two also nodded.

"Speaking of which, I also heard that the basement of this hotel has been converted into an artificial hot spring."

Shiba Miyuki stood up and walked towards the door.

"Can we go in too?"

"Isn't this a military facility?"

Honoka Mitsui looked at Miyuki Shiba and asked

"I tried to ask for permission, and finally got it, although it can only be used until 11 o'clock."

Yingmei happily shared the news

"But I won't go, I have something else to do."

Shiba Miyuki hesitated and refused.


Several people looked surprised.

"I need help with something."

Shiba Miyuki didn't think it was a pity to miss the opportunity to soak in the hot springs, so she explained casually.

"That's really a pity!"

Several people happily went to the hot spring, and soon all kinds of indescribable sounds came from the hot spring......

Qianyu Yeyou was debugging Nanakusa Mayumi's rifle-shaped CAD in his room, but the shape of this thing was very different from a rifle, such as the lack of a magazine and aiming assistance.

At this time, the magic machine used in the competition was placed on the equipment, and Qianyu Yeyou was building an independent magic calculation environment and adding a new magic. Because this thing would be put into use soon, he did not dare to delay, and his fingers were clacking on the keyboard.

"Knock, knock, knock!"


A short and rapid knock on the door interrupted the rhythm of Qianyu Yeyou's fingertips.

"Who is it?"

Qianyu Yeyou stood up and opened the door for the unexpected visitor.

"It's you?"

Qianyu Yeyou was very surprised. He heard those people passing by his room noisily going to the hot spring just now. Why didn't Shiba Miyuki go?

""Miyuki, what's up?"

Qianyu Yeyou was confused, but she didn't take it seriously. It had nothing to do with her anyway.

But she was a little curious about Shiba Miyuki's purpose.

"Why don't you invite me in to sit down?"

Shiba Miyuki saw Qianyu Yeyou blocking the door with no intention of letting her in, so she could only ask to go into the room with some embarrassment.

Why did it feel a little weird?

"Oh, OK, please come in!"

Qianyu Yeyou quickly moved her body aside to let Shiba Miyuki in.

"Is this the CAD that Nanakusa-san uses for the competition?"

As soon as she entered the room, Shiba Miyuki saw the CAD standing there.

"Well, President Nanakusa will need it soon, and I am stepping up the debugging."

Qianyu Yeyou nodded, and then he didn't care, closed the door and sat down to continue his work.

Shiba Miyuki walked to the computer and watched Qianyu Yeyou frantically input data.

"Is it a new magic?"

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