Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 456 Involuntary testers

Li Cha glanced at Harvey, who was panting heavily, and raised his eyebrows slightly. \u00261t;/p\u003e

He may not care about the people in the business group, but Harvey has always taken care of his role as a "weak passenger", so if he can help, it is best to help. It doesn't have to be too obvious, just...\u00261t;/p\u003e

Thinking of this, the leader of the thieves wearing a blindfold suddenly yelled. He is obviously more experienced than the rest of the thieves. He has already seen that Harvey is just the last shot, and shouted at the many thieves: "Hey, you guys! You idiot, don't stand still! Hurry up and kill him! He is weak now, he can't even hold a sword, this is the best chance to kill him! Wait a while for him to rest, and you will be the ones who suffer !" \u00261t;/p\u003e

Upon hearing this, many thieves reacted and quickly attacked Harvey with weapons. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Harvey saw it, and had no strength to curse. Taking a deep breath, he gritted his teeth and held the heavy iron sword, ready to slash. He no longer has the confidence to kill the thieves anymore, he is already a little desperate, but he doesn't want to give up, he wants to persevere! \u00261t;/p\u003e

It's good to live a second longer! He has not been valued by the nobles as a knight yet, has not married a beautiful wife, and has not yet given birth to a pair of lovely children. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Besides, there is another person to protect behind him! \u00261t;/p\u003e

Thinking of this, Harvey couldn't help feeling a little angry. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Hell, if it weren't for the group of unscrupulous businessmen running so swiftly, he wouldn't have ended up like this at all. If the business group stays, no matter how bad it is, they can fight head-to-head with the thieves. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Harvey thought so, inhaling greedily, preparing for the final fight. The air was poured into his lungs bit by bit, bit by bit, bit by bit...\u00261t;/p\u003e

Suddenly, Harvey's eyes flicked and he felt something was wrong.


Something is wrong! \u00261t;/p\u003e

This breath seems a little salty. \u00261t;/p\u003e

This breath, hell, it's so choking! It must be that the box containing the spices in the carriage compartment was opened. \u00261t;/p\u003e

This breath, hey, although it doesn't smell very good, but it is a bit refreshing, it actually makes him feel like drinking, and most of the exhaustion in his body is resolved. I thought I had no strength at all, but I suddenly had strength. \u00261t;/p\u003e

This breath is a miraculous air! \u00261t;/p\u003e


Harvey felt a scalding heat flow in his body, couldn't help roaring, and then swung out with the heavy sword—not cutting, but smashing. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Yes, smash, smash like a sledgehammer! \u00261t;/p\u003e

The leader of the thieves was encouraging the many thieves at this time: "Hurry up, this kid is really dead. Have you seen his appearance, as long as you give him another knife, you can knock him down, and you can... 嘎!" \u00261t;/p\u003e

The next moment, the voice of the thief leader stopped abruptly! \u00261t;/p\u003e

With a sound of "bang", Harvey swung his heavy iron sword like a fly, and smashed the three closest thieves away. \u00261t;/p\u003e

The three thieves who were smashed into the air flew a certain distance, fell hard, and when they landed "wow", they spit out a big mouthful of blood, their chests were deeply sunken, they breathed more air than breathed in, and it seemed that they would not survive. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Seeing this scene, the attacking thieves couldn't help being taken aback, but Harvey was blunt. He kept waving his sword with his eyes wide open, and said while waving his sword: "I can't control myself, I really can't control myself, don't mess with me!" , don't mess with me!" \u00261t;/p\u003e

Two thieves sounded, and the two thieves were hit by Harvey's "unable to control themselves", and fell straight down. The rest of the thieves were stunned by Harvey's astonishing changes before and after. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Harvey was also stunned, surprised at how he suddenly became so powerful, but he didn't think about it, and the next moment he took the initiative to attack the many thieves, shouting "I can't control myself", while beating the thieves retreating steadily. \u00261t;/p\u003e

The thieves were beaten up, struggling to support Harvey's stormy attack, and turned their heads to question the leader of the thieves: "Boss, didn't you say that this kid is dead, why does he seem to be more fierce?"

"No, no!" The thief leader didn't want to slap himself in the face, so he forcefully argued: "This is all an illusion, yes, this is all an illusion! Didn't you listen to that kid himself, can't control yourself Yes, it means that this kid has only his last breath left, and now he is returning to the light. Yes, returning to the light, he will fall immediately, he will fall immediately, you stand up for me!"\u00261t;/p\u003e

As a result, as soon as the thief leader finished speaking, a scream of "ah" sounded, and another thief was beheaded by Harvey on the spot. \u00261t;/p\u003e

At this moment, all the thieves no longer believed the leader's words, and kept retreating, not thinking about attacking at all. Seeing Harvey's appearance, the leader of the thieves also shrank his neck, subconsciously hiding back. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Li Cha stood behind Harvey with a calm face, and calmly put away a small glass tube in his hand. What is contained in the glass tube is a black, somewhat evil-looking potion, which is the blood of gods and the power of evil gods. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Just now, while Harvey was inhaling, he atomized a drop of "God's Blood·Power of Evil God" with magic, and sent it to Harvey's mouth and nose, allowing Harvey to absorb it into his body. Although there was only one drop, the effect was obviously astonishing, causing Harvey to explode beyond the limit of his body, and the current scene came about. \u00261t;/p\u003e


"Bang bang bang!"\u00261t;/p\u003e

"Puff puff!" \u00261t;/p\u003e

Harvey kept fighting, killing more than a dozen thieves in a row as if the universe had exploded. \u00261t;/p\u003e

But after that, the attack power gradually weakened. \u00261t;/p\u003e

No way, "The Power of the Evil God" is an intermediate version of "God's Blood", although it can activate the blood power of the Duke level, allowing a person to fight against the wizard with only physical strength. But that can only be achieved when a large amount of it is ingested. What Harvey ingested is only a drop of the original solution provided by Richard, it is impossible to achieve the same effect, and it is impossible to go against the sky. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Moreover, Harvey doesn't know how to use the power obtained out of thin air, it is exactly the same as before - killing people with strength and explosive power, which will consume the "power of evil god" very quickly. \u00261t;/p\u003e

If it was Li Cha, he would choose to use some less labor-intensive methods to kill people. Compared with beheading and smashing the opponent's breastbone, he would prefer to wipe the neck and pierce the heart. In this way, even if you can't kill all the thieves after consuming the "power of evil god", you can kill most of them. Unlike now, Harvey kills less than one-fifth of all the thieves. . \u00261t;/p\u003e

Slowly, slowly, it became more and more difficult for Harvey to kill the thieves, and he became short of breath again, and his condition was even worse than before - his face was pale, he was in a trance, he couldn't even stand still, and the "power of evil god" began Play side effects. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Seeing this, the thieves breathed a sigh of relief, and put aside their thoughts of fleeing. Amidst the yelling of the leader of the thieves, they regained their courage to surround Harvey and launch a tentative attack on Harvey. \u00261t;/p\u003e

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