Chapter 122 Tezuka field, comparable to the samurai Nanjiro?

“Hands, he

Oishi stared at the court blankly, but didn’t say anything for a long time.

Also sluggish are Kikumaru, Kawamura, Ishida, Maeda, Sakurai and others.

They have seen zero short ball and zero chop. Although it is difficult to beat them back, they are not as shocking as this serve.

‘It turned out to be like this!,

Senyu Shinji inadvertently glanced at Fuji Syusuke, and found that instead of a trace of surprise on his face, he was satisfied.

It seems that during the recent period, Shoujia and Fuji often compete for the purpose of tempering the zero serve.

However, it is impossible that only Tezuka is improving, Fuji should also develop his own attack skills.

Gradually, Yu Zaoqian no longer needed him to hold him forward.

Tejia, Akutsu, Fuji and even Gan, Kikumaru and others have begun to find their way.

“Is this the real you? Shoujia!”

On court, Takahisa Kajimoto stared at the plain figure opposite.

“Be careful.

At this time, the player raised the tennis ball again.


Next second.

A furious wave of his arm.

It was another shot.


After the tennis ball hits the ground, it spins a bit and rolls back like the net.

“What? This kind of ball again!”

Takahisa Kajimoto’s face grew gloomy.


The third ball.

The fourth ball.

All are zero serve.

In just half a minute, Shoujia won the serve game.


“Oh my god!”

“This is too fast!”

“Kunimitsu, the former deputy head of the tennis department of Tamamo, is really amazing!”

The audience cried out in exclamation one after another, and no one could not be surprised.

This young man, who had been hiding behind Senyu Shinji, finally showed his peak.

From this moment on, the name of the monarch will be sung throughout Japan, no less inferior to the tyrant Akutsu.


All the players in front of Yuzao gasped.

As tennis teammates, they knew that the hand was very strong, but none of them thought that the hand was so strong.

Four zero-type serve, just half a minute, won a victory.

Is this still something a normal person can do?

If Yajutsu used to defeat the enemy with violent violent crushing, then the hand used to defeat the enemy is the righteous way.

“Hey, do you feel bored”…

“Next, as long as you can score one point, what if you win?”

Slightly raised his head, the hand looked at Takahisa Kajimoto opposite, and slowly said a word.


Hearing this, the audience was boiling.

What are the players talking about? As long as the opponent can score a point, even if he wins.

Wouldn’t it be that he thought he was enough to crush his opponent.

How confident this is!

“Asshole, how dare that guy?!”

All of Chengcheng Shonan’s players were irritated.

Prior to this, Ajiuzin only provoked them with actions, but the hand showed contempt from the inside out.

No one can calm down under such contempt.

Unlike the players, a different color flashed on coach Huacun Kui Qiao’s face.

No one saw Huacun Aoi secretly looking at Senyu Shinji with her beautiful eyes.

When she saw Senyu Shinji’s face always as usual, Hwamura Aoi’s heart suddenly shocked.

If you want your opponent to get no points, there are no other factors besides the strength of the crush.

But the strength is increased by many aspects, such as the state of selflessness shown by Fang オ Tezuka.

Unless, the real trump card of the hand is not the state of selflessness, but other great things.


Before everyone could react, Takahisa Kajimoto directly took out a tennis ball and stared directly at his hand with an angry gaze.

A tennis ball was thrown high.

I saw his body bend straight down into an arched bridge shape.

The moment the tennis ball fell, it jumped up.


The tennis ball was as swift as thunder and pierced the air.

An unprecedented violent shock wave drew the audience’s horror.

All the dust on the scene was swept up high in the sky, faintly forming a tornado.

“So strong!”

Originally thought that Chengcheng Shonan’s players had been beaten to lose their confidence, but everyone did not expect that they would continue to explode.


With eyes like a torch, Kunimitsu’s hand moved up and down.

The fierce tennis ball was beaten back again.

Who knows, Takahisa Kajimoto has been online for a long time, and the moment the tennis crossed the net, his whole figure jumped up and looked down on the earth like an eagle in the sky.

The light on the court dimmed for an instant.

“Jie! Jie! Jie!”

“Shoujia, die for me!”

Kajimoto Takahisa showed a smirk at the corner of his mouth, his arm muscles exploded, and he shook his head vigorously.


A loud noise shocked the entire court.

With the shock wave that destroys everything, the tennis ball goes from top to bottom to kill.

This smash is so cruel and tyrannical!

“Still a long way to go!”

Shoujia chuckled.

A strong cyclone rose from below.

It stirred the airflow of the entire court like a whirlpool.

A special area is formed around the half-meter diameter of the whole body of the home.

The tennis ball seemed to be pulled by an invisible thread, and it came to the hand.

Shoujia directly waved his right arm.


The tennis ball fell on the baseline of Takahisa Kajimoto’s blind spot.


Just a moment.

Everything happened so fast that it was too late for people to react.

When the tennis ball hit the ground, I saw a faint halo forming a whirlpool in the racquet.

Everyone was stunned.

…”Then what is that?”

“I’m not mistaken, did that tennis ball be pulled over?”

“My God, how come there is this kind of tennis?”

The audience talked a lot, all in amazement.


Mamoru Inoue was immediately stunned. Just now it was the first door in the depths of the selfless state, and now even the realm appeared.


Huacun Aoi’s eyes widened completely (good Zhao).

This skill, which she has only seen in the reports of the world’s top tennis tournaments, is now actually seen in the selection of the Japan National Middle-School Tennis Tournament-Kanto Tournament.

You know, there was once a Middle-School student in Japan who managed to control the field, and that was the samurai Nanjiro.

The talent of handist Kunimitsu is so terrifying?

At this moment, Huacun Kui’s face completely turned pale.

Facing such a powerful opponent, is there really hope for Chengcheng Shonan?

“Domain? That’s not a minister.”

Kikumaru blurted out in front of Tamamo’s team.

In fact, no school knows the field better than Yuzaoqian.

Because Tamamo’s former tennis minister Senyu Shinji’s most terrifying skill is the field.

Once the domain is used, it means being invincible.

Unexpectedly, Senyu Shinji’s unique skill at the bottom of the box was released by his hand.

For a while, everyone looked at the court blankly, and didn’t say a word for a long time. .

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