Chapter 169 Hyotei smashed the halberd and fell into the abyss of defeat again

“Zero short ball!”

On Hyotei’s side, the coach Sakura Taro frowned slightly and his expression was extremely serious.

Like zero-type serve, this short ball is actually a chop with a special angle, and it is difficult for people who do not master the field to beat it back.

Therefore, Zero Form is listed as one of the most famous skills in professional football.

Unexpectedly, the former Deputy Minister Yuzao actually had such a talent.

“What?! Can you even return the ball like this?”

The faces of all Hyotei players were full of horror.

Although the opponent’s serve game was easily won by Tezuka before, as long as one’s own serve game is kept, there is still a chance of victory.

However, how can you ensure that your side’s serve game will not lose like this kind of unsolvable short ball?

Kunimitsu is so strong!

Atobe Keigo stared straight at the figure on the court with a pair of eyes. He had a special feeling that the monarch in front of him was definitely his rival.

On the field.

“Ah, this kind of exciting ball again, I’m coming again!!

Akutakawa Jirou chattered endlessly, his eyes filled with excitement.


With a loud explosion, he hit the ball again.

This ball is full of speed and strength, and the national level is at a glance.

It is a pity that he is facing Kunimitsu who is about to break through the national peak.

This kind of ball is far from enough.

call out!

The tennis ball fell from the air and slammed into the hand’s court with unprecedented swiftness.

The face does not change, the heart is not beating.

At the moment the ball bounces, lightly swipe it.


Next second.

The tennis ball fell directly on the baseline at the corner of the court and couldn’t fight back at all.

When you want.

Akutakawa Jirou’s expression of excitement was taken aback.


In just a few seconds, the two balls had been taken by Yuzaoqian. ,


Everyone present was shocked by Tezuka’s always plain attitude.

With the handle waved, everything is under control.

Remote control everything like the monarch of the world.

Immediately afterwards.

Hand Kunimitsu directly ended the round with a zero short ball.


Tamazou was far ahead.

Everyone saw that the difference in strength between the two players was not just a little bit, but the sky.

The player can easily return any of Akutakawa Jirou’s balls, but Akutakawa Jirou can do nothing about any ball that the player can hit back.

The power of the monarch is far from the audience!

Even the members of Hyotei were filled with despair.







competition is over.

The audience was silent.

All the spectators were dumbfounded at the figure slowly walking off the field.

It was the second time that the Hyotei Corps, which dominated Japan, suffered such a magnificent fiasco under Tamamomae.

Singles No. 1 was sealed by others.

“Hey! Atobe, do you want to compete with me.”

At this time, Senyu Shinji walked towards Hyotei and looked straight at Atobe Keigo.


Senyu Shinji’s words directly shocked everyone.

The players on both sides were all dumbfounded.

Just after the finals, the other minister will play against his own minister. Isn’t this a bit weird?

Hyotei coach Sakura Taro raised his head slightly and glanced at Senyu Shinji, as if he realized something.


In response to Senyu Shinji’s gaze, Atobe nodded seriously.

Although the game was a bit ugly, he was really unwilling to lose early before playing against Senyu Shinji.

After half an hour.

Inside an outdoor court of Shiki no Mori Tennis Park.

Both Hyotei and Yuzao were sitting in the audience at the same time, their eyes focused directly on the court.


Senyu Shinji and Atobe Keigo stared at each other in front of the net.

A silent coercion spread from the two of them, and it was a confrontation between the heirs of the four major consortia.

Even players such as Shoujia, Ajutsu, and Fuji who have reached the national elite level can’t let it go.

“My uncle will definitely win.”

Atobe looked straight at Senyu Shinji and said in a deep voice.


Senyu Shinji smiled slightly and said, “That’s what you said last time.”


Hearing this, Atobe Keigo couldn’t hold back his face, snorted coldly, turned his head and walked to the court on the other side.

Before the game started, the smell of gunpowder was already strong.

“Come on, Minister!”

“Atobe must win, Atobe must win!”

The Hyotei team members who are currently elected cheered loudly.

Although the official game has been lost, if the game is won, the evil spirits in their hearts will be all out.

Therefore, they all pin their hopes on Atobe Keigo.

Only sitting on the high platform and temporarily acting as the referee Sakura Taro looked Maki Furui.

…… Seeking flowers 0.

He could see more clearly than anyone that Tamamo’s former tennis minister did not purely want to play against Atobe.

It is more like encouragement and promotion to good friends.

It can be seen that from the heart, Senyu Shinji did not take Atobe’s strength in his eyes.

No wonder, after all, there are many national-level players in front of Tamamo that can match Atobe.

Even Shoujia, Akutsu, Fuji Syusuke, Atobe may not be able to win.

Not to mention the former tennis minister of Tamamo-Senyu Shinji?

“At the start of the game, Atobe will serve first.”

At this time, Sakura Taro looked at the two of them as they were ready and blew the whistle directly.




Standing in the baseline serve area, Atobe solemnly slapped the tennis ball on the ground, full of fighting spirit in his heart.


This time, he must not lose, he must win.

“Welcome to my uncle’s baptism!”

In an instant.

Atobe Keigo jumped up and slammed the ball.


Accompanied by the crisp sound of hitting, the tennis ball shot through the air like a feather arrow.

The speed is amazing.

Senyu Shinji’s eyes flashed with a gleam, and the speed was good, but it was not enough.

Step on!

next moment.

A figure quickly rushed out, swinging a racquet instantly after the tennis ball hits the ground and bounces.

The tennis strikes back again.


Seeing Senyu Shinji hitting his serve back so easily, Atobe Keigo curled his lips.

The dark blue eyes quickly passed a sharp color.


Atobe Keigo jumped to the ground and his body appeared directly in the air.

“Waltz towards the ruin.”

The tennis ball hit Senyu Shinji with unprecedented sharpness, aiming at his racquet part.

All high balls are natural scoring points for Atobe Keigo.

However, he would never think that this high ball was specially prepared for him by Senyu Shinji.

“Be careful”

Taking a deep look at Atobe, Senyu Shinji’s racquet slipped quietly.

Racquet faced the tennis ball.

“call out!”

He directly flew the tennis ball into the air.


Seeing this, Atobe’s pupils dilated instantly.

There is a sense of evil in his heart.

next moment.

Senyu Shinji’s figure volleyed from the air.

Like a real fairy, he is lonely and proud. one,

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