Chapter 380 Relive the memories of the fiasco before

For Jackal Kuwanabara.

Marui Bunta knows quite well.

Qi itself possesses quite impressive power.

But just like this Jackal Kuwanabara.

Unexpectedly, the tennis strike was not successful.

This tennis shot at Marui Bunta is just a fairly ordinary spin!

“The opponent’s tennis ball has the spinning power far better than before!’

Jackal Sang Yuan returned with a deep voice.

Then the whole person’s expression became extremely solemn.

Because he had a deep understanding of this terrifying rotating power just now!


Oishi Syuichirou said calmly.

Although he scored three goals in one go.

But it seems to him that this is not enough to show off.

“I come!”

Marui Bunta said unwillingly.

Then he waved racquet abruptly.


In the Oishi realm of Oishi Syuichirou.

Marui Bunta’s tennis is the same as there is no secret in “May 13”.

The counterattack succeeded in an instant.

This time it was another super spin!

The opposite Marui Bunta wanted to fight back.

However, only now did he really understand what the Jackal Sanghara said just now.

The horrible rotation force shocked him.

The power on his racquet was completely eliminated.

Even if it is a tough fight back to go out to tennis.

But the tennis ball still hit the surface of the net rather weakly.


Oishi Syuichirou won the next round again!

“It seems that this game will end early.”

Yuan Tetsu’s eyes flickered.

Oishi Syuichirou on the court not only has a strong ability to control tennis.

There is also the Oishi field.

Plus Kikumaru Eiji’s high-speed ball.

Now no matter who is serving bureau.

The final result is the score from the front of Yuzao!

It can be said.

Now Oishi Syuichirou and Kikumaru Eiji completely restrain Rikkai’s Marui Bunta and Jackal Kuwanabara.

They have no chance of winning at all!


Under the voice of Yuan Tetsuya.

The score of the two sides opened quickly.







When the final hit of the tennis ball hit the ground.

This doubles game is completely over!

Tamazomae won again!

Now there is only one game left for five consecutive victories.

And the last match was Senyu Shinji vs. Seiichi Yukimura!

“It’s finally starting!

“Tamazao confronts Rikkai, the final match between the king and the champion!”

“Senyu of the Fairy, duel with the Son of God!”

“This is a rare matchup in this National Middle-School Tennis Competition!”

Everyone in the auditorium looked expectant.

They started to talk about each other.

Eyes are also cast on Senyu Shinji and Seiichi Yukimura from time to time.

Although the two sides played against each other a long time ago.

But on the one hand, neither of them has fully grown up yet.

On the other hand, it was not as many people watched it as it is now.

This makes such a highly anticipated situation happen.

Compared to Senyu Shinji.

Seiichi Yukimura is also a legendary player.

Almost alone took on the responsibility of Rikkai’s training coach.

He has been leading Rikkai all the way to victory.

Of course, this is a record that neglected the previous game against Tamamo.

Even his own strength is quite powerful.

Rumor has it that he was defeated by Senyu Shinji.

Never lost in the hands of anyone.

Therefore, he was dubbed the name of the Son of God.

As for Senyu Shinji.

As the existence that defeated Seiichi Yukimura.

He looks even more terrifying!

No matter what the game.

As long as it was the game he played.

Not to mention losing a game.

Not even a point was lost.

He directly led the team in front of Yuzao to pass five levels and cut six generals.

Go directly to the final of the National Middle-School Tennis Competition.

Almost completely famous throughout the country.

Even professional players recognize their strength.

I was amazed by everyone and called it the first person in the country!

It is precisely because of such strength and achievements.

Known as Senyu by everyone!

In the tennis world.

It’s like a peerless existence!

One is a former defeated opponent.

One is a peerless existence that has never been defeated.

Even if you just listen to the titles, you can know who is strong and who is weak.


Even the outside world’s evaluation of the two.

Also Senyu Shinji is far better than Seiichi Yukimura!

“National Middle-School Tennis Competition Finals!”

“The last singles game!”

“Tamazo Former Academy vs. Rikkai University!”

“Senyu Shinji and Seiichi Yukimura, please prepare to enter!”

Following the sound of the broadcast in the stadium.

Immediately attracted everyone’s attention

“It’s my turn.”

Senyu Shinji said with a calm smile on his face.

Then he got up from his seat.

Gently wave the racquet in his hand.

Then walked towards the top of the arena.

And Rikkai is here.

Seiichi Yukimura’s eyes were full of warfare.

Still wearing a coat as usual.

He wanted to prove it.

Senyu Shinji now has no qualifications to let him take off his jacket.

To this.

Senyu Shinji just had a chuckle on his face.

It seemed as though he didn’t put him in the eyes at all.

As the two came to the front of the net.

The four eyes are facing each other.

“I missed it last time!”

Seiichi Yukimura squinted her eyes.

Said with a calm face.


Senyu Shinji also responded with a chuckle.

Then added one sentence.

“It seems that you, the son of God, are still thinking about the taste of failure!

“It seems that I have to let you revisit this scene!”

He said with a slightly abusive look in his eyes.

After these words reached Seiichi Yukimura’s ears.

His face also turned a little bit green.

Before after all.

He was really miserably defeated in Senyu Shinji’s hands!

Even now, each other’s strength has soared.

Both parties have their own titles.


No matter where you look at it.

He was crushed under the name of Senyu Shinji!

“Today you will experience this kind of feeling as well!”

“Also, your name will change accordingly!”

Seiichi Yukimura recovered almost instantly.

He is quite confident of his own strength now!

In his mind, he completely believed that Senyu Shinji was no longer his opponent.

This self-confidence comes from a surge in strength during this period of time.

And no one loses!

“One ball!”

Senyu Shinji said casually.

The slightly abrupt answer made Seiichi Yukimura’s face stunned.


Obviously he did not understand what Senyu Shinji meant.

“I mean, as long as you can get a point from me.”

“Then normal game even if I lose!”

Senyu Shinji gave a chuckle at Seiichi Yukimura.

Then walked towards the serve bureau.

On the other hand, Seiichi Yukimura’s face turned black.

Because this feeling of contempt is so similar to the last time!,

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