Chapter 132 Hot taste, familiar game

“15–0! ”

The referee was stunned. It was only three seconds after the start of the game, and the team in front of Tamamo scored.

It’s incredible!

Mitsuya Akuto was also stunned.

Yuzao used so hard in front of him that he didn’t even give the green mountain a chance. This was beyond his imagination.


On the court, Shen Yueming’s face was blue and purple, and he lost a point so quickly.




The sound of a tennis ball rang again.


The tennis ball was raised slightly between his fingers.

next moment.


He leaped up and swung the racquet at the moment the tennis ball dropped.

With a loud explosion, the tennis ball cut across the net like a meteorite and fell onto the opponent’s court.


The ground was violently shaken, causing violent waves.

Countless dust raised, blocking the sight of all the audience.

“How can this be?!”

Shen Yueming stared at the ball in front of her sluggishly, and there was no trace of emotion in her eyes except for horror.

It’s not a zero serve, it’s just an ordinary serve.

But this ball contained unprecedented power, and the speed even exceeded 190km/h.

So, he didn’t even see the ball, and they scored.

Immediately after.




“GAME, before Yuzao, 1:0.”

The referee announced the result directly.

In the first round, the serve round before Yuzao ended in just thirty seconds.

Hand Kunimitsu made five goals alone and broke straight.


The audience was silent.

All the audience looked at the field with a dull face.

“Familiar taste, familiar rhythm, still so familiar!”

“I guessed that Yuzao Qian was very strong, but I didn’t expect it to be so strong.

“The handicraft Kunimitsu seems to be more terrifying than before.”

The audience who came back to their senses talked a lot.

The last time I played against Chengcheng Shonan, the hand was one-on-one against Takahisa Kajimoto. At least they still have time to react.

But now? One ball after another is a devastating blow like a storm.

The atmosphere in the green mountain is heavier than on the court.

All the players who are currently elected have a gloomy face.

Looking at the hand Kunimitsu on the field, no one’s heart is calm.

Those are the two strongest players in the entire Green Mountain. The combination of the national level and the half-step national level makes it difficult to see the ball.

What is going on here?

“After all, I underestimated him…!”

Mitsuya Akuto took a deep breath and sighed.

“Military strategist, are you talking about Kunimitsu?”

Hearing that, Nobuya Anyama looked at Mitsuya Akuto with some doubts.

Not only him, but the other players who are currently selected are also full of doubts.

But at this time, Mitsuya Akuto shook his head, her deep eyes gleaming like a galaxy.

“The level of hand Kunimitsu ranks among the top three in the entire middle school, and it is nothing more than the national elite.

“What really surprised me was Senyu Shinji, the former tennis minister of Tamamo.

“All deployments were made by Senyu Shinji.”

The voice fell.

All the players who were selected in the Green Mountain gasped.

As Mitsuya Akuto said, Kunimitsu, as a national elite player, surpassed their strongest god Yueming by a small rank.

The current overwhelming situation is not excessive.

However, Yuzao’s deployment seemed to have known the plan in the Green Mountain in advance, and he dealt a devastating blow at the beginning.

If all this is really done by Senyu Shinji, then Senyu Shinji would be terrible.

Mitsuya Akuto only makes targeted strategies based on opponents’ data, while Senyu Shinji sees through people’s hearts and conquers.

The two methods are vastly different.

“Shimizu, Abe, let’s warm up first!”

After pondering for a while, Mitsuya Akuto directly spoke to the two green mountain players behind him.


Shimizu Yuanyi and Abe Dori picked up the racquet and went down to warm up.

At this moment, the situation on the field is already obvious, and the round in the Green Mountain is completely suspended.

Next, it depends on whether Doubles One can break a round.

Seeing the two people leaving, the eyes under Mitsuya Akuto’s eyes became unusually deep.

“Senyu Shinji, wait for me”

on court.

The serve bureau in front of Tamamo has passed.

The two sides exchanged venues.

Now it has become the serve bureau in the Green Mountain.

But God Yueming and Hoshino Shoji were still immersed in the failure just now and did not turn back.


Hoshino’s face was gloomy and said, “We can’t go on like this anymore.”

Go on like this.

I am afraid that in less than five minutes, the game will be completely over.

By then, Green Mountain will undoubtedly become a joke for the entire Kanto Contest.

After all, the case where the first doubles was solved in five minutes has hardly appeared in the history of Japan’s junior high school tennis circle.

“Bhagaya Road, damn bastard!”

Shen Yueming was full of anger, and the feeling of being crushed was really uncomfortable.

He is the Minister of Tennis in the Green Mountain and a national level player.


In an instant.

Shen Yueming gave a low cry and tossed the tennis ball high in his hand.

The figure jumped up accordingly.

All right arm muscles burst.

next moment.

Struggling to play racquet.


A blast spread throughout the court, and the tennis ball came out like a cannonball, fierce and violent.

Concentrated serve at the national level, with inherently strong power and speed.

Wherever the tennis ball passed, all the dust was blown away by the shock wave.

“For this ball, the chance of a corner kick is 85%.

The hand at the baseline did not make a move. The black pupil under the frame of Inui Sadaharu kept flickering, and the data flowed in my heart.

Soon, all the data analysis of this ball came to a conclusion.

Step on!

Inui Sadaharu quickly rushed forward to the right and appeared directly on the path of the ball.

“According to the wind and diagonal calculations, their blind spot is there!

Immediately afterwards.

Inui Sadaharu gave a light wave of racquet.

The tennis ball was as precise as a bullet, aiming at the defensive holes of God Yueming and Hoshino.

The faces of the two people in the green mountain changed suddenly. Before they could react, the tennis ball rushed through the gap between the two.

“The chance of scoring this goal is 99%”

Holding his eyes, Inui Sadaharu smiled slightly.


The tennis ball hit the baseline heavily, and then it popped out of bounds.



The audience was silent.

Everyone was stunned.

What kind of player is this, calculate the opponent’s ball path, but also calculate the opponent’s blind spot, so as to win.

It’s terrible!

It seems that everything is counted in Inui Sadaharu’s heart.

“This guy boast”

Shen Yueming looked at the dull-eyed man opposite, and a weirdness appeared in his heart, and he couldn’t help looking at Hoshino.

At this moment, Hoshino Shoji also looked at the god Yueming, and the two of them stared at each other, and at the same time saw the other’s thoughts.

How similar Inui Sadaharu’s style to Mitsuya Akuto, the military commander in the green mountains!.

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