Chapter 207 The ultimate fiasco, Goryeo in a pool of blood no.2

Kim Jong-wa clearly felt the disdain and sarcasm in Senyu Shinji’s words, and his face became extremely gloomy.

His hands hidden in a pool of blood rubbed tightly.

He hated his incompetence.

If it were stronger, how could it end up where it is now.


With a torch-like gaze, Senyu Shinji gave a soft drink.

Keiji Fukuda walked in directly and respectfully said, “Master, what do you want?”

“Send someone to notify the Nets Association that there is a Goryeo bereavement dog here.”

The police glanced at Kim Jong-wa, and Senyu Shinji said to Keiji Fukuda indifferently.


Keiji Fukuda nodded and quickly called the Japan Nets Association.

No matter what, this guy is also a player sent by Korea to participate in the Japan and South Korea tour.

If you die in Osaka, the International Fishing Vessel will probably explode.

As for asking them to send this guy to the hospital, it’s even more impossible.

This group of Koreans overturned dozens of high schools and injured many people. As a Japanese player, who can feel good in their heart!


Hear the words.

On the side of Jin Jong and the bloody face, there was unprecedented anger.

But when he saw Keiji Fukuda’s costume, he saw a luxury car worth tens of millions and dozens of bodyguards guarding Senyu Shinji.


All the grievances in Kim Jong-ho’s heart disappeared.

Although this world is a world where tennis is king, for ordinary people, the deterrent power of the consortium is still very strong.

Unless you really have a firm position in the world of football, no one can ignore the power of the consortium.

“Wow! Senior is really amazing.

At this time, Kintarou Tooyama, who was next to him, rushed to Senyu Shinji excitedly and said loudly, “Senior, I want to learn tennis from you!”

The young Kintaro is extremely passionate about the strong.

“Only, !”

The mother-in-law Hua could not help coming over and knocking Kintarou Tooyama a thump.

She taught Kintaro tennis for half a month, but the little guy turned around and wanted to worship someone else as a master.

It’s just outrageous!

“Eh, mother-in-law, why are you hitting me?”

Kintarou Tooyama, who was suddenly awakened by the pain in his head, looked at Granny Hua with a dull expression.

But Granny Hua ignored him, instead she looked at Senyu Shinji directly: “Boy, do you know me?”


In response to Granny Hua’s gaze, Senyu Shinji nodded solemnly.

Regardless of his past and present, he is no stranger to the legend of Japan’s female doubles-Granny Hua (Granny Sugi).

On the contrary, he is full of respect for Granny Hua.

This old man, who has been fighting for Japan’s tennis career all his life, has cultivated a future star in Japan’s tennis industry until his death.

Kintarou Tooyama in the original book is no less inferior to the protagonist, Echizen Ryoma, under the cultivation of Granny Flower.

I have to say that this old man is great.

Without any hesitation, Senyu Shinji took out another long-cherished racquet from the bag.

It was a rustic wooden racquet full of history, with a lot of wear and tear on it.

Unlike ordinary wooden racquets, this racquet may have been impregnated with special oils. With the passage of years, instead of decayed, it has become more and more brand-new.

“This is ”

Staring at the racquet in front of her, Granny Hua’s face was not calm at all.

A look of excitement faintly appeared in the misty eyes.

The racquet in front of her is the racquet used by her biological sister, Granny Lan.

Back then, Granny Lan gave this racquet to a good friend who had been with her for many years after she quit professional tennis.

Unexpectedly, here today, she actually saw this racquet again.

“Mother-in-law, this was given to me by my father.

Senyu Shinji slowly said, “I’m here now, I really want to collect Gakuen before Kintaro enters Tamamo.”

“The tennis of Japan has been weak enough for a long time. Someone needs to re-lead and open a new era.


When Granny Hua heard this, a look of shock immediately appeared on her face.

He didn’t expect Senyu Shinji’s ambition to be so big.

For hundreds of years, no one has thought about leading Japan to its peak.

But neither they nor Echizen Nanjiro can only let their figure stand on the top of the world, not allowing Japan to rise.

This is precisely the biggest regret of all Japanese professional tennis players.

To this day, Japan is still regarded as an unspeakable place in the tennis world.

Even Japan’s professional players will be looked down upon when visiting foreign countries.

“You look like that old guy!”

After coming back to her senses, Granny Hua sneered and said: “Back then, he lied to my sister with such a vow.

“But in the end, let alone stand in the world, you can’t even win the national championship.

…”Forehead ”

Senyu Shinji was stunned, and then reacted.

Granny Hua should be talking about the daddy in Rokkaku.

Indeed, although Rokkaku has been very strong in recent years and is known as a regular visitor to the national competition, he has met a stronger team.

There were Makinofuji, Rikkai High School, Hyotei and Shitenhouji in the previous and last year, but they couldn’t make it to the semi-finals at all.

This time it was even worse. He didn’t even enter the national competition and was directly eliminated.

It seems that Dad had an unknown special story with Granny Lan and Granny Hua.

Even Kintarou Tooyama was a little dumbfounded. It was the first time he saw his mother-in-law show this expression.

“Mother-in-law, how can you agree to let Kintaro go with me?”

There are no more words, Senyu Shinji asked directly.

He has no interest in participating in the old things of some old people.

However, for Kintarou Tooyama, a talented player who can match the protagonist in the future, Senyu Shinji never intends to miss it.


(It’s good)

“Xiaojin is my chosen successor.”

Hearing this, Granny Hua cut off the follow-up.


Senyu Shinji also felt a headache.

Old people nowadays are too stubborn.

Even before joining Tamamo, can’t Kintarou Tooyama be the descendant of Granny Hua?


After a while.

Taking a look at the expressionless mother-in-law, Senyu Shinji turned his head to focus on Kintarou Tooyama.

“Xiaojin, do you think I’m good?”

“Senior is great!”

Kintarou Tooyama replied without thinking.

For a child, as long as he can defeat an enemy he cannot defeat, he is a strong one.

What’s more, Kintaro saw the Goryeo like a big demon being beaten by Senyu Shinji and was so terrible.

Just ask, how could he not regard Senyu Shinji as an idol. Joe,

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