Chapter 159 In order to follow in the footsteps of Minister, I will not lose!

Time passed by one minute and one second.

Although Shinichiro Sanada is very tenacious, a small level gap cannot be smoothed out by willpower.

What’s more, Ajutsu’s fighting will is not inferior to Emperor Sanada.


The score gap is getting bigger and bigger.





Go straight to the end of the game.

“Yuzao Front Party serve!”

The referee announced loudly.


Ajiuzin quickly delivered a ball.

Step on!

Go online quickly at the moment of serve.

“What do you want to do?”

Sanada Kenichiro frowned, and hit the ball back~ past.

But at this moment, his face changed instantly.

Ajutsu actually squatted down in front of the net with a weird smile on his face.

Immediately afterwards.

A figure shot out like a feather arrow.

The whole person formed an extremely strange posture in the air, with both hands and feet leaning back at the same time, bending like a big bow.

“What? This kind of action”

Not only Sanada’s face changed drastically, but the Rikkai High School and even the audience were shocked.

Is this kind of action really something human can do?

“It’s over.

At this time, Yajuzu in the air bounced back at the moment the tennis ball arrived.

Two-handed shooting, from top to bottom, smashed a powerful smash.


The tennis ball was as terrifying as a cannonball, and slammed heavily in front of Sanada.

The shocking power can even feel the vibration of the ground outside the field.

Sanada Genichiro stood at the baseline blankly.


That tennis ball just rolled out of bounds.


“How can it be?!”

On the side of Rikkai High School, Marui Bunta exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, Ajiujin could continue to erupt even now.

The strength displayed at this moment is simply worlds apart compared to before.

The strength, speed, and momentum are just like two people!

“This Akutsu is by no means inferior to his hand Kunimitsu.”

Taking a deep look at the court, Yanagi Renji’s eyes showed fear.

In the entire Rikkai High School, except for Mōri Juzaburō, he has never seen anyone who can hit this level of ball.

Even Seiichi Yukimura may not be able to do this.

Because Seiichi Yukimura is only one step faster than Sanada on the national road, but it has not reached the national elite.


“You don’t understand what I gave.”

“Before defeating the minister, I will never allow myself any failure!”

Ajiuzin let out a low growl, and endless areas appeared in his eyes.

Since the first battle in the outdoor court six months ago, he was beaten down by Senyu Shinji.

Then to the tennis club before joining Tamamo.

Almost every moment, Akuzu was chasing Senyu Shinji’s footsteps.

In terms of training volume alone, Akutsu even surpassed Tezuka and became the famous “lunatic” before Tamamo.

Because of this, he will constantly want to win.

Until one day, I was able to challenge Senyu Shinji dignifiedly.

“Pi La!”

On the court, Ajiujin showed his sprinting posture again.

The friction between racquet and the ground was more intense than before, sparks flew everywhere.

The audience was stunned.


Next second.

Ajiuzin leaped up, and the racquet in his hand burst into a hot light again.

The terrifying air wave swept the audience.

That tennis ball was like a meteorite.

Wherever he went, the air collapsed.

Even the net reacted violently.

The tennis tore the space, went straight through the net, and went straight to the opposite baseline to kill.



“I will definitely win for Yuzao Qian!”

Ajiujin’s eyes were bright, and he jumped up again.

The arm muscles exploded, and a steady stream of huge force poured into the center of the cross racquet.


The tennis ball shot out like a cannonball.

A white stripe suddenly appeared in the court that had been shining by the sun.

The strong shock wave even stopped the sunlight for a short time.

Super–sprint ball–!



Everyone stared blankly at the figure on the court, how violent the room was.

People can’t look directly at it at all.

All the school members who watched the game changed their faces when they saw this scene.

With such terrible power and speed, how fierce the ball is!

Looking at Japan’s national borders, almost no one can match it!

“Ajutsu, you”

Staring at the white-haired boy on the opposite side, Sanada Genichiro’s eyes were filled with shock.

“I will always win!”

“Until the day to catch up with the minister!”

With a loud roar, Ajiuzin threw a tennis ball again.

The tennis ball was flying in the air, and a cold light flashed through his eyes.

The vigorous body leaped up, his arms pressed hard.

“boom !”

…… Seeking flowers 0.

With a blast, the power of terror surged and poured into the tennis ball.

The tennis ball was as violent as a thunder and lightning, tearing the air in an instant.

The sonic boom is endless.

The tennis ball went straight through the net and rushed out of the baseline against Sanada’s cheek.



competition is over.

Tamamo won the semi-finals of the Kanto Contest with three full victories.

With only the last finals left, we will be able to win the championship in Kanto.


Seeing the last ball drop, Sanada Xianichiro seemed to lose his strength all over, and he fell to the ground.

This game exhausted all his energy.


“Deputy Minister!”

Rikkai University High School was elected hurriedly to the court, carrying Sanada Genichiro off the court with a worried look.

“Let’s go!’

Before taking a deep look at Tamamo, Yukimura sighed.

A crowd of Rikkai High School Zhengxuan carried Sanada Genichiro and left court 1.

The back is extremely lonely!

“Before Yuzao!’

“In front of the dark horse Yuzao!”

“Wan victorious before Yuzao!

Immediately afterwards, there was a frenzy on the scene.

Not only the cheerleading team in front of Tamamo, but also the support of the audience in front of Tamamo, screaming loudly, and cheers resounded throughout the tennis park.

Near court No. 2, Hyotei was still fighting with Rokkaku. Hearing this voice, everyone stopped their movements.

Atobe Keigo stared at Court No. 1 stubbornly. When he saw a group of young people wearing khaki coats walking out with their heads down, the whole person was stunned.

Still failed to stop Tamazou? Even Rikkai High School was defeated.

The live game has entered the third round, Hyotei won two rounds, and the next city is the Kanto Contest semi-final qualifying.

The final match is definitely before Hyotei vs. Tamamo.

The faces of all Hyotei players suddenly became extremely solemn.


“Your progress has surpassed everyone.

At this moment, in court No. 1, Senyu Shinji looked at Akutsu who had just left the court and exclaimed.

In fact, Ajutsu’s growth has exceeded his imagination.

“I will definitely catch up with you, Minister!”

With a torch-like gaze, Akutsu said firmly.

He knows that Senyu Shinji can’t stay in the national competition. In the future, U17 and the world are waiting for Senyu Shinji.

Therefore, Ajutsu also wants to go to the world. -.

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