Chapter 143 Gold doublesvs military division, gentleman

In fact.

Rikkai High School had no idea what opponent he was facing.

A strongest army that only needs three decisive games.

“The final four of the Kanto Contest will be held next.”

“Court No.1: Rikkai Daiichi High School vs. Tamamomae Gakuen.”

“Court No. 2: Hyotei Gakuenvs Rokkaku.,

When the referee announced the new roster, the audience was silent.

The two strongest schools have reached a court, so do they explode like this at the beginning of the game?

The members of the four schools stared at each other, and the smell of gunpowder on the scene became more and more intense.

“Yagio, Renji, the first game is handed over to you.”

“The golden doubles in front of Yuzao are famous for their tacit cooperation.”

“You must find their loopholes in it.

Seiichi Yukimura looked at Yagyu Hiroshi and Yanagi Renji and said in a deep voice.

“Minister, we will definitely bring the victory back.”

Yagyu Hiroshi and Yanagi Renji nodded in response.

The front side of Yuzao.

Senyu Shinji nodded towards Kikumaru Eiji and Oishi Syuichirou behind him.

Now Kikumaru and Oishi are both on the threshold of a breakthrough, and they are in desperate need of a fun and hearty battle.

Therefore, Senyu Shinji gave them this opportunity.

“Minister, Yuzao will win 360!’

Kikumaru Eiji and Oishi Syuichirou stared at Senyu Shinji and spoke solemnly.


“In the semi-finals of the Kanto Contest, Rikkai High School Affiliated High School played against Tamamo-mae Gakuen. Both players are invited to play.

At this time, the broadcast sounded.

“There are no dead ends in Rikkai!”

Seiichi Yukimura gave a low cry and led the team to the stage.

The team members of Rikkai University High School are full of confidence and pride.

“Great Rikkai!


“Great Rikkai!

“Kantō Fourteen Hegemony!”

“The King!’

“Great Rikkai!”

For a time, in the audience, a large group of Rikkai High School Affiliated High School cheerleaders wearing khaki uniforms shouted loudly and their flags flew.

The momentum alone is enough to make people look at them.

All the other schools present took a breath of air-conditioning. The number one tennis giant in Kanto really deserves its reputation.


at this time.

A burst of uniform footsteps broke the warm atmosphere of the scene.

The court, which was full of cheers, suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at the other side.

I saw the Yuzao front team, wearing a white primer and a gold-lined jacket, walking step by step.

From Senyu Shinji to the last (cgab) team member, the look was calm and unhurried, how indifferent.

As if everything is under control.

This seemingly indifferent attitude gave the court an unprecedented sense of killing.


The cheers, discussions, and quarrels all disappeared.

Only the footsteps in front of Yuzao are left.

“The king, before Yuzao!”

Suddenly, there was a shout from the silent court.

Immediately afterwards.

The cheerleaders who belonged to Tamazoue showed amazing power.

“Before Yuzao!

“Sure victory!”

“Before Yuzao!”


Most women screamed, and the sharp sound shook the sky, resounding through everyone’s ears.

Suddenly, the momentum actually overwhelmed the Rikkai High School.

“The king, before Yuzao?!”

All the school teams watching the battle were stunned.

Shouting this slogan grandiosely is enough to show that Tamazou didn’t pay attention to Rikkai High School.

What people want is always a national championship.


next moment.

Senyu Shinji led the players on the field, facing away from the Rikkai High School led by Seiichi Yukimura.

The two sides refused to give in to each other and set off a strong smell of gunpowder.

The audience became extremely silent in an instant, and the depression made many people feel a little slumber.


The referee spoke softly, and both teams stepped forward at the same time.

“Please advise!”

Seiichi Yukimura looked at Senyu Shinji in front of her, her eyes shining with countless light.


Senyu Shinji nodded and said seriously.

After the two parties had a courteous handshake, they walked towards their respective areas.

Only doubles two are left on the court.


“Why didn’t they change the lineup?”

The team members of the Rikkai High School frowned when they saw the golden doubles in front of Tamazou standing on the stage.

I thought that for the finals like this, Tamazou would definitely pay more attention to it than before.

Perhaps the top four players Kunimitsu, Akutsu, and Fuji Syusuke will play, but who ever thought Senyu Shinji would not play cards secretly and use the original doubles candidates.

However, after thinking about it, Rikkai High School mobilized strong men second only to Yukimura and Sanada.

Against the mere doubles players, it is sure to be sure.

Therefore, all the Zhengxuan faces of Rikkai High School showed a smile.

“Oh? Yanagi Renji and Yagyu Hiroshi?”

Looking at the court, Senyu Shinji’s eyes were surprised.

Unexpectedly, Yukimura and Sanada would put the two coolest players together, which is really a second move.

“Kikumaru and Oishi are scratching their heads this time.”

Senyu Shinji smiled slightly, this training is better than previously guessed.

Perhaps through this game, both Oishi and Kikumaru can break through the national level. By then, Tamazou Qiango really made up for the shortcomings.

Otherwise, you can’t always let singles’ hands act as doubles!

“Rikkai High School Affiliated to fight Yuzao before, doubles two, Yuzao before serve the game, start!”

With the crisp whistle, the game began directly.


At the baseline, Oishi’s eyes condensed, and the tennis ball in his hand was directly raised.

Immediately, he held it in his hand and swung it hard.


An unprecedented fierce force bombarded tennis.

The tennis ball is as fast and precise as a bullet out of the chamber.

“call out!

In a flash.

The ball came to Yanagi Renji’s side.


The tennis ball fell to the ground, and the rotation of the distance caused the airflow to form a high-speed cyclone.

When necessary, the tennis ball bounced directly from the ground and sputtered towards Yanagi Renji’s face.


Yanagi Renji was startled and opened his cheek sideways.

The tennis shot directly to the sky, and finally fell outside the baseline.


Yuzao gets one point before.

“External rotation serve?”

Yanagi Renji, who came back to his senses, looked at Oishi Syuichirou on the opposite side, and the eyes under the glasses shone brightly.

According to the information obtained from the survey, Oishi Syuichirou is good at volley ball and short ball.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually hid a hand for external rotation serve, which is really surprising.


Electric light flint room.

Oishi delivered another goal.

The tennis ball spins fast, like light and shadow in the air.

It is the external rotation serve.

But this time, the external rotation serve didn’t work.


Yanagi Renji swung directly at the moment the ball bounced.

The tennis ball was directly picked up and flew high in the sky.

It is a Lob.

“Look at me!

Kikumaru, who was in front of the net, quickly retreated, an somersault, and hit the Lob directly.


At this moment, the ball was deducted on the spot by Yagyu Hiroshi, who was already waiting in front of the net.


A mighty smash appeared in front of everyone.


Rikkai High School scored. .

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