Chapter 215 Still not rolling, waiting for me to invite you to dinner?

“Why? Watching the show here?”

At the moment when the high school students were stunned, a word broke their silence.

“Minister Kunou!”

All the high school students looked in the direction of the entrance of the court together and bowed slightly in greeting.

A gentle young man in a sky blue sportswear jacket walked in.

He is the deputy head of the tennis club of Gakuen Gakuen High School-Kunou Yakumo.


Kunou Yakumo entered the court and looked around, his pupils shrank instantly.

The figure in white clothes and black hair was really shocking.

Even the nine-fold Yakumo of the national elite level deeply felt the huge threat revealed by the young man.

Any national-level masters have begun to explore their own breath, and it is precisely because of this that their perception of the strong is extremely keen.


Senyu Shinji on the court watched the seven balls that were being killed on the face of “4-13”, without changing his face and heartbeat.

Quietly, racquet raised in his hands.


Everyone only heard a dull shot, but the seven yellow-green arcs directly cut across the center of the court and flew away.

The speed is unprecedented!


“How can this be?!”

The complexions of those junior high school students changed drastically, and they hit seven balls at the same time, it was incredible!

When they tried to slap back, everyone’s eyes showed horror.

A horrible force is passed from the tennis ball.

“Do not!!!”

For a time.

The middle school students all exclaimed.

The tennis pierced the racquet under everyone’s eyelids, and shot towards the bodies of the middle school students.


“it hurts!”


Continuous screams and howls resounded throughout the audience.

Seven middle school students were hit directly by the tennis ball to the ground. Everyone’s eyes widened and their faces were horrified.

Even their bodies are constantly trembling.

The high school students watching the play were all dumbfounded.

Kunou Yakumo’s expression changed drastically.

How could that kind of speed and strength be the ball played by a teenager?

Incorporating the extreme spinning speeding ball, the young man’s mastery of skills can be described as perfect.

Even Kunou Yakumo had to admit that he was inferior to that boy.

the most important is.

Everyone can clearly guess from Senyu Shinji’s appearance that his age is at most a national one or two student.

That is to say, the strength of a junior high school student can be equal to the ninefold Yakumo of high school, and even slightly surpassed.

This is simply terrible.

“Want to continue playing?”

Overlooking a group of junior high school students, Senyu Shinji spoke lightly.

“No, I don’t want to!”

The group of middle school students shook their heads quickly and refused.


With another ball, they probably won’t be able to go home.

This is not playing ball, this is killing your life!

“Well, don’t you get out of here?”

The police glanced at them, and Senyu Shinji continued.

The voice just fell.

The group of middle school students ran out frantically just like they had seen the devil, their backs panicked.

At this time, apart from the high school students, there were only Senyu Shinji and Kintarou Tooyama on the court.

You look at me on both sides, I look at you, with big eyes and small eyes, and no one speaks first.

If it is changed, the high school students will inevitably reprimand the boy and the child, and let them get out.

But after seeing Senyu Shinji’s great power, they became scared, afraid that they would also run away like a middle school student.

“Hikoyu Gakuen Senior High School Tennis Department Vice Minister-Kunou Yakumo!”

Not for a while.

As the leader of the high school students present, Kunou Ha Yakumo took the lead to greet Senyu Shinji.


Senyu Shinji smiled slightly and nodded.

Treating such a polite “lad”, his gentlemanship is never absent.

This guy ”

In response to Senyu Shinji’s gaze, Kunou Yakumo’s surprise grew stronger.

Only by closer contact with the black-haired and white-clothed teenager can we understand the special feeling of oppression.

That is the edge that belongs only to the strong.


“Don’t you want to learn something?”

“Watch it well.”

At this moment, Senyu Shinji suddenly looked at Kintarou Tooyama and said meaningfully.

“Uh! Hmm!

Although Kintarou Tooyama didn’t quite understand, he nodded his head seriously.

Upon seeing this, there was an unpleasant feeling in the heart of Ninefold Yakumo next to him.


next moment.

Senyu Shinji looked at him directly and asked with a smile, “Can Senpai fight me?”

“It’s just an exchange match, it won’t hurt harmony!”

“What the hell?”

Hearing that…

Kunou Yakumo looked sluggish, and still didn’t react.

To be honest, he really didn’t think about Senyu Shinji’s battle. In terms of strength, this boy was not weaker than him.

It’s okay to say if you win, you lose even your old face if you lose.

“Minister Kunou, don’t be afraid of him, come on!”

“Yes, give this kid a lesson.”

“It’s too arrogant.”

Before Kunou Yakumo could answer, several other high school students yelled with great interest.

“These bastards!”

Glancing at the high school students, Kunou Yakumo cursed secretly in his heart.

Now he had to bite the bullet and go for a fight, hoping that the result would not be too embarrassing.


Kunou Yakumo went directly to the court baseline.

Also walking to the court was Senyu Shinji with black hair and white clothes.

“Senior, come on!”

Kintarou Tooyama waved his small fist to encourage Senyu Shinji.

Other people couldn’t help laughing with this cute appearance.

Kagoshima City, Josai Station.

A tall young man with wanton red hair in fancy pants was watching carefully at the exit.

This person is Yoshiya Sada, another deputy head of the tennis club of Gakuen High School.

“Yeah! Christine.”

“It was you who came to pick me up.

At the exit, a young man with dark skin and snow-white hair walked out slowly, with a slightly lazy expression.

“Tanegashima, you fellow, please call me Kyouya-senpai.”


Tanegashima Shuji curled his lips and said indifferently: “It’s not good to play tennis so rigidly.”

“That guy Kunou Yakumo can stand you.

Hear the words.

Sada Kyou was also stunned, and then a touch of shame and anger appeared on his face.

Don’t tell me, Tanegashima Shuji’s words are on the point.

As early as the third period of the country, his strength has reached the national level.

But three years have passed, and he is now a senior high school student, and he is still only a national-level elite.

Had it not formed the doubles team with Kunou Yakumo, he might not even be ranked number three in the singles.

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