Chapter 119 The clown’s show is over!


Akutsu couldn’t help laughing when he saw Wakahihiro retreating in a panic.

The words are full of sarcasm.

The whole audience heard it.

“Damn guy, unexpectedly~..

If Renhong reacted, his entire body was dazzled by anger.

This guy deliberately aimed at his right foot, not violent tennis, but-provocative.


With unprecedented anger, Wakatohiro hit another goal.

The tennis ball turns into a yellow arc, passes through the net, and goes straight to the opponent’s baseline to kill.


Ajiuzin sneered and jumped to the ground, his body as vigorous as a cheetah.

Before the tennis ball fell, he dunked.


The tennis ball hit Ruo Renhong’s left foot directly, and the unprecedented shock wave even made Ruo Renhong retreat a few steps.

Finally, the bounced tennis ball flew out directly on his cheek.

A red mark was clearly displayed in front of everyone.



Holding back his anger, Ruo Renhong let out a low cry.

The breath of the whole person’s body has directly become another kind.

That was a generation of nets-Sampras’ fierce attack turned upside down.


If Renhong roared, the tennis ball in his hand was raised quickly, his whole strength was concentrated on his right hand, and he swung the racquet vigorously.

next moment.

The tennis ball shoots out like a bullet, precise and fierce.

This is Sampras’s most famous bullet serve.


At the moment the tennis hit, Yajutsu’s body jumped directly, revealing a shocking posture in the air.

Limbs leaned back, with evil spirits between the eyes.

At the moment when the tennis ball is about to fall.

The body suddenly moved forward like a big bow, his arms stretched out, and his arm muscles burst.

Flagrantly waved racquet.

“boom !”

Accompanied by a loud noise.

A giant ball full of burning flame appeared on the court out of thin air.

The air was completely burnt out.

The light is distorted.

This ball is extremely terrifying whether it is speed or power.


In an instant.

The tennis ball fell to the ground and the shock wave exploded completely.

The entire court was shocked.

Ruo Renhong froze in place, didn’t dare to move at all, and watched the tennis ball rushing past him.

After the dust storm dissipated, only a frightened young man was left, and he would imitate the power of the king of the ball no more.


If Renhong loses another goal, Renhong’s serve game will be completely broken.

“Is that guy frightened stupid?”

“Now is the game, not the time to froze.”

“Chengcheng Xiangnan wants to win the championship with this stuff?”

“Are they crazy!”

The audience at the scene looked towards the field and talked a lot.

Earlier, Chengcheng Xiangnan’s arrogant words once made people think that they were very powerful, but as soon as the opening started, they were scared into fools.

Now, the audience’s impression of Chengcheng Shonan is declining.

A school that only brags and has no strength at all, why should everyone support it?

At this time, Wakatohiro had already been humiliated by the audience and his face was blue and purple.

“That waste, what are you waiting for? Waiting for your mother?”

Ajutsu sneered, racquet squinted at Ruo Renhong, indescribably disdainful.

“Damn it!”

Wakatohiro was awakened by Akuzu again.

The tennis ball in his hand was directly thrown up, and his figure stood up.

The right arm that had gathered all the strength suddenly waved.

“boom !”

A very violent bullet serve directly penetrated the void and killed Ajiuzin.

However, he has not waited for the ball to pass through the net.

Yajujin galloped out like a cheetah and intercepted the ball in front of the net.


With a short drop, the tennis ball fell from the net. Ruo Renhong didn’t even have time to react.

“The game is over, 0–1, the two sides exchange venues!”

The referee blew his whistle in due course.

The two directly exchanged venues.

“Dog stuff, let the Lord teach you what a real imitation is.

Akutsu looked down on Wakatohiro, and raised the tennis ball in his hand.

next moment.

The right arm swung racquet fiercely.


A bullet-like tennis ball penetrated the air, and the sonic boom spread throughout the court.

Immediately, the tennis ball plunged under Wakatohiro’s feet.

Everyone was stunned.

If they read it right, it is the bullet serve of King Sampras.

Moreover, it looks more like the one played by Ruo Renhong.


It was another shot, but Hirohiro still didn’t react.

This ball is Hewitt’s heavy serve.


Akutsu directly played the skills of two professional players that Wakahihiro imitated.

“Why are you?”

Ruo Renhong was horrified and yelled.

………For flowers 0.

He doesn’t believe that there are people in this world who are more able to imitate than him.

For a time, if Renhong became lost and lonely, being defeated in the field he was best at was tantamount to falling apart.

The Huacun Kui in the field wrinkled her eyebrows and her pretty face was extremely gloomy.

The excellent work she has cultivated is not as good as a savagely grown player.

Doesn’t that mean that her teaching method is completely inoperable?

“Ha ha!”

Senyu Shinji saw this with a sneer on his face.

Looking around the world, any professional player is an outstanding seed with extraordinary talent.

Just imitate it, let alone them, even ordinary players at the national level can do it.

As an unborn tennis geek in Japan, Ajutsu’s talent is even more amazing.

Before joining Yuzao, he watched a large number of world professional players’ battle videos.

It can be said that no one knows the professional players in the world better than him.

If Renhong plays this kind of trick in front of him, what is it that he is not insulting himself?


“It’s really a trash that can’t make it to the table.”

Akuzu looked at Wakahihiro’s complete collapse, and a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes.

The thing he missed the most in his life was the poor worm who couldn’t even face failure.

Seeing what this guy looks like now, Ajutsu no longer has the desire to continue playing with it.


In an instant.

Ajutsu tossed the tennis ball high and jumped up.

A steady stream of black and red aura radiated from him.

With the white hair, bloody eyes, and a clean face.

A tyrant gesture was shown in front of everyone.

Under everyone’s eyelids, Ajiuzin threw the tennis ball directly.

Immediately afterwards, his body prostrated directly on the ground, as fierce as a wild animal hunting.


Both feet shook on the ground.

The unprecedented explosive power of terror directly caused his body to explode.

The moment the tennis ball fell almost at the same time.


Aguzin’s slender and strong arms swung abruptly, and the racquet sweet spot hit the tennis ball.

A ray of light flashed across the field, as swiftly as a meteor.

The terrible force stirred the air around it.

The audience was shocked.

Under Ruo Renhong’s horrified gaze, the ball hit his body directly.


Ruo Renhong was beaten out and hit the sidelines heavily.

Blood ran down from the forehead, soaking the collar.

The scene is dead!-.

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