Chapter 237 Senyu, famous u17

In addition to them, there are other players one after another.

At a glance, there were almost 30 people.

U-17 has many coaches.

for example

The tactical coach, Yukio Kurobe.

Mental coach Saitō Itaru.

Mixed practice coach Tsuge Ryūji, and head coach III Mifūne Nyudō III.

There are very few opportunities to be guided by the head coach.

“You rubbish is not bad, better than your previous results!”

A burly man with a beard in a black robes was staring coldly at these U-17 players.

When the team heard it, there was joy on their faces.

Because it is not so simple to get praise from the upper reaches of the Taoist school.

“After a week of training, you still barely pass, and now you can roll!”

At 32 degrees, he looked at a group of players fiercely and waved impatiently.

“Get out, get out, get out now!”

“Have you gotten?”

The U-17 team members were relieved as soon as they heard these words.

Although this training was only a week, it also tortured them enough.

“What? You want to practice more, do you still want to stay here, let me hone you?

Three Mifūne Nyudō three, his eyes glared sharply, and he said loudly.


The U-17 team members were eager to leave and hurriedly turned and left.

They are for this kind of training.

I have experienced many times, so I am very familiar with the way down the mountain.

Soon more than 30 players have disappeared.

“It stands to reason, that kid should be coming soon, right?

Three Mifūne Nyudō recalled three times the day before yesterday, Kurobe Yukio, a junior high school boy he mentioned to him.

Just the age of junior high school is already famous in Japan and possesses professional-level abilities.

“I hope this time it is not a vain name!”

Three Mifūne Nyudō narrowed his eyes three times, then turned and left.


“Where is this? Seems to be lost?”

Senyu Shinji carried a tennis bag and walked in the forest.

However, Senyu Shinji felt embarrassed looking at the green forest.

It’s not advancing, nor retreating, although I know that Kurobe has provided a specific position.

But this training center was originally in the mountains and forests.

Even with a specific address, taxis are difficult to find.

So in the end it made a big circle.

Senyu Shinji can only get out of the car and find it by himself.

But, obviously.

He can’t find the direction now.

“But here seems to be traces of someone’s life…

Immediately afterwards, I looked up and saw a hut on the cliff on the edge of the forest.

After looking at the direction of the cabin.

Senyu Shinji can only say that he went as far as possible in the direction of the cabin.

Qiuting Hongye and Nakamura Inner and Outer Road, the two returned together together.

This is the back mountain of the U-17 training camp. He wants to return to the base, but there is still some distance.

“Go back and take a shower immediately, and then take a good night’s sleep!”

A gleam of excitement flashed in Nakamura’s eyes.

In the past few days, they can’t eat well and sleep well, and they have been training almost every night.

Moreover, San Mifūne Nyudō San uses various means to wake them up every night and make them suffer.

“Sa Sa~”

Soon there was a faintly moving sound from the grass, which stopped the two people’s footsteps.

“Is anyone?”

Nakamura was taken aback for a moment.

Because this sound is completely caused by certain animals walking and touching leaves.

“There are other animals, even people!”

Qiu Ting Hongye carefully squinted his eyes.

This one is in the forest, but here is the real forest.

Not only because of this animal, but there are also some other beasts in the forest, and they have even encountered it.



“Then just scare them away!”

A man who looked like a high school student didn’t take it seriously. Obviously, he had encountered such a thing before.

In between, he took out a tennis ball from his pocket and threw it fiercely.


The tennis ball was like a stream of light, bursting away in an instant, and rushing to the source of the sound.

But after the tennis ball disappeared in the jungle, the sound did not disappear. Instead, it rushed towards them at a faster speed.

“Is it a beast?”

This ball is far stronger than the one shot just now, and even more powerful than the previous one.

The speed is even faster!

The tennis ball was seen from the air, and it made a burst of air-breaking sound and shot directly to the place where the sound was made!

“Attack me?”


At the same time the tennis ball sank into the jungle again, and just after the loud sound came out, a raging wave of air followed.


I saw the jungle burst open suddenly.

The leaves fluttered and a tennis ball screamed like enthusiasm.

The air of this tennis ball directly split the air in half. The tennis ball hadn’t arrived yet, but the air wave made their hair and clothes fly.

“Is it a human?”

The pupils of the u-17 team’s eyes contracted.

Then there was a terrible roar.

Countless debris splashed around, for fear of hitting their ankles.

The pupils of the U-17 players contracted because the tennis ball hit the ground and directly smashed the ground out of a deep pit. The tennis ball was set in the deep hole.

“…” So tough!!

All the U-17 players shrank their eyes, and everyone’s faces were horrified.


“Attack me?”


There was a rustle, and Senyu Shinji emerged from the jungle and saw more than 30 people in front of him.

Senyu Shinji raised the racquet and pointed it at them.

Cliff of Heart.

People on both sides fell into a strange silence.

More than 30 U-17 teammates can only look at Senyu Shinji.

I don’t know who Senyu Shinji is.

Where did it come from?

“Are you Senyu?”

The autumn leaves stabilized ー I looked at Senyu Shinji carefully, and looked very familiar.

Then he was surprised.


“How will you be here?”

Qiu Ting Hong Ye was a little surprised.

Senyu Shinji’s name resounds throughout the country of neon like rainbows, which is not just for fun.

In particular, Senyu Shinji led the Tamamo Former Academy to defeat Rikkai Dai.

It also made Senyu Shinji’s fame to a new level.

Although he doesn’t know him, he knows who Senyu Shinji is!

Nakamura’s eyes lit up, and he looked at Senyu Shinji carefully.

“Senyu, the middle school student who is famous in Japan!”

Autumn Court Momiji explained a sentence.

“Middle school student?”

Nakamura was stunned, and Senyu Shinji was soon surprised.

“Are you the middle school student who claims to have a professional level?’

“Why are you here?”

The exclamation of Nakamura’s internal and external roads instantly attracted the attention of the masses, and more than 30 people looked at Senyu Shinji together.

“Just kidding, this is like a junior high school student with a professional level?

“It seems to be true, Japan’s national newspaper has recorded deeds about this guy, and his strength is terrifying!”

“Yeah, I have also seen it. Although I am a junior high school student, I have mastered a different-dimensional ball machine and original skills!

“No way, this is impossible!”.

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