Chapter 108 Opening of the Kanto Contest, Rikkai High School

A month’s time is fleeting.

The opening of the Kanto Contest is about to usher in.

Early August.

Senyu Shinji, the former tennis minister of Tamamo, went to Kanagawa with his vice minister, Shoujia.

Rikkai High School, as the school for the 13th consecutive domination of Kanto, has always been the place for the draw.

“Oh? Rikkai High School?”

The two got off in front of a majestic gate.

A touch of surprise appeared in the eyes of Shoujia.

Compared with the grace and luxury in front of Yuzao, the Rikkai High School is more like a kendo hall, revealing a sense of majesty from the inside to the outside.

“Let’s go!”

Senyu Shinji nodded and strode directly into the Rikkai High School campus.

Shoujia followed closely behind.

Perhaps because the world is a tennis world, they can see the tennis club standing in front of them as soon as they enter the door.

The tennis club is much bigger than expected.

The Kanagawa area is a famous and prosperous prefecture in the country. As Kanagawa’s No. 1 Junior High School, Rikkai High School has enjoyed many conveniences.

The advanced tennis training facilities and spacious grounds do not conceal this Kanto 13th consecutive dominant tennis giant.

A large number of Rikkai High School Affiliated High School players train seriously on the court, and this training is no less than that of the former tennis club of Tamamo.

“The Rikkai High School is really extraordinary!

Taking a deep look at the tennis club, the hands are very meaningful.

With such rigorous training, Rikkai High School will naturally not lack excellent tennis players.

327 On the contrary, Senyu Shinji couldn’t help but laugh. If he guessed correctly, this kind of training should be aimed at Tamamo.

Who made the ministers and deputy ministers of Rikkai High School affiliated their own defeats?

“Hi, two, what a coincidence!”

At this time, a familiar figure walked in front of Senyu Shinji and his hand. It was Yamabuki Tennis Minister Sengoku Kiyosumi.

Standing next to him was Yamabuki’s captain Minami Kenjiro.

“Oh? LUCK Sengoku, how can you catch me now.”

Senyu Shinji cast a glance and said lightly.

The scene fell into a dead silence.

When hitting people without slapping in the face, Senyu Shinji mentioned his sadness directly in front of Sengoku Kiyosumi.

“Eh, Senyu-san, handicraft!”

At this moment, Rokkaku and Saint Rudolf’s people also came, and Saeki Toujiro greeted Senyu Shinji with excitement.

“You are here too!,

Shoujia smiled and nodded at them.

“Then go in together!

Senyu Shinji waved his hand and strode directly towards the auditorium.

When they entered the auditorium, it was crowded with people.

In the entire Kanto region, there are seven prefectures: Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, and Kanagawa. Each prefecture has four basic qualifying places, plus the Kanto Contest seed team, which adds up to a total of 32 School.

Hyotei, Midoriyama, Dawu School, Sato, Kakiki, Seigaku, Liejiao, Pinshanin, Shinshiono, Sawa Industry, Seche and other schools have all arrived.

“Look, Tamamo is here, aren’t they Rokkaku, Saint Rudolf, and Yamabuki next to them?”

“The white and black man is Senyu, the former tennis minister of Tamamo.”

“The one next to him should be the monarch-Shoujia.”

For a time, the arrival of Yuzaoqian attracted the attention of many schools present.

In fact, in the entire Kanto region, the most powerful are Hyotei and Rikkai High School.

A top four in the country and a runner-up in the country.

Tamazo’s ability to crush Hyotei Gakuen and win the Tokyo Championship is enough to show that the strength of these dark horses is no less than Rikkai High School.

After all, in previous games, Rikkai High School had never crushed Hyotei in this way.

Especially in the era led by Tsukimitsu Ochi, Hyotei almost became runner-up.

It’s a pity that Shitenhouji was in a bad position, and in the face of Rikkai High School, it was also a bad thing.

In the end, it can only be reduced to fourth.

“Is that person Senyu Shinji?”

Among the crowd, Lushan Middle-School Minister Shen Yueming asked a wise man with glasses next to him.

The wise man with eyes is Mitsuya Akuto.

“Minister, we won’t face Yuzao Qian!”

On Seigaku’s side, Vice Minister Hirono looked at Yamato Yuta with a little fear.

In fact, Yamato Yuta is also a little flustered, and both are schools in the Tokyo metropolitan area.

The gap between Seigaku and other schools (cgab) is not small.

Especially when compared with Tamazomae Gakuen, who is dignifiedly entering the Kanto Competition, it is nothing short of rubbish.

Not just them, but other schools are also discussing Tamamo.

With the arrival of Senyu Shinji and Shoujia, the focus of the audience is on both of them.

Even the people of Saint Rudolph, Yamabuki, and Rokkaku sitting beside them felt uncomfortable, and people looked at this side from time to time.

Step on!

A rush of footsteps interrupted the noise on the scene.

The noisy crowd suddenly quieted down.

Everyone’s eyes focused on the entrance of the lobby.

A grim teenager with a tennis cap on his head and a khaki uniform walked in.

A generous Rikkai squadron uniform was worn on him, and there was a kind of kingly temperament.

Everyone was photographed by his aura and dare not say a word.

This is the Emperor Rikkai-Sanada Genichiro.


Sanada’s eyes swept across the audience suddenly, and finally landed on Senyu Shinji.

There was a strong sense of war in his expression.

Everyone saw this scene.

Beside him, the restrained Yukimura smiled at Senyu Shinji.

Without words, the three formed a confrontation.

“How can people from Rikkai High School be like this to Tamazou Qian?”

Almost everyone has a question in their hearts.

As we all know, a Kanto Championship is already very rare, and Rikkai has dominated for 13 times.

It can be seen that its foundation is profound and long-lasting.

Even if Tamazou defeated Hyotei in the Tokyo Metropolitan Tournament, Sanada and Yukimura would not be so important.

Unless Tamazou’s strength has reached the point where they have to treat it with caution.

Thinking of this, everyone once again looked at Senyu Shinji and Kunimitsu.

“Yeah, it’s so lively, it seems that everyone is waiting for this uncle!”

Atobe Keigo, Minister of Hyotei, walked in with his hands in his pockets with a haughty expression, directly breaking the atmosphere on the scene.


Sanada glanced at Atobe again.

Suddenly, the confrontation became more and more severe.

“Okay, why should you go, don’t get in the way here!”

Senyu Shinji frowned and spoke lightly.


Atobe Keigo instantly became embarrassed.

Sanada Shinichiro swept across Senyu Shinji coldly: “This time, I won’t lose again.”

“Senyu-kun, me too!

Yukimura also looked at Senyu Shinji and spoke solemnly.

The voice just fell.

The audience fell into a dead silence.

Everyone couldn’t believe it, what they heard, Sanada and Yukimura lost to Senyu Shinji.

That’s not to say that the Rikkai High School is not as strong as Tamamo.

Right now, the game became a bit weird. .

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