Chapter 357 Open two doors in a row, Sanada’s unwillingness

Then Yajujin threw the tennis ball in the air directly.

The whole person suddenly jumped up like a tyrant.

The racquet in his hand waved brazenly.


This time the tennis ball seemed to be covered with a transparent film.

It fluctuates all the time.

Drive the air above the arena.

Suddenly, chaotic waves of air rushed into each other.

And tennis came to Sanada’s side almost instantly.

After Sanada Xianichiro heard the sound.

Suddenly his eyes became extremely cold.

His face was extremely blue.

Obviously, he felt unusually angry at Ajutsu’s disdain.

The black aura in the black aura rolled around him frantically.

Then the murderous air immediately overflowed the entire court.

Let everyone in the audience stagnate.

“You will regret this!”

The current Sanada Genichiro was completely angry.

Although he was defeated by Yajujin.

But the other party’s disdainful expression really despises him!

He is the emperor!

The emperor of tennis!

He wanted to let Ajiuzin understand.

Despising him now, I will definitely regret it!

Immediately stepped forward.

This moment not only seemed to surround him with more than black aura.

You can even see flashes of black thunder and lightning.

Then he moved on the field like lightning.

Leaves a trail of afterimages.

Appeared in tennis almost instantly.

It was followed by a terrible roar.

“Moving like thunder!”


Ajuzin’s tennis ball bombarded his racquet.

Thunder recklessly rose.

Constantly bombarding the tennis ball.

The black breath almost surging upwards desperately.

Under this crazy act of attenuating the power above the tennis ball.

The vast power of tennis is finally completely wiped out.

Afterwards, the tennis ball almost dented on the racket surface.

next moment.

Crashed out.

A black thunder flashed.

The tennis shot was so fast that it was jaw-dropping.

The tennis ball fell on the court on Ajutsu’s side.

Then it burst into shots at a right angle.

The terrifying power above has even left a cobweb-like deep hole in the ground.


Ajutsu still didn’t seem to take this shot of the tennis ball in his eyes.

“You are moving like thunder, but your voice is as loud as ever

“It’s just a thing for thunder and rain!”

After that.

He suddenly squatted down.

Both feet slammed on the ground.

Then he burst back like a creepy.

When he came to the baseline position.

The whole person stood up strangely.

Then he jumped up.

For Ajiuzin.

Whether it is speed or power.

Even the height of tennis.

He can rely on his body to reach an indescribable situation.

Ajutsu shot into the air with both hands to shoot.

Then he swung the racquet like a knife.

next moment.

Originally a tennis ball with endless thunder rushing.

It immediately hit the racquet.

Seeing this scene, Sanada Xianichiro suddenly became short of breath.

Moving like thunder can be said to be one of his stunts!

If this is broken by Yajujin.

Then he can only make a desperate move!


He still hoped that Yajuzin did not resist the ball.


The facts will not be what he wants!

Following Yajutsu’s roar.

The tennis ball was suddenly under the influence of great power.

Crashed out.

The thunder above is like a toy in the hands of a beast.

Turning his head and rushing to Sanada Genichiro’s side.


Under the extreme speed and vast power.

The tennis ball passed by Sanada Genichiro in an instant.

It was almost the next second.

A hole suddenly appeared in his arm.

Blood came out.

There was a violent roar behind him.


Ajujin won the next round again!

At this moment, Sanada Genichiro stared blankly at the wound on his arm.

Drops of blood slid down his arm onto the racquet.

He didn’t expect that his movement was like a thunderbolt.

Now he is so difficult even to get a point from Yajutsu.

Has he really improved?

Still, Yajujin has gone too far!

Do not!

He still has stunts!

He has other stunts that he has worked so hard in this period of time!

He doesn’t believe that the emperor of the past will become the defeat of the tyrant!

The referee on the side also blew the whistle directly.

In the third round, Sanada Genichiro served the round!

He is holding a tennis ball.

Looked at the racquet that was already covered with blood.

There was an unspeakable perseverance in his eyes.

Then the limit of Selfless State’s brilliance was completely opened.

Bursts of light mingled with this black breath.

Extraordinarily weird.

Then he began to raise the tennis ball in his hand.

The whole person began to move quickly in the field.

The tennis ball fell all the way down.

But Shinichiro Sanada never made a swing.

As if his figure was on the entire court at this moment.

next moment.

Just when the tennis ball came to a height of less than one meter from the ground.

He suddenly appeared in front of the tennis ball.

Then he waved racquet flagrantly.

Just when everyone thought it was like this.

The racquet in his hand also changed strangely into a strike.


It’s hard to know Ru Yin!

One of his stunts that everyone knows!

It was almost at this moment.

No one expected such a serve.

The entire tennis ball appeared in the air from time to time.

It’s like walking in the long river of time.

It’s hard to figure out.

Ajutsu laughed more wildly.

For the arrival of this hit tennis.

He didn’t even start acting right away.

This put a haze on the mind of the opposite Sanada Genichiro.

He began to calculate frantically.

What will Ajujin do next?

However, no matter how he calculated it.

It turned out to be clueless.

Every calculation is different!

At this time, Ajutsu’s (Lee’s) voice came.

“Have you forgotten Lao Tzu’s feelings?”

“Or forget that the nemesis of the limit of brilliance is Lao Tzu’s beast tennis?”

“Not only has the strength not improved, but the brain has also deteriorated?”

At this time, Ajiuzin suddenly appeared at the baseline position.

Then he dashed forward.

Just when he came to the midfield.

Brandishly waved racquet.


Sprint the ball!

The tennis ball that was flickering and flickering suddenly appeared on the racquet.

Under his violent power.

The tennis ball was almost squeezed into an oval shape.

Then he shot out in an instant.

The terrifying sonic boom almost echoed all over the arena.

The speed of the tennis shot was so fast that it was invisible to the naked eye.

Sanada’s breathing suddenly stagnated.

Ajutsu’s words seemed as if a long sword was pierced in his heart fiercely.

And this time.

Tennis is already coming!.

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