Chapter 361 After all, it was defeated, emperor!


Sanada Genichiro looked at the tennis ball that was already lying on the ground with a dull face.

The whole person’s face is still pale and weak.

Although he already understood that the strength between him and Ajutsu was quite different.

Although he already has the belief that he must lose.


Never expected to come so quickly.

For this game.

He trained hard and came out of a black aura.

For this game he showed all his strength.


In this way, it was a fiasco with no fight back.

The game is completely over.

Ajutsu still had an unruly look.

The racquet in his hand is directly on his shoulders.

It was as if a tyrant was looking down at Sanada Genichiro.

“Little emperor, you are still far away!”

Talk about it.

He walked straight to the bottom of the arena.

Sanada Genichiro pressed his dry lips.

He raised his head and looked at Ajutsu’s back.

I made a decision secretly in my heart.

He must defeat Ajujin!

If it doesn’t work once, then twice or three times!

With a look of dismay, he also walked towards Rikkai.

Everyone at Rikkai still wanted to talk.

Don’t know what to say at all.

Because the game ended too soon!

This game only took less than ten minutes!

This is the final of the National Middle-School Tennis Competition!


Looking at the expression of Sanada Genichiro.

All the words that ran to the mouth were swallowed abruptly.

At this time, Sanada Genichiro lowered his hat.

Then he said to Xincun Seiichi inaudibly.

“Sorry, Xincun”

No one can see his face now.

But it can be seen from his violently rising and falling chest.

He is not reconciled now!

There is more of a kind of helplessness.

Just before he went on the court, he vowed to everyone that he would win the first victory for Rikkai.

However, in the end, it was crushed by the incomplete body.

This kind of gap even if Sanada Xianichiro had already recognized it in his heart.

But it was still lingering in his mind.

“In front of Yuzao, he is really strong!

Seiichi’s eyes flickered.

His face became more and more serious.

I thought it was after hard training.

Sanada Genichiro can wash away the humiliation of the past.

I didn’t expect to find out at the end.

Ajujin’s strength has really improved too fast!


This is the first game.

The next four games.

Rikkai must win!


Even with such confidence.

On the contrary, the worry in Seiichi’s heart increased.


Even this is the case.

The people of Rikkai are still fearless!

“Because we are the king Rikkai!”

Xincun Seiichi’s calm and confident voice reached the ears of Rikkai people.

It seemed that the voice was filled with magic.

There were still some lost people.

After hearing his words.

Suddenly, his whole body was shocked.

Then there was a confident look on his face again.


They are big Rikkai!

No one is afraid of Rikkai!

What about losing in the hands of Tamamo?

The fiasco of the past.

Today they will use their own strength to wash them thoroughly!

“Nioh, Liu Sheng, we must win this game!’

Xincun Seiichi turned his gaze back from Tamamo’s front.

Then he looked at Niou Masaharu and Yagyu Rebis.

If this game wins.

Then Rikkai is very likely to win!

If this game is lost.

Rikkai will definitely lose!

Seiichi Yukimura’s tone was extraordinarily solemn.

“Leave it to us!”

Both Niou Masaharu answered with a serious expression.

On the other hand, Yuzaoqian is here.

Ishida Tetsu and Kawamura Takashi also got up and got ready to play.

“Don’t even beat the defeated opponent!”

Senyu Shinji sat on the seat.

He spoke with a faint smile on his face.

Ishida Tetsu and Kawamura Takashi looked at each other.

Then he nodded heavily to Senyu Shinji.

“It’s really Kawamura Takashi and Ishida iron!”

Seiichi Yukimura flashed with a clear look on her face.

He now confirmed a fact.

That is, Senyu Shinji has not changed the lineup at all!

It’s still the same as before.

“Who do you think will win this game?”

In the auditorium.

Atobe Keigo said with a look of interest.


Oshitari Yuushi, who was sitting aside, shook his head.

For Rikkai’s Niou Masaharu and Yanagyu Lubis.

It is definitely a very powerful existence.

It can be said to have won repeatedly.


They were also defeated in the hands of Yuzao.


Some time has passed now.

Both sides are growing and improving.

It is impossible to determine who will win and who will win.

“Ishida Tetsu and Kawamura Takashi in front of Tamamomo will win!”

at this time.

Shiraishi Kuranosuke spoke.

Not long ago.

They can experience the horror of this golden combination in front of a handful of Yuzao!

“Ishida Tetsu and Kawamura Takashi are not only very close, but they also have quite strong power.

“Rikkai, no one can hit back their tennis head-on successfully!”

“In this game, Rikkai will lose!”

Hara Tetsu also opened the limits of the talents on the side, and began to calculate and predict this game.

“Ishida Iron can successfully fight back against Yopei’s Okinawa explosion!

“The two guys from Rikkai are basically like a man’s arm as a car!”

Kite Shin Haginosuke’s eyes flashed.

Thinking back to the previous battles with rich diamonds.

Ishida Tetsu has personally defeated Yohei Sakamoto 500.

Even the power is completely crushed!

“No one is optimistic about Rikkai!”

“It’s so pathetic!”

Atobe Keigo looked gloating.

I couldn’t help but joked about Rikkai’s big crowd.

Rikkai was defeated by Tamamo’s former men.

It can be said that everyone knows.

As far as the strength of Tamazou Front that everyone has come into contact with.

Rikkai can never win!

“National Middle-School Tennis Competition Finals!”

“Tamazo Former Academy vs. Rikkai University!”

“Doubles two games!”

“Please be in place for both players!”

“Tamazao Front Serve Bureau!”

Just amidst the discussion.

The referee on the arena also directly blew the whistle of the game.

“Two people, don’t come here without problems!”

Ishida Iron just after the referee blew the whistle.

Said a low voice.

A fierce breath burst out of him suddenly.

Standing on the arena like a wild beast.

Like a god of power.

Looking down at Niou Masaharu and Yagyu Rebis on the opposite side.

The momentum on his body is like a flood that hits the two of them.

The tennis ball in his hand was also thrown directly into the air.

Ishida has serious eyes.

Then he jumped up.

The whole person is like a volley.

this moment.

His strong arm has already swung down brazenly!

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