Chapter 355 Six senses burst, black aura

“Is this an explosion of six senses?”

Yasuo Ito Haginosuke in the auditorium suddenly stared.

His face was also full of moving expressions.

What is the outbreak of the six senses?

People have six senses.

Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind!

In addition, there are the so-called mona consciousness and ignorance.

It can be said that the most common six senses are the main means for people to contact the outside world.

If you can control all these six senses.

So whether it is the control of one’s own body, or the feeling of the outside world.

Will rise sharply!

Ajiuzin’s six senses are quite powerful in themselves.

What broke out completely now is the so-called mind-consciousness!

It is also the beast intuition that Senyu Shinji often says!

Beyond the limits of human beings.

Horror as if it were a beast!

Sanada’s eyes suddenly shrank.

How similar this scene is.

At this moment, Ajiujin who was on the opposite side was covered with a black and red aura of “Forty-nine-Seven”.

It seemed to be in the form of a beast.

this moment.

court is like hell!

Sanada Genichiro clearly felt this time.

Ajujin’s feelings are even more terrifying!

It can be said that it has completely surpassed the state of the previous battle with him.

“I don’t want to watch you dance anymore!”

“Let you go to hell as soon as possible!

Ajiujin’s eyes were cold.

The tennis ball in his hand rose upright.

Then he exploded backwards.

Just when the tennis ball reached the highest empty position.

He also came to the baseline position.

As the tennis began to drop sharply.

Ajujin burst out with a burst.

And also directly waved the racquet.

Sprint the ball!


A loud noise immediately echoed throughout the stadium.

That tennis ball was also completely enveloped by the black and red aura.

The color of tyranny is all in it!

Where the tennis has gone.

The air is chaotic and tyrannical.

The light is distorted.

This tennis shot has surpassed the previous tennis shot by Yajiu Jinze several times!

“How can this be!?!!”

Sanada Genichiro was already completely frightened.

But his mind is like iron.

He didn’t completely fall into the power of the tennis ball.

The first is to directly open up his own strength in an all-round way.

Selfless State is fully open!

Not moving like a mountain, full open!

Suddenly, waves of terrifying power echoed around him.

As if at this moment an emperor bends down.

The air is full of majesty.

Hanguang flashed through Sanada’s eyes.

His feet are almost arched.

Rooted firmly on the earth.

Racquet is no longer single-handed shooting.

Hold your hands tightly.

There was determination in his eyes.

He can be defeated by others.


He doesn’t want to fall twice in the same place!


The flying tennis ball crashed on the racquet.

The surface of the racket sank quickly.

Sanada Genichiro’s face became more solemn.

The whole person roared in a low voice.

The breath of the whole body surged crazily.


History is always so similar!

The power of Ajutsu’s tennis shot was beyond his imagination!


Sanada Genichiro was in front of this vast force.

Backward one after another.


He almost came to the baseline position.

Sweat dripped frantically from his sideburns.

Even after a few seconds have passed.

The power on tennis seems to be inexhaustible.

It’s still impacting and rotating indefinitely.


There was an extremely sharp sound.

Sanada’s face changed drastically.

The pupils of both eyes suddenly contracted.

He couldn’t believe the scene before him.

I think of the time when I was playing against Akutsu.

Also like this.

But in the end he succeeded in fighting back.

But now he not only failed to fight back.

Even the racquet in his hand was completely penetrated by the hole.

He clenched racquet’s hands tightly and was already stained with blood at this time.

A strong sense of powerlessness immediately hit my heart.


“Why does he improve so fast?!!”

Sanada Genichiro was panting.

He looked at Ajutsu on the opposite side with a stunned look.

As if he is now the same as the racquet in his hand.

Wrong astonishment! Frightened!

“I said, it’s really ugly for you to dance!”

“Hell is more suitable for you!

Akuzu looked at Sanada Genichiro with contempt.

At this moment, Ajutsu seemed to have completely integrated into the entire environment.

If it wasn’t for him to speak.

Sanada Genichiro didn’t notice his existence for a while.

At this time in his eyes.

Ajutsu’s black and red breath has been completely replaced by a sense of hazy transparency

Jie Jing’s rebellious white hair is exceptionally crystal clear.

His eyes seemed to be a sea of ​​stars.

Deep and mysterious!


“How did this person change?”

“So handsome! So cool!”

After everyone in the audience saw the changes in Ajutsu.

Suddenly surprised.

The people of Rikkai also became more and more heavier.

As if for Ajiujin’s current changes.

It was the same as a sign of Sanada’s fiasco.

Last time I saw it.

They were astonished and shocked.

But now they understand.

At this moment, Ajutsu is more terrifying than the tyrannical tyrant!

Xincun Seiichi on the side became more serious.

The solemn breath seemed to completely freeze this side.

“Minister, Ajutsu used his mind.”

“It seems that this game should end sooner than expected!”

Kikumaru Eiji also sighed while watching the play.

As if I haven’t seen it yet.

“Ajiujin’s mind is more proficient, and it seems that he has made considerable progress.”

Senyu Shinji smiled and nodded.

Although for the fact that Akujin can use his mind.

The people in front of Tamamo were also envious and jealous.


Innate talent created Ajujin.

They also gradually stopped pursuing the realm of Ajitsu.

Above the stadium.

Ajutsu sneered.

Suddenly caused a burst of exclamation in the audience.

0.1 “Wow! That’s cool!

“Even a sneer is so handsome!”

“I feel I am in love!”

However, these Ajutsu are completely forgotten.

Now he raised the tennis ball in his hand again.

Then used a rather weird posture.

Flagrantly waved racquet.


After Shinichiro Sanada saw this scene.

The whole person was silent.

But the aura around him has been surrounding him all the time.

Getting bigger and bigger.

He gradually pointed the racquet in his hand into the air.

The black breath was madly surrounding.

It’s like a messenger from hell came to the world.

Black aura!

After Shinichiro Sanada was defeated by Seiichi Shinmura.

A stunt that I realized alone!

In order to face Zhan Yuzao in the National Middle-School Tennis Competition.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that he would use this trick so soon. .

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