Chapter 189 The current situation in the middle of Japan

Walking along the road of Shitenhouji Junior High School, a large area of ​​magnificent buildings appeared at the end.

Senyu Shinji quietly overlooked the distance, and densely packed believers entered the Daxiong Hall one by one and offered incense.

Outside the main hall, two tall Vajra Warriors stand impressively.

Shitenhouji, who followed the traditions of ancient temples in Kansai, penetrated the peace and kindness into the tennis club, resulting in inestimable changes.

From Shitenhouji Junior High School, he saw the vitality different from any school-garden.

No wonder there has been a constant source of energy to cultivate excellent tennis players.


Shiraishi Kuranosuke next to him saw Senyu Shinji in a daze, and couldn’t help but call out softly.

He was a little puzzled. How could this Japanese legendary N01 seem a bit silly.


At this time, Senyu Shinji raised his head slightly and looked at Shiraishi Kuranosuke: “Shiraishi-kun, let’s play a game of tennis!”

This time I came to Shitenhouji, Senyu Shinji’s biggest purpose is to promote the development of the “Bible”.

Compared with Yukimura, Sanada, Atobe, Sengoku Kiyosumi, Tejia, Fuji, Akutsu and others in the Kanto region, Shiraishi Kuranosuke is only a beginner at the national level, which is really not enough.


Hear the words.

Shiraishi’s face suddenly changed, and he looked at Senyu Shinji in disbelief.

He didn’t expect the former Minister of Tennis Yuzao to take the initiative to find himself to play.

It stands to reason that Shitenhouji’s strongest is the two ministers. Isn’t he going to tie Shanzhi and Hara Tetsuya to the game?

“You won’t be scared anymore!”

Stretching, Senyu Shinji said nonchalantly.

“How can it be?!

Shiraishi Kuranosuke straightened up instantly and looked at each other with a serious face.

“Come on then!”

The voice just fell.

Senyu Shinji didn’t care about Shiraishi Kuranosuke, and took the racquet to an outdoor court.

As an excellent tennis player, it is impossible to leave his net racquet at any time and anywhere.

“this ”

Looking at the figure on the field, Shiraishi Kuranosuke was a little surprised, but trot back to the training area to get his racquet.

He now represents not himself alone, but the entire Shitenhouji Tennis Club.

Whether you win or lose, at least you must never back down.


“What? Shiraishi is going to play against Senyu Shinji?”

After hearing the news, the Shitenhouji Tennis Club, all of them showed shocked expressions.

Only coach Watanabe showed a smile on his face.

“Coach Watanabe, did you guess Senyu Shinji’s purpose early in the morning?”

Shitenhouji Tennis Minister Heyzenyuki stared straight at Watanabe Shu.

As soon as he entered the door, Watanabe Xiu arranged Shiraishi Kuranosuke to go and contact Senyu Shinji, which had to arouse some suspicion.

“Really? This is the coach’s arrangement?”

A crowd of Shitenhouji are choosing to look at Watanabe Xiu who can’t believe it.

With Senyu Shinji’s strength, dealing with Shiraishi Kuranosuke is almost a crushing round. They don’t understand why Watanabe Xiu still does this.

“The former deputy minister of Tamamo-Kunimitsu, the tyrant-Akutsu, and Fengshen-Fuji Syusuke are all in the national elite.”

“Minister Hyotei Atobe Keigo also broke through to the national elite after the war with Senyu Shinji.

“It is reported that Senyu Shinji had been to the Rikkai High School before, and the sons of God Yukimura and Shinichiro Sanada have reached the national level of elites.”

Watanabexiu didn’t explain anything, just plainly narrated one fact after another.

But these facts were more shocking than anything in Shitenhouji’s ears.

In the middle of Japan, in addition to Senyu Shinji, five countries have reached the national elite level in their lifetime.

You know, even Shitenhouji’s two ministers, junior high school students-Ping Shanzhi and Hara Tetsuya are only national elites.

Looking at the whole of Japan, only Makinofuji’s minister, the unbreakable iron man, can stabilize the two of them.

But now, the two nations who can match the peace and goodness have five in their lifetime.

This is incredible!

In fact.

Watanabe’s intelligence is still not accurate enough. Just before Senyu Shinji traveled, Kunimitsu and Akutsu had already broken through the national peak.

………For flowers 0-

Not only that, but all the former members of Yuzao’s selection have reached the national level.

It can be said that in Japan, there is no Gakuen stronger than Tamazou.

“Maybe you don’t know the strength of tennis players.”

“From low to high, they are: no entry, city and county level, regional level, national level, professional level, and world level.”

“In professional football, the national level is just a trivial starting point.”

Watanabe continued.

Hearing these words, all Shitenhouji’s first-selected players fell into silence.

Including the national elite level Ping Shanzhi and Yuan Tetsuya, because they just jumped out of the baseline.

Looking at the entire national border, the national level alone is enough to shock everyone, let alone the higher professional level.

“The Japan U17 training camp is the beginning of the conquest of the world.

“There, the strongest are only professional-level elites.”

“In other words, Senyu Shinji is strong enough to conquer the world.”

After taking a deep look at the crowd, Watanabe Xiu said in a deep voice, “Do you still think it is a mistake to let Shiraishi fight him?”

“Sorry, coach, we were wrong!”

A crowd of Shitenhouji players bowed their heads in shame.

The weight of a professional elite player is heavier than they thought.

To be able to get Senyu Shinji’s guidance, that is an opportunity that many people can’t hope for.

They actually regard this kind of good opportunity as a bad thing, which is simply stupid!

“If I guessed correctly.”

“After this battle, Shiraishi should be able to quickly stabilize the national level and reach the level of the national elite.”

There was a playful smile on Watanabe’s face.

“No way?”

The eyes of Shitenhouji Zhengxuan present were filled with disbelief.

Just like this, he went directly from entering the national level to being about to break through the national level.

No one can believe it!

Even for Ping Shanzhi and Yuan Tetsuya, it took two years for them to break through from a national-level ordinary to a national-level elite. one.

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