Chapter 141 Overlord Byodoin in the Wandering World

“The group stage is over, it’s time to win the championship.”

Looking around at the front of Tamamo, Senyu Shinji said lightly.


Yuzao was selecting the team members in unison.

Especially Kawamura, Ishida and others, who are ranked behind in strength, looked extremely excited.

Guoyi won the championship of the Kanto Competition and entered the national competition.

What a glorious thing this is.

at the same time.

The competitions of other groups are also coming to an end.

The Rikkai High School and Hyotei also crushed Liejiao and Pinshanyuan with a high attitude.

Against Saint Rudolf in Rokkaku, the advantage is not obvious, but the game has entered a decisive round, and the final winner must be in Rokkaku.

“Minister, Tamazou defeated Lushanzhong three minutes ago and won the victory.

After the last singles game, Lubus Yanagi hurried back to the team and said to Seiichi Yukimura with a serious face.

“Sure enough, it’s them?”

Fortunately, Seiichi squinted her eyes, her eyes faintly shiny.

No matter how hard the Rikkai High School tried to catch up, it was still not as fast as before Tamamo.

Maybe others are crushing, but Yuzaoqian is destroying.

Coming with a force of destruction, shocked the entire Kanto region.

“In the green mountains?”

Yanagi Renji frowned at the side, and quickly asked Lu Bishi Yanagi: “Has Mitsuya Akuto appeared?”

“I came out and was crushed by Senyu Shinji 6-0.

Although Lu Bishi Yanagi was a little curious about Yanagi Renji’s attitude, he still reported on the report.


6 to 0 rolling.

Hearing that, Yanagi Renji’s face suddenly changed, as ugly as the sky.

“Renji, what’s wrong with you?”

Seiichi Yukimura looked directly at Yanagi Renji.

Others also focused their attention on Yanagi Renji.

I learned that Yanagi Renji’s state has undergone subtle changes after the end of the match in Green Mountain.

Facing everyone’s gaze, Yanagi Renji took a deep breath and forcibly calmed his mind.

Then he said: “Actually, my data tennis was not created by my own creation, but was taught by others.”

“It’s also taught to do it.”


Yagyu Hiroshi, Niou Masaharu and others were all stunned.

They didn’t expect Yanagi Renji’s powerful data tennis to be passed on to him.

“Renji, what do you mean?”

Seiichi Yukimura’s expression changed slightly, as if thinking of something.


Yanagi Renji nodded and solemnly said: “Brother Akuto is the leader of mine and me.”

The voice just fell.

All the players in the Rikkai High School Affiliated High School are not calm anymore.

Mitsuya Akuto was a military division in the green mountain, and he single-handedly led the rise in the green mountain.

If you really want to talk about it, whether it is Yanagi Renji from Rikkai High School, or military instructors from other schools, they are far less brilliant than Mitsuya Akuto.

The name of the military division in the green mountain, looking at the middle boundary of Japan, who does not know, who does not know?

Tamazomae’s prestige was undiminished when he was facing the green mountain with military adviser Mitsuya Akuto.

Three dignified games crushed the opponent.

Just imagine how terrible Yuzao Qian is.

For a time, the entire Rikkai High School attached to the high school team fell into dignity.

Mountain behind U17 training camp.

On the cliff of heart.

Looking at the messy simple net court, San Mifūne Nyudō San’s mouth twitched.

“Hey, brat.”

San Mifūne Nyudō San couldn’t help but greeted Byōdōin Hōō.

Since teaching the method of opening the Asura Way, Byōdōin Hōō has been trying to awaken other dimensions.

Coincidentally, the different dimension did not awaken, but first let him find his own dessert-the center of impact.

In addition, with the help of desserts, a powerful professional skill-light hitting was developed.

Since then, the whole Houshan has a continuous explosion every day.

If this continues, there will be no place for those high school students to train.

“Old man, what’s the matter?”

Hearing this, Byōdōin Hōō came over impatiently.

“Your current strength has reached a bottleneck.

“It doesn’t help you much here anymore.”

“It’s time to get out of Japan.

San Mifūne Nyudō San said slowly: “The soil in the country is still not fertile enough.,

“So, I want you to wander around the world.”

“This time, you didn’t pass in the name of U17 training camp.”

“So, even if you encounter expedition teams from other countries on the way, you cannot use the name of Japan.”

“I only have one request. When you come back next spring, you need to be much stronger than you are now.


Wandering alone in the world is not a Japanese tradition.

Looking at the whole world, all the tennis powers will send out recent outstanding seed players to grind out before the U17 representative game.

This is to better train excellent tennis players.

“Expedition alone?”

An expression of excitement appeared on Byōdōin Hōō’s face, and the whole person was a little eager to try.

In this ghost place, apart from Oni Jujiro, there are no opponents at all.

Now that 360 has not opened the different dimension in him, how can he fight the ghost Jujiro.

Therefore, it is better to leave Japan and look for new opportunities.

“Okay, these things are for you.

With that said, San Mifūne Nyudō San took out something from the house.

Two special racquets, two tennis balls, a jersey, and some air tickets.

“Old man, you”

Byōdōin Hōō looked at the plane tickets and was moved in his heart.

These air tickets were not purchased through the U17 training camp, but San Mifūne Nyudō San used their own channels.

The time and place above are different, and all the names filled in are his own names.

It can be seen how much effort Mifūne Nyudō San put in this matter.

“Smelly boy, don’t do that kind of childish gesture, just roll down the mountain with your things.”

Three Mifūne Nyudō smiled and cursed, took the wine gourd, and went straight into the hut to rest, without paying attention to Byōdōin Hōō.

Byōdōin Hōō just stared at the things on the ground.

After a while.

He put on the new uniform, picked up the racquet and the plane ticket, silently glanced at the cabin, turned and walked down the mountain.

‘Old man, I will definitely become very strong and come back!”

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