Chapter 205 Attacking player, deep breath development


Hearing this news, Saitō Itaru and Kurobe Yukio’s faces changed.

They were still speculating on the whereabouts of the three main players of the Korean U17 team, but they didn’t expect such a big news now.

Gaoli Bangzi is as shameless as ever.

Before the start of the war, a wave of fishing boats was set off. Even if it would cause the Japanese people to resent the Korean U17 team, the first target must be the Japan U17 training camp.

“ーOne professional-level elite player, two professional-level ordinary players.”

“It’s a bit difficult to stop them successfully!’

Saitō Itaru frowned and smiled bitterly.

All previous U17 training camps were eliminated in the shuffle.

Among those people, even national-level top players are extremely rare, let alone professional-level players.

The new first army team is recuperating and preparing to deal with the Korean U17 representative team who exchanged the “430” game the day after tomorrow.

If there are only two professional-level ordinary players, then they can still spare their hands.

But now, Kim Jong-wa, No. 2 of the Korea U17 representative team, has personally attacked Kansai.

Unless you send out Oni Jujiro and Byōdōin Hōō of the same level, you can’t restrain this guy’s arrogance at all.

“There is no need to send players for the time being.”

After meditation, Kurobe Yukio said coldly.

The exchange tournament is coming soon, Byōdōin Hōō has not yet returned, only one Onijujiro is left.

As the trump card of the entire JapanU17, Oni Jujiro must not have an accident in Kansai.

“this ”

Hear the words.

Saitō Itaru hesitated and stopped.

If we can win the Japan and South Korea Tour Exchange Tournament, these things will naturally have nothing to say.

However, once the exchange match is lost, the incident in Kansai will become the fuse.

Taking this opportunity, the Nets Association may be suppressed and exploited by other sports associations.

In recent years.

The number of Korean tennis fans in Asia has skyrocketed. The biggest reason is that their players are highly exposed.

Japan itself is not very good at this kind of hype, and many domestic media trends are somewhat biased.

At this time, the Kansai conflict became a very special joint.

If you lose, the meaning of this Japan-Korea Tour will become extremely terrifying.

Perhaps the abolition is not their head coaches, but the entire tennis U17 training camp.

“Why not just ask the opposing coach to recall the players?”

Tsuge Ryūji on the side suddenly spoke.

“No, you can’t do that.

Kurobe directly interrupted: “Doing this will only hit the tricks of those Koreans.”

“Park Guochang is an extremely insidious person and will never let go of any chance to hit his opponent.”

“We take the initiative to visit the door and even boost the arrogance of the Korean U17 team.”

The reorganized JapanU17 training camp has great hopes from everyone.

Whether it is Kurobe, Saito or Takuchi, what they see is not just a short tour of Japan and South Korea, but the farther World Cup in France.

Kansai, Osaka Street Net court.

As the match between Senyu Shinji and Kim Jong-wa became more heated, more and more spectators gathered at the venue.

As a new star in the middle of Japan, Senyu Shinji’s reputation is not inferior to that of Kim Jong-wa in Korea.



Kim Jong Ho was soaked in sweat.

The whole person became extremely irritable.

Dignified No. 2 of Goryeo was beaten like this by a middle school kid.

It’s just outrageous!

“Boy, you completely angered me.”

In an instant.

A stern look appeared on Kim Jong-wa’s face, and the racquet in his hand was slightly raised.

“Hua Lang cut–”

next moment.

A tennis ball passed by Kim Jong-he and rolled on the tennis for several weeks.

The friction between the tennis ball and the racquet caused a violent reaction.

A faint wisp of black smoke rising from the ball.

“Mother-in-law, what is that person doing?”

Outside the court, Kintarou Tooyama asked curiously.

“That guy is going to be bigger.

Granny Hua looked a little dignified and said: “With the friction of racquet, the destructive power of tennis can be increased.

“This is a terrible trick that only players who are good at attacking the human body can use.”


Hear the words.

Kintarou Tooyama exclaimed.

He has learned a lot about tennis from Granny Hua just now, and he is no stranger to this kind of game.

This is an extremely vicious trick, and a little carelessness will cause serious injuries to the opponent.

“Boy, die for me!”

With a roar, Kim Jong Ho swung out the racquet in his hand fiercely.

The tennis ball is wrapped in a deep black atmosphere, as sinister and deceitful as seven.

Wherever he went, the space was distorted.


Senyu Shinji’s mouth curled slightly.

Step on!

Under everyone’s gaze, he didn’t retreat but moved forward, directly facing the opponent’s skills.


There was a loud bang.

The tennis ball struck out like a yellow lightning.

Just like that, he smashed in front of Kim Jong-wa.


The ground shattered inch by inch, and cracks like spider webs appeared in front of everyone.

The tennis ball is less than one centimeter away from Kim Jong Ho.

The fierceness even made Kim Jong-he sluggish, unable to react for a long time.


“Senyu of the fairy!”

“Really invincible!”

The audience applauded and applauded.

Kintarou Tooyama jumped up happily.


The color of appreciation in Granny Hua’s eyes grew stronger.

have to say.

This young man is really amazing.

From strength to skills and temperament, he doesn’t seem to be a middle school student at all, but rather like a professional player who has been playing football for many years.

In time, it will become a great weapon.


at the same time.

Kim Jong-wa on the court also reacted, his whole body trembling with popularity.


The body burst out with a framed breath that was not seen in the previous 0.1.

“Deep breath!

Off the court.

Granny Hua’s face changed slightly.

All tennis players’ development of their own strength is undoubtedly the purpose of gathering the breath of the whole body to increase their strength.

Most professional players can condense the breath into substance.

However, it is really rare to expand the breath to the whole body like the Korean player in front of me.

“Yeah, the killer bronze is finally revealed?”

The police glanced at Kim Jong-wa who was wrapped in a ferocious aura, and Senyu Shinji disdainfully said.


next moment.

Senyu Shinji hit the ball directly.

That’s not a game, just an ordinary ball.

After all, people have already set up the stage, and this play should always be sung by others.

As for the performance of the opera, it is not something that Kim Jong-ho can decide. .

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